OF: 070807 |
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Artist: John Cassaday
Marvel Comics
MSRP: $2.99,
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
rather touching tale by Jeph Loeb who gives us the story
of Cap’s funeral and burial."
A rather touching tale by Jeph Loeb who gives us the
story of Cap’s funeral and burial. At the funeral, Tony Stark stands to
give a speech, most likely the eulogy, but he can’t even get started. He
chokes out a few lines and exits stage right. The Falcon takes over
duties and pays a mighty fine tribute. A tribute that acts as a mini
biography of Steve Rogers’ career which is wonderfully punctuated by
some fantastic art work by John Cassaday. We are treated to some
detailed splash pages that not only wow the eyes but also act as a break
point for Falcon’s speech so he can go onto the next achievement. Loeb’s
choices are very fascinating in this issue. It’s Fallen Son: Iron Man,
but Stark only appears briefly in the beginning and again in the end. It
shows the great grief in the beginning and respect Stark had and the
friendship he will miss in the end when he finally lays his fellow
Avenger to rest. Something, I thought broke up the moments was the crowd
chatter that we are allowed in on. It fit the character’s personalities but
still seemed to take me out of the experience of being at the funeral
and listening to Falcon point out groups of people that were influenced
or touched by Rogers. The end did snap you back into the reality of what
is happening and who is in the casket when Namor agrees to bury Cap in
an undisclosed place. Namor even says that he is only doing this because
of who it is for. Very recommended. |
a Marvel Comics mini series
Comic Review by: Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Release Date:
070507 |
latest attempt to keep the Power Pack concept alive,
fails to connect on virtually all creative levels.
This is another case of a writer trying to reach a
young audience through, what he thinks, is hip
dialogue. Unfortunately, it ends up sounding like a
writer trying to write hip dialogue. The premise has
the Pack in school trying there best to blend in and
finding it to be easier said then done. They learn the
obligatory valuable lesson when Franklin Richards
joins the school. Through Franklin, the rest of the
super kids realize the difficulties of being the
social standouts. This is tired material that even
kids will be bored with. The art is anime inspired,
which seems to be the standard in most kids comics
these days. But there just is not enough here to
entertain even the smallest of children. Not
recommended. |
MSRP: $2.99, Alternate Reality Price: $2.54
(That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
If you're in Grade School are you a Good Grades Club
member? If not join today and get in-store discounts on all your purchases foe
each of the "A's" & "B's" on your report card! |
Countdown #44
So much background rumblings in this issue make it another lackluster issue. The
most important things happening, like the Flash dying, aren’t even happening in
this series and it’s importance is waning fast. Mary Marvel is zapped to Billy
and they have a confrontation about Mary taking Black Adam’s powers, the
Trickster and Piper talk about the Flash, Olson get’s beat up and then shows
another super power and the Monitor is recruiting Forerunner. There you go,
that’s the issue. Oh, and Holly Robinson is shacking up with some Amazon’s. Come
on DC let’s get this baby into 2nd gear already.
Marvel Zombies Army of Darkness #5 of 5
Ash, Scarlet Witch and Dr. Doom seem to be the only ones left and they have
hunkered down in Castle Doom. Meh. Not really all that enthused by the whole
thing. Some good one liners from Ash and a look at a Marvel Universe of
Werewolves instead of Zombies are the highlights of this one. Get it if you are
a big fan of either the Zombie U or Army of Darkness.
The New Avengers and The Transformers #1
The Decepticons are using a device to pit two nations against each other in the
hope that they will destroy each other and not put up a fight when they invade
for the energon rich planet earth. The Avengers infiltrate the facility holding
the device and they start to argue amongst themselves. We are left with the
Autobots recognizing the problem and trying to tell the Avengers to leave and
let them do their work. The Avengers don’t like to be bossed around apparently
and decide to attack the Autobots. Let’s see where this ends up before casting
judgment but for now, let’s call it ok.
New Warriors #2
A media storm surrounds the New Warriors while they recruit new members and sway
public opinion. Tony Stark, not being to happy about the rebels, uses the media
to try and recruit these Warriors to his side with the agreement that all their
chargers would be dropped. I really liked this book and will be following from
here out. Thumb way up.
Runaways #27
The kids are trapped in 1907 and while trying to fit in are forced to use there
powers while trying to save people from a fire. Oddly enough, they are spotted
by someone looking for what they call “Wonders” which are the mutants of the
time. He then tries to sell them. A rather descent premise decently executed.
Thor #1
The mighty Thor makes a triumphant return in the great state of Oklahoma? It’s
true, but before that he gets some much needed encouragement and reassurance
from Donald Blake that he is needed. He than is mobbed by demons and grabs the
hammer to once again take on the power of the thunder god. Very good stuff, not
a whole lot to write about, but I’m sure there will be soon. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles
sent out by Marvel (Image & DC no longer sends them out). It's not everything
that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks
releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |
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