COUNTDOWN #51 & 50
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Writers: Story outline by Paul Dini. 51 written by
Paul Dini; 50 written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen. 51 art by Jesus Saiz, 50
art by Jim Calafiore
DC Comics
MSRP: $2.99 each
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
again DC is looking deeper than the main
characters-namely the rouges gallery."
The first issues of the new weekly already are stoking
the fires for something special. Once again DC is looking deeper than
the main characters, although they are in these stories, to lesser known
characters namely the rouges gallery. The first two issues show a team
of D list villains calling themselves the Rogues having a little get
together. The Trickster and The Pied Piper are considered outsiders for
their recent work with The Flash and are asked to show a sign of
loyalty. Elsewhere, we see what seems to be the main story start to
unfurl. Duela, the Joker’s daughter, tries to kidnap a pop singer and is
stopped by The Red Hood. The parallel of Joker’s daughter and Batman’s
protégé fighting isn’t lost on Duela. After a little fighting and
chasing, Duela is shot down and killed by someone new, an unnamed
Monitor. This rogue monitor (after all killing isn’t exactly
“monitoring”), proclaims himself to The Red Hood as the protector of the
Multiverse and he must purge all in congruency. After The Red Hood gets
knocked out another man pops out and looks like a twin of the rogue
monitor. The existence of a race of Monitors was one of the reveals in
last year’s “52”. The second issue has Jimmy Olsen looking for the scoop
on the death of Duela. He finds The Red Hood beating up on a pile of
ninjas (isn’t it about time for a Red Hood monthly?) and The Red Hood
gives him all the information he knows, along with the advice to talk to
the Joker. The conversation between Joker and Olsen highlights the issue
with the Clown Prince seemingly having the correct answers that Olsen
just won’t accept because the Joker is too crazy. Joker proclaims he has
no daughter and he screams its doppelgangers gone wild, which would make
sense of the multiple Monitors. A couple more things are: the appearance
of the powerless Mary Marvel looking for answers, the confrontation
between Batman, Black Lightning and The Karate Kid the recent JLA
storyline, and Jimmy is apparently in big trouble at the end of the
story. So far it looks like a very good start for the new weekly. |
Death Dealer #2 of 6
I still like this book up to this point but the issue felt like in introduction
to the present time in the story as opposed to the first issue giving the
history of the Death Dealer world. It’s still good, but I really hope business
picks up when #3 rolls around. There was tension building, some good action and
character building nonetheless.
O.C.T. Occult Crimes Taskforce #4 of 4
The art style in this book detoured the story and hurt the experience. The story
had flashed where it was almost capturing my attention, but then I felt like
there was a jump or a beat was missed. The still pictures just didn’t grab the
action or emotion that a traditionally drawn book would have shown. I still feel
confused about the whole thing thinking back while I review it. I didn’t
necessarily dislike it, but I know that I didn’t love it. I’m going to say pass
on this one.
Sidekick #5 of 5
A really funny and clever story highlights this book about a despondent sidekick
to four different superheroes all of which are morons. The book pokes fun at
superhero teams, the way sidekicks are treated and the glorification of
villains. After a moment of weakness where Eddie joins the evil Dr. Scurrilous
as Nefarious Boy, he comes around in the end to not save his former superiors
but do not let them destroyed. Something for the older comic fan, but the satire
alone of the superhero role call at the Council of American Super Heroes a.k.a.
C.A.S.H. is worth the price of admission. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel & Image (DC no longer sends them out). It's not
everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of
this weeks releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |