OF: 050907 |
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Ryan Ottley
Image Comics
MSRP: $2.99,
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
issue really was a microcosm of the world elegantly
crafted by Robert Kirkman, one of my personal
The issue starts out with a bang with the team fighting
off the Sequid hoards (small squid like creatures with protruding brains
that possess bodies) and the one armed Rex Splode being shot in the
head. This issue really pushed the character of Invincible. We see him
taking over a couple of really tight situations including taking down a
space ship single handedly and delivering a device to take down the
Sequids. Invincible’s alter ego Mark has a hard time in this issue as
well. He sees his girlfriend Amber in her room talking with another guy
and he decides to break it off with her and pursue his superhero
teammate Eve. When Mark confronts Amber about what is going on they have
an exchange that feels very real and something that most people can
identify with even though Mark is talking about being away saving the
planet and not having enough time for Amber. The Invincible series has
always kept a really good balance between the characters, what they are
doing in and out of the uniform and showing real world emotions and
problems in otherworldly circumstances and this issue really was a
microcosm of the world elegantly crafted by Robert Kirkman, one of my
personal favorites. Throw in Dupli-Kate’s funeral and the always stellar
art of Ryan Ottley, you’ve got yourself a solid book from beginning to
end. Ottley has a couple of outstanding pages in this one including a
splash page of the Sequids demise and Invincible with the exploding
space craft behind him. This book is slowly creeping up on my favorites
list and if you haven’t been keeping up to speed on the series, issue 42
will have a complete recap of the series along with a cheapo $2 price
tag. Check it out. |
a DC Comics mini series
Comic Review by: Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Release Date:
050207 |
For the most part, the
previous two installments of this four-part series
included the perfect blend of whimsical superhero
fare, heartwarming emotion and tongue-in-cheek satire,
but this issue spends so much time taking overt (and
hardly original) pot-shots at the current political
climate, it hardly finds time to have any fun. Smith
has somewhat deflated his all-ages take on Captain
Marvel of all its charm, a feat I would have thought
impossible after reading the previous two wonderful
installments. Someone may want to tell Mr. Smith to
tone down his political beliefs in comic books about
ten-year old superheroes, talking tigers, evil
alligators, and giant robots. I seriously question
writer/artist Jeff Smith's decision to include so much
straightforward political satire in this issue. This
isn't because I have anything against political
commentary in superhero comics, but Smith's thinly
veiled criticism of current real world politics and
media mixes with his light-hearted and energetic take
on Captain Marvel about as well as oil mixes with
water. It’s a shame because the first two parts
demonstrated flawless story-telling. This issue seems
like it came from another series entirely. I can only
hope that Smith pulls it all together with the finale.
Somewhat recommended. |
MSRP: $5.99, Alternate Reality Price: $5.09 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!)
If you're in Grade School are you a Good Grades Club
member? If not join today and get in-store discounts on all
your purchases foe each of the "A's" & "B's" on your report
card! |
Comic Reviews by:
Mike Kurnat
Battle Pope #14
Kind of a disappointing issue with very little happening in this usually action
packed and comedy filled series. The main plot point is God proposing to Marry
and the wedding follows right away. The high point of the issue has Jesus being
the flower boy and God standing on the altar, looking confused, proclaiming,
“I’ll never be able to retire.” As always with this book, if you are sensitive
to religious humor steer clear, but if you want a pretty descent laugh pick it
Noble Causes #29
The Nobles and Blackthornes finally have it out in this issue after the death of
Kitty Blackthorne at the hands of Celeste . With two cross family relationships
the funeral of Kitty explodes when not only is Zephyr present at the funeral in
disguise but when Celeste walks up to pay her respects, the Blackthornes don’t
appreciate their mothers killer being there. A descent enough issue that ends
with the Nobles trying to right the situation in an unorthodox way.
Phonogram #6
Thank goodness this is finally over. I won’t rant on this issue like I did on
the last one I reviewed but this has all the same faults and smug music
references and commentary as the other issues. If you’ve ever been in any kind
of store, like AR for example, and heard someone ramble on about ancient pieces
of media or print and proclaiming them better than anything that has been put
out in the past decade, this is the novelization of that person’s yapping. Wow,
that turned into a rant. Pass, pass, pass unless you are that rambling person
wanting to read your biography.
PVP #32
This was my first journey into the world of PVP and I came away more than
satisfied with its nerd humor and lovable characters. After a few pages of
Sunday funny style strips the story starts off with Skull the troll getting a
surprise visit from his baby cousin. It turns out that the baby is doing a
Little Man impression and is really a cigar smoking borderline alcoholic. Comedy
Strong Arm #3
All three issues have been far too similar for my liking and the story is only
advancing in small snippets. The story starts with a rally of people trying to
overthrow the government but gets right back with Rob trying to save Lindsey
from her jerk boyfriend in the past and then is followed by Rob having the urge
to kill her in the present. This book isn’t going anywhere and it’s starting to
be frustrating. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel & Image (DC no longer sends them out). It's not
everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of
this weeks releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |
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