The third mixed brand show is in the books and it wasn’t a
terrible show but it wasn’t as extreme as it should have been. Way back when
this was initially going to be an ECW ONLY
show but instead it morphed into a show with an all extreme rules line up.
Originally the show was
going to take place in the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York but Stephanie
McMahon thought that Paul Heyman would find some way to ruin the show so it was
moved from New York to the South. Far South. Specifically the Veteran’s Memorial
Arena in Jacksonville, Florida where the original ECW had no following
whatsoever. And yes,
the fact that Stephanie actually thought that Heyman gave a crap enough to ruin
a show that she is doing a fine job of running into the ground all on her own shows how much her head is
up her own ass. The line up at one point had a Chris Benoit/MVP match but was
bumped off the card and instead Benoit was the first lumberjack out in the
Kane/Mark Henry match (earning him PPV money). As is the case with all the mixed
brand PPV shows, all three announce teams were out there at the same time and so
when one brand was in the ring the other teams just sat there and watched the
show. The Spanish announce team as far as I can tell has been relegated to the
EDITOR'S NOTE: Bo's Prediction's part of the review below was posted late Friday night (060107), 48 hours before the event began. |
RVD is gone after this so he will put Orton over. The
concussion angle set up Monday may play a part in this. Vince is apparently
annoyed that everyone with an internet connection knows this is RVD’s last WWE
match so he may change the finish just to pretend that he knows better than the
fans. As a general rule stretcher matches suck but with this being RVD’s chance
to go all out before a vacation there is a chance that this becomes the second
best match on the card.
The match started out with a stare down before RVD kicked Orton in the head. RVD
had most of the offence with stiff head kicks early but took a shot in the head
as well and they teased the possible concussion well with him having this blank
glassy eyed look for the better part of the match. Orton was placed on one of
the stretchers outside the ring and took a leg drop from the ring apron from RVD.
RVD was allowed to do a lot and there was a cool sequence where he tried the
rolling thunder and Orton turned it into a power slam. RVD then did a flying
plancha out of the ring onto the stretcher. Orton wheeled him down the ramp to
the finish line but RVD got off and put Orton on the stretcher and pushed him
over the line for the win, thus swerving the fans who thought RVD would lose
since it was his last match. Orton then attacked RVD from behind and when they
got back to the ring he put RVD on the ring post and kicked him in the head from
the apron. They went into the crowd before the refs broke it up and Orton walked
away. RVD was placed on a stretcher and got a neck brace. One the Raw that
followed last night he was said to be out indefinitely which cons only the few
who don’t have internet access.
AND THEN...This was followed by Vince and Shane
backstage where they began the tease that Vince doesn’t feel good and thinks
something bad is going to happen, just not on the show.
MARCUS COR VON & MATT STRIKER (a tables match)
This may be the last time we see Sandman since RVD is
leaving so enjoy the moment. You have three guys here who could be big stars
(Punk, Burke and Cor Von), one who is talent enhancement (Striker isn’t bad but
he is on the short side) and two ECW originals. The hot feud is Punk and Burke
so expect Punk to put him thru the table. This could also be the end of the New
Breed with a possible run in by Kevin Thorn to take out Striker or Cor Von in a
reworked persona.
Sandman came in first from out of the crowd (which rumor has will be the last
crowd entrance from anyone). Dreamer and Cor Von started the match and went at
it for a bit. CM Punk jumped out of the ring onto Cor Von. Everyone had a chance
to get some offence in before Dreamer put Burke on the table then Punk suplexed
Striker into the table. It looked sick because two men going thru a table can be
dangerous due to the edges possibly cutting one if not both men. It would have
been a true One Night Stand if the table was set on fire or barb wire was used
but this was at the moment a bloodless card.
AND THEN...We got a look at Edge backstage
before Orton came in and teased that if he was drafted to Smackdown then he
would take Edge’s belt since he was considered a legend as well.
(Raw tag titles in a ladder match)
The match that will steal the show and get the
crowd pumped. I would expect this match to be first. You know that Jeff is
planning something amazing already and will do something that will make everyone
shake their heads at the grapefruits on him. Haas as far as I can tell hasn’t
been involved in a ladder match before so he may be the ground based worker
here. The Hardys will keep their belts here but I would expect some kind of
interference from Cade & Murdock. This may be the longest match on the card.
The match that was supposed to steal the show did. The insanity that followed
went like this: all four had ladders at the same time before the Hardy's threw
theirs into Haas & Benjamin…Haas & Benjamin were turned into a ladder
sandwich…the Hardy's were trying to get the belts and were knocked off when
Benjamin threw a ladder at them…Haas & Benjamin were hip tossed onto
ladders…Benjamin was dropped onto one of the long ladders outside the ring…Haas
built a construct and Benjamin dropped from the inside ladder to a straight
ladder onto Matt…Jeff suplexed Hass from the top of a ladder (this is Haas’
first ladder match and he paid his dues)…Benjamin tried a move where he was
going to jump from the ropes to the ladder that Jeff was on but when he couldn’t
do it he saved the move by kicking the ladder (the ropes and posts were
slick)…the Hardy's knock Haas & Benjamin off ladders but Benjamin goes out the
ring and hit the long ladder bridging the gap between the ring and the crowd…the
Hardys grab the belts and remain champions. After this you wish the ladder match
DVD came out a little later so they could put this match on it. This was and
remained the best match on the card.
AND THEN...We see Khali and his interpreter,
Dave Kapoor backstage and Kapoor says that Khali will leave as champion,
KANE v MARK HENRY (Lumberjack match)
I suppose the rationale here is Henry took out the Undertaker so his brother
needs to seek revenge but Kane is already in a feud with Steven Regal and Dave
Taylor. This match does get the rest of the roster in the pay line for PPV money
and that I guess makes it worth its while. I would expect that at the end
everyone out there for the match gets into the ring but Henry wins.
There were a few big names out as lumberjacks such as Benoit, Carlito and Nitro.
The lumberjacks for the most part stayed out of it. Henry is using the bear hug
as his big move so between the two of them beating the hell out of each other he
is wrapping Kane up. Henry won with the bear hug in a match that had little heat
or interest even.
see the Hardys and The World’s Greatest Tag Team backstage
getting their injuries tended to. Shelton Benjamin says that
those moves wouldn’t have been allowed in the NCAA’s and the
four start fighting in the back again.
I think the Vince as champ thing has gone on long enough
and Lashley will probably come out on top here. There should be liberal
interference from Shane and Umaga here as well as some bleeding from Vince. If
he is going to keep the belt then expect Vince to take a major beating and get
dropped into some thumbtacks. The only other reason Vince stays champ is because
the draft will add opponents for Lashley and right now he doesn’t have any save
Snitsky who seems to be on the Raw and ECW roster.
Vince came out with Shane and Umaga so as to suggest that Lashley had no chance.
Lashley did a plancha over the top of the ring outside onto Umaga and almost
lost the move but did kick him on the way down. He then threw Shane out of the
ring onto Umaga. Vince strangled Lashley with the bell hammer. Vince
accidentally got slammed by Umaga. Umaga was knocked out of the ring and Shane
was tossed out again. Lashley wore Vince out with a chair. Umaga beat Lashley
and he was placed onto the ECW table where Shane did the elbow drop and
destroyed the table which wasn’t going to be used after this anyway. Lashley was
put in the corner and took the flying ass from Umaga. Lashley was put in the
other corner and a garbage can was placed in front of him so Shane could do the
Van Terminator (and with RVD leaving that move needs to be retired) but Shane
missed. Lashley speared Shane. Vince is speared by Lashley and loses the belt
then gets speared again for good measure. At this point we have still seen no
blood and we got no thumbtacks here.
AND THEN...We got a Vengeance ad and were told
that the theme will be ‘A Night of Champions’. From there we saw Maria and
Santino Marella continue flirting. Todd Grisham wandered in and asked Maria her
thoughts about the pudding match and Maria did the scientific explanation of
what pudding is and what it needs to be for a good match. Candice wanders in and
asks Santino for a good luck kiss but is instead kissed by Maria. Rom Simmons
shows up and says you know what before Santino says ‘I love America’.
MELINA v. CANDICE MICHELLE (non-title pudding match)
There is no title up here just some T & A for the fans.
Expect Candice to win somehow and we will see one of the refs getting rolled
around in pudding with the divas. I wouldn’t be shocked if a few other divas
came out and got involved. And the pudding will be chocolate because it shows up
better on TV.
The pudding was, as I predicted chocolate with whipped cream and a cherry. The
two came out in bikinis and spend the match throwing each other in the pudding.
Melina started out wearing goggles but took them off after a while. Candice won
by smashing Melina’s face in the pudding then pinning her. Maria came out and
was dragged into the pudding then the ref was dragged in as well.
(Cage match)
Edge has been promised a long run with the strap so he
isn’t losing here but that doesn’t mean that he and Batista won’t put on a good
match. Expect Edge to work on the bandaged leg of Batista which isn’t bandaged
for a hamstring injury but due to him getting a new tattoo. Batista has been
showing his old fire as of late and this feud may go on for a bit before the
draft adds some new opponents to the mix.
Batista wasn’t wearing the bandage on his leg so his tattoo is healed up.
The first move Edge did was to try to escape the cage. Edge at one point drop
kicked Batista into the cage. He also undid one of the turnbuckle pads but
nothing really came of that. Edge also did a drop kick from the top of the cage.
There was a short double knock out when both tackled each other. Batista tried
to power bomb Edge but Edge grabbed the cage and tried to escape. Edge bled
slightly from the mouth. Both tried to escape at the same time but Edge’s feet
hit the floor as he went over the top while Batista went thru the door and only
had his hands touch and since you have to go out on your feet Edge retained his
title. Batista picked up the belt then threw a tantrum since he didn’t win.
AND THEN...We got a SummerSlam ad and it was
suggested that the party would be crashed. I do know that we will see the return
of HHH and Rey Mysterio at the event but that’s about it.
JOHN CENA(c) v GREAT KHALI (Falls count anywhere w/no submissions)
You will notice the no submissions rule because Khali doesn’t know any
submission moves so why not make it part of the stipulations? A falls count
anywhere match allows Cena to carry Khali and adds the factor of blood to a card
that should have a fair amount of it. It also allows the match to go longer and
kills time until the next Cena feud starts up. Cena isn’t losing his belt and he
is damn sure not losing it to Khali here.
The match was mostly Cena getting beat up by Khali and continuing to fight just
as hard. Cena was chopped off the top rope and thrown into a monitor. The FU was
teased a few times but Cena couldn’t get Khali up. Khali took a monster shot to
the head. We actually left the ring area for the first time here and the fight
went back to the set. Khali took a boom camera shot to the head but recovered
enough to throw Cena onto one of the cranes back at the entrance. Khali was FU’d
off the top of the crane onto the concrete floor (you could see the pad if you
looked hard enough) then pinned there (the pad was removed quickly). Cena kept
his belt. The show was early so you could see the ref tell Cena to vamp his way
back to the ring to add a few minutes. They went off the air at 9:40.
As noted above, it wasn’t a
bad show but the lack of blood in a card with nothing but extreme rules matches
makes the stipulations worthless. We had a street fight that never left the ring
area, a table’s match with no barb wire or thumbtacks or anything that made the
table match what it is. The Henry/Kane match was a waste of time that did
nothing. It nails down the fact that Stephanie and the rest of the writing crew
have no idea what extreme meant and are willing to let everyone go at it like
they did at the first One Night Stand. Of course, that show was booked by Paul
Heyman, a man who is willing to try new things and call out stupid things. At
present no one in the WWE seems to have any grapefruits, including the chairman.
This, naturally is the main reason that UFC is kicking their ass on PPV buys.
That, and they seem to listen to the fans. |
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