OF: 071507 |
X-MEN #2
Comic Review by:
Mike Kurnat
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Andrea di Vito
Marvel Comics
MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
he’s even a scarier force now than ever before because
he just doesn’t smash, he smashes with a plan."
The last issue ended with the X-Men arriving to confront
the Hulk but The Professor stopped them and tried to reason with the
Hulk. The Hulk just wanted to ask him one question, would he have voted
to send him into space? Charles says no and passively agrees to go with
the Hulk. However, the X-Men have other thoughts and engage the Hulk.
This is where the issue starts it furious pace and knockdown drag out
action. Hulk’s intelligence plays a big part in this fight. I think that
he’s even a scarier force now than ever before because he just doesn’t
smash, he smashes with a plan. The way he dispatches Emma Frost and
Wolverine are as intelligent as they are brutal. Colossus and The
Juggernaut barely put up a fight and are both put down in nasty fashion.
The fight between Wolverine and Hulk is in particularly vicious and a
blast to watch unfold. He even survives being phased into the ground by
Kitty. A telling scene in this book is a frame that shows the mansion’s
front hallway that is just filled with fallen X-Men and Elixir healing
as fast and as much as he can. There seems to be no stopping the Hulk on
his mission. This issue also ends much like the first with a new crop of
X-Men standing in the Hulk’s way, notably Excalibur and X-Factor. With
only one issue left, could these second tier X-Men figure a way to bring
the green beast down. Highly, highly recommended for the high level of
action and quality of the art. |
-Countdown #43-42
43 showcased the funeral of Bart Allen with a number of superheroes standing up
and saying some nice things and threatening things in the case of Wondergirl.
Trickster and Piper decide to go to the funeral to pay their respects, oddly
enough, and they decide it was getting a little to hot during the Wondergirl
speech and they decide to leave. In the parking lot they are captured by
Mulitplex and Deadshot. In #42 the two rogues are trying to escape to mixed
success. Back in #43 the Monarch shows the Forerunner the army that she will be
leading for him and the hunt for Ray Palmer begins with the Monitor, Donna Troy
and Jason Todd. Now in #42, Mary Marvel is responding a fire in Gotham where she
bumps into the Riddler and she does the only logical thing when you see a
big-name Gothem villain, she starts to question him sternly. She is obviously
unaware of his new role as a detective. After that is cleared up they start to
work together and follow the trail of mud leaving the crime scene. Turns out the
mud is actually clay, which only means one thing, Clayface. Mary dispatches him
in a timely manner, by throwing him into space; the Riddler gives Mary the
advice of finding a mentor for her new found power. Finally, the Holly Robinson
parts of this weekly is quite confusing. After being brought into the Amazon day
spa called the Athenian Women’s Help Shelter, she meets Harleen Quinzel a.k.a.
Harley Quinn and Harleen tells her that there are many more of these places for
Women all around the world and she’s the assistant director of the Metropolis
branch. I have no idea where this is going and it seems to be a moderately
important part for the amount of time it is getting. I guess we are still in the
wait and see portion of this series, but as I’ve said before, I would like to
see something now.
-Ghost Rider #13
Hulk and Ghost Rider square off in this hokey issue that is poorly written and
drawn. Things are repeated like “I got him” or “He tricked Me” and the whole
issue felt forced. The end did have a cool idea behind it, but at that point I
just didn’t care anymore. Pass.
-The Order #1
A very good story behind this group of superheroes given the task of patrolling
California for the Initiative. After saving the state from a man who can produce
massive amounts of fire, the most of the original team decide to go out and
party. This gets them kicked off the team and they are forced to go with the B
team. The team is led by Henry Hellrung, someone that used to play Ironman on
TV, is a recovering alcoholic and can’t remember any of the original team
member’s names. He calls them things like fast guy and girl. It’s a fresh comic
and I’m looking forward to more of the Order.
-World War Hulk: Frontline #2
The reporters are back at it covering the Hulk’s destruction and the superheroes
trying to stop them. A cameo by Daredevil saving a child and being met with
anger by the little girl’s brother gave us a nice feel of the population of
people that couldn’t evacuate. Also, DD brings up the fact to Sally Floyd that
the whole registration thing doesn’t apply right now and that is going to be the
new story she will cover. The end showed a power outage across the city and the
continued efforts of Detective Granville and Krog to find the killer of
Arch-E-5912. Still like this series, the detective parts are a bit stale though.
-Wolverine Origins Annual #1
This is without question the best Wolverine Origins issue I’ve read. Kaare
Andrews’ art is phenomenal and I wish he would take over the regular monthly. I
love the noir feel that was given to this book. The story was also very well
written spanning all the emotions from lust to fury. Pick this one up. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel (DC & Image no longer sends them out). It's not
everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of
this weeks releases. |
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2007
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |
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