OF: 062007 |
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Writers: Story outline by Paul Dini. 48 written by
Adam Beechen; 47 written by Sean McKeever; 46 written by
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray.
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen. 48 art by David Lopez, 47
art by Al Barrionuevo; 46 art by Jesus Saiz.
DC Comics
MSRP: $2.99 each
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
far so good for Countdown."
Issue #48 was the worst issue to date and of the three
listed here. It spent more time reiterating ideas that have already been
pretty well established and added very little in the way of anything
exciting or relevant. Pick up this issue and look at the last page.
There is the entire importance of the issue, “What does it mean for the
universe…when a GOD DIES.” There you go, save yourself the $2.99. Now
issue #47 is another story. We get to see another facet to the story
with Holly Robinson a.k.a. the new Catwoman. It is said that she will be
playing a major role in the story line, but very little is seen as of
yet. The Rouges also make an appearance where we get to see Piper and
Trickster have a pretty good heart to heart on a hotel balcony while the
others party on inside. It adds depth and fleshes out these two
characters more satisfyingly. The other major occurrence in this issue
is the trade-off between Mary Marvel and the Black Adam finally comes to
a head where Black Adam actually passes his enormous amount of power to
Mary Marvel. She now has her powers back and than some. There should be
some interesting altercations between her and her family members and the
Monitors when they finally catch up with her. At the very end of the
issue we are teased with the Amazons attacking the nation’s capitol and
that continues onto #46. This installment finally marks the point I’m
getting sick of Jimmy Olsen’s part of the story. I’m with the Joker on
this one, “Jimmy Olsen must die.” He gets a tip and finds out the Sleez,
former servant to Darkseid, starts to give Olsen a tip before “He” comes
and starts tearing the building down. We don’t know who he is but Holly
Robinson helps save an old bum outside of Sleez’s building. I need
something concrete from his part of the story soon because the Mary
Marvel and Monitors sections are starting to overshadow him in a big
way. Speaking of Mary Marvel again, she gets to try out her newly
acquired strength against the summoned demon, Pharyngula, who is
comprised of stillborn babies. Yeah, you read that right. It’s as gross
as it sounds, but intriguing nonetheless. After she disposes of the vile
creature, we finally get to see Captain Cold call the meeting after
Piper and Mirror Master duke it out and yet another conversation with
Donna Troy and The Red Hood. The conversation is broken up however with
a new character Forerunner putting a beat down on Jason Todd. The Amazon
attack was not but a mention in this issue after being the big tease in
#47 but I’m sure that business will pick up soon. This almost month long
string of issues had its fair share of highs and lows but I’m still
clued as long as they keep to the path and don’t overflow the books with
as many things as 52 did. So far so good for Countdown. |
a Slave Labor ongoing series
Comic Review by: Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Release Date:
062007 |
wonderful little comic, concerning the aftermath of
the attack of the Alice Monsters on the great Queen of
Hearts and all of Wonderland, is from Slave Labor's
new line of Disney comics. Sonny Liew's gorgeous
pencils are over-laid with delicate watercolor.
The title primarily concerns Mary Ann, the White
Rabbit's maid who he mistook Alice for, who is about
to experience the trouble that comes with being a girl
creature with hair and a dress thing after a similar
girl creature brings havoc to the land. Wonderland is
one of the results of collaboration between SLG and
Disney to create comics that continue the stories of
some of Disney’s beloved yet more fringe properties
like Haunted Mansion, Gargoyles, Tron and Alice in
Wonderland. Wonderland picks up the story where the
Disney’s Alice in Wonderland left off. Inspired by
that animated film and its source material by Lewis
Carroll, Wonderland manages to be fantastical and
whimsical, menacing and playful, a real combination of
flavors that will appeal to both young and mature fans
of the material. Wonderland’s characters exhibit the
otherworldly sensibilities originated in Lewis
Carroll’s book, yet Kovac maintains that quality
without simply rehashing the original material. Tommy
Kovac scripts this impossible task, writing a book for
children that does not talk down to them or feature
mindless, repetitive rubbish like Dora the Explorer or
Teletubbies. Have a child that you would like to share
your love of comicbooks with? Wonderland is the place
to start. I can think of no better way to get a child
hooked on comic books than to hand them a copy of
Wonderland #1 and tell them that this is what the
medium offers when creators enjoy and care about their
work. Very highly recommended. |
MSRP: $3.50, Alternate Reality Price: $2.97
(That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
If you're in Grade School are you a Good Grades Club
member? If not join today and get in-store discounts on all your purchases foe
each of the "A's" & "B's" on your report card! |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel & Image (DC no longer sends them out). It's not
everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of
this weeks releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |
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