OF: 041107 |
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Image Comics
MSRP: $2.99,
Alternate Reality Price: $1.69 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
series has always done the layered story very well."
After a lackluster issue seven, admittedly so by Warren
Ellis, Fell gets back on track as we follow the good detective during
one of his nightly patrols. Anyone accustomed to the series already know
that Snowtown is a messed up place that always feels like there is a
full moon out. Well what happens when the moon is actually full, issue
eight is the answer. The story is told in the form of notes that
Detective Fell takes during his night and photographs taken at the
various crime scenes. It starts with a murder in front of his friend
Mayko’s bar and runs the gamut of arson, snake attacks and pimp bashings
and ends up back in front of the bar. This book gets away from the
normal style of the series having nine panels per page and goes with
only three long panels per page until the actions change from
photographs to live action at the end. The series has always done the
layered story very well. There is the big story of why Fell is even in
Snowtown, that I’m dying to know more about, and then the story that is
encompassed in the single issue. I’ve always felt like this series was
doing about everything a comic book series could do correctly. It tells
a great story, throws in some subtle humor, has the perfectly fitting
art style of Ben Templesmith and only cost two bucks. Only if the books
could come out on schedule!! If you are not familiar with this series,
and are age appropriate, check out the trade paperback coming out soon
that collects the first eight stories. Warren Ellis always has
interesting commentary and insight at the end of every issue and the TPB
should be no exception. |
a RENAISSANCE PRESS ongoing series
Comic Review by: Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Release Date:
041107 |
Ok. Plain and simple.
Jimmy Gownley’s Amelia Rules is not only one of the
finest children’s comics of all time. Not only is it
one of the finest comics of all time. It is one of the
best examples of children’s literature I have ever
read. Gownley joins the ranks of Charles Schultz, Hank
Ketcham, Hayao Miyazaki and J.K. Rowling in the
ability to tap into the inner child that can be
related to by any generation. Amelia is a rare thing
in comics today. The kids in the book may be
precocious but in a very realistic way. The stories
are funny and touching without ever overdoing both
qualities. The book centers on Amelia, a believable
girl whose determination is inspiring. You will
immediately recognize your own childhood in hers.
Everything from the rigors of a game of freeze tag to
the heartbreak and pain of parental divorce is
explored here. These characters will take up permanent
residence in your heart and you’ll find yourself
immediately addicted. Gownley’s art talent is
considerable. The art actually advances the story and
enhances the mood. That’s enough yapping from me. Just
buy this book. Open it and let it work its magic on
you. Funny, smart, poignant and true: Amelia Rules is
not just highly recommended but absolutely essential. |
MSRP: $4.95,
Alternate Reality Price: $4.20 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!)
If you're in Grade School are you a Good Grades Club
member? If not join today and get in-store discounts on all
your purchases foe each of the "A's" & "B's" on your report
card! |
-The Amazing Spider-Girl #7
Not a badly written issue with the ramifications of Spider-Girl’s reveal of her
identity to her parents make for some interesting reading. Pair that with
LadyHawk looking for some revenge on the Hobgoblin for paralyzing her sister it
makes for a good read. However, if you ever wanted an example of a male writer
having troubles getting into the mind of their female character, there is some
good evidence here.
-Ghost Rider #10
Jack O’Lantern makes an appearance in a small Illinois town where the Sheriff
Harry is not amused by him, Ghost Rider or anything else for that matter. Jack
O’Lantern raises an army of zombies to attack the town while Ghost Rider and
Harry attempt to outwit him. I really enjoyed this issue, specifically when the
zombies can’t figure out to walk around a wall and Jack O’Lantern is verbally
upset with his decomposing army.
-New X-Men #37
The kids are around the fireplace telling stories and things are going well
until Blindfold starts her story. Blindfold being a precog, the kids can’t tell
if the story is something happening now or if it is just a story. Turns out she
is having a vision that shows the children in danger. Some really cool full page
frames illustrating Blindfold’s tale highlight the story.
-Wolverine Origins #13
A step in the right direction for the series that has Wolverine’s soon confront
and attack his father while Wolvie tries to steel some c-synth from a bank
vault. A couple interesting things happen in this story, one either Wolverine
can’t detect the scent of his son or he doesn’t have one and two we get a name,
Daken. The battle was good and I hope that this series continues on the up
-Uncanny X-Men #485
Poorly written adventure that showcases the Shi’ar Empire crumbling after a
wedding and a battle between siblings. Very trite from beginning to end and this
story should be reserved for the Marvel historians because there are so many
minor characters it’s hard to care for them. |
-Dynamo 5 #2
This series keeps getting better. The five try to take down Whiptail, think The
Lizard, a former enemy of their father. The catch is the old Whiptail is in a
nursing home with Alzheimer’s. They stake out new suspects in pairs and the team
is starting to from bonds with each other and against Mrs. Warner, the team
director if you will. Pick this one up, you’ll be happy you did.
-Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #1
A story of war a true myths that was quite captivating for a first issue. This
issue tells the story of two warring countries and the Death Dealer that entered
the battles and killed everyone, never picking a side. The Death Dealer is
thought of to be a myth until the war heats back up and he makes his way back
into the public eye. The book looks a lot like Pathfinder and fans of that book
and movie should check this one out.
-The Nightly News #5
I would not classify this as a comic book. The beginning and the end of the
issue attempt to be one but the whole middle is Michael Moore-esque preachy
drivel about the evils of the media. Jonathan Hickman, creator, writer, artist,
needs to get over himself. Sorry, I’ll move on.
-Madman #1
Don’t read this book. It goes through this long history of the main character,
that makes little sense, than says that none of it really happened. What for
issue two where something might actually happen. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel & Image (DC no longer sends them out). It's not
everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of
this weeks releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |
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