Vengeance was the idea of the "LATE" Vince McMahon. The concept
of having every belt in the WWE up on the same night seems like a good one and
it should boost the buy rate since one way or the other something will happen. I
would also expect the "Death of Vince" angle pushed since there is a three hour
Raw the following right.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Bo's Prediction's part of the review below was posted early
Sunday morning (062407), 14 hours before the event began. |
Matt Hardy says that he loves working with Cade & Murdock since the four are on
the same page in the ring. Matt & Jeff are high flyers while Cade & Murdock are
more ground based. The contrast in styles works here and the angle that had Cade
& Murdock behave like they were friends turned just at the right time. I don’t
think that the belt is going to change hands here since there is a natural angle
between Paul London & Brian Kendrick to challenge for the belt. Matt is being
pushed as a single on Smackdown and he should only team with his brother on
special occasions.
After the introduction of former tag champions and current road agents Barry
Windham and Mike Rotundo this match started the show. Cade and Matt started
things off and Cade tried to shake Matt's hand and got punched. Matt is working
with a knee brace and Murdock took a shot in the eye at a house show the night
before so his eye looks pretty bad. With interference from Murdock on the
outside on Jeff he posted himself and was pinned by a sit down power bomb from
Cade. This was followed by a backstage vignette with Booker and Sharmell that
tells us that we should respect him because he defines the word. It is also here
where we learn that former champions will be mentioned with a look back at Eddie
Guerrero v. Brock Lesnar at No Way Out.
This belt hasn’t been defended much but has been telegraphed to happen at some
point. Chavo’s contract ends soon and he hasn’t renewed it yet. This means that
if he isn’t then he is losing here but of he gives a hint that he will then he
will go over here. I would expect the match to have some spectacular moves from
Yang in either victory or defeat. This division is deeply underused and during
WCW this match would open the PPV so that the crowd would get fired up and show
interest in the rest of the matches before the main events.
Chavo comes out first and we see that road agent Dean Malenko is backstage
watching the match so he may be coming out of retirement. Chavo tries to use the
fake knee injury trick then attacks Wang. Chavo is a more ground based
cruiserweight so Wang uses a lot of his arial moves here. Chavo uses the Three
Amigos and misses the third suplex then Yang misses Yang time. Chavo kicks Yang
off the top rope then pins Yang with a frog splash to the back to keep his
title. JR and the King follow that with an update on the 'Death of Vince' angle
showing the last walk Vince took on his way to the limo. Fans are heard chanting
'Na Na Nah' before we see Bobby Lashley asked by Todd Grisham about the death of
Vince before we get look back at Tazz's ECW title run.
Logic says that Benoit wins in what could be the best match on the card. It’s
too early for Punk to get the strap but this is a program that should give us
some great matches. This is a match that will probably have interference from
The New Breed since they have unfinished business with Punk. Giving Benoit the
title also puts the belt on the best worker on the ECW roster. The main reason
he was moved was head writer Michael Hayes didn’t think he was title worthy and
had no chance of getting the Smackdown belt. The belt would be a present for not
complaining about his treatment.
Punk comes out first to a nice pop. He takes a look at the belt which is sitting
outside the ring on a platform. Johnny Nitro comes out to replace Benoit who
dropped out of the show for what was announced for 'personal reasons'.
There was a family emergency that happened the night before and Benoit had to
return to Atlanta immediately to deal with it. The fans start a 'We Want Benoit'
chant. Punk kicks Nitro's leg and actually gets him to flip over. Nitro does his
second rope insiguri on Punk and shows that he knows some submission moves.
Nitro tried to pin Punk with his legs on the ropes before Punk debuts a new
move. Nitro pins Punk will a roll of the dice off the second rope and becomes
the new ECW champion. He sells the win well and considering how the fans learned
that Benoit wasn't in the match the two put on one hell of a match. Styles
followed this with a look at the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Iron Man match from
WrestleMania 12. We then got a backstage bit between Randy Orton and Mick Foley
who remembered their last match.
The WWE is in a strange place with both Umaga and Marella. Umaga has been booked
strong but with him being booked as an unstoppable monster you are limited with
what you can do with him. He has challenged Cena for the WWE Championship belt
and lost so we can’t go back there again. If he wins the belt here then the belt
is in a holding pattern so realistically he shouldn’t win. Marella is still a
wild card but the fans do seem to like him. He also has an angle going with
Maria that has a few more months to go thru. He got the belt on a fluke and I
wouldn’t be surprised if he kept it the same way.
The match was set up by Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat coming out to wave at the
crowd before Santino came out and shook his hand. Umaga gets most of the offence
in at the start of the match. Umaga gets him into a nerve hold and Santino even
cramps his hand up to sell that the hold is working. Umaga didn't listen to the
ref and was disqualified. One of the few things that Vince has borrowed from UFC
is that there the refs word is bond so when Umaga didn't listen he was
disqualified. Santino was ass smashed by Umaga and then splashed from the top
rope. Umaga then came back into the ring and spiked Santino as the crowd chanted
for more. Maria came out to see if Santino is okay. That was followed by an ad
for The Great American Bash. This was followed by a replay of the statement from
the 'federal investigator' Mr. Beck and a hint that a clue will be given
tomorrow on the 3-hour Raw. Magnum T.A. was introduced to the crowd before the
next match-MVP/Flair.
This match will continue the education of MVP (JBL will say gentrification at
least once during the match) with him working with one of the best men in the
ring. We are living thru the last year of Ric Flair as an active full time
wrestler so he will be the WWE’s Terry Funk and make new stars instead of being
the focus. This can be done here with him taking MVP thru his paces and losing
but not ending the newly started program. Flair will look great here and MVP
will as well.
MVP came out first and got in Magnum's face. MVP then came out and got in
Flair's way as he was going to say hello to Magnum. JBL tries to suggest that
Flair acted like MVP when he was younger and he isn't really off by suggesting
that. Flair is the first to bleed tonight after getting back into the ring. MVP
gets chopped up and put in the figure four. He escapes and hits Flair with a
cheap shot before hitting Ric with the playmaker finisher to keep the title.
Todd Grisham follows this by interviewing John Cena and getting interrupted by
Edge. Cena baits Edge into saying that he is capable of doing horrible things
and leaving him to be interviewed by Mr. Beck.
The first thing that came to mind when this match was announced was how do you
do an open challenge when Smackdown only has two tag teams right now-the current
champions Deuce & Domino and the newest addition to the roster-the Major
Brothers. There was a dark match between the teams on Tuesday just to see what
the teams can do and this was added after that so they must have shown
something. It is possible that there will be more than two teams in the match
but that would mean adding to the roster. I think that Deuce & Domino will keep
the belts and they will feud with the Majors for a while.
The match is set up with the introduction of former tag champions Tony Garea and
Rick Martel. Deuce & Domino come out first (with no car) and insult the legends
in the front row. The tag team that challenges them is Sgt. Slaughter and Jimmy
'Superfly' Snuka, not the Major Brothers. Snuka wasn't moving too well backstage
so Slaughter did the bulk of the work here. This is the first time that Sarge
and Snuka have teamed up. It also has Snuka in a tag match against his son,
Deuce. Deuce taunts his father then the two end up fighting each other. Superfly
goes up for the plunge and Deuce rolls him over. When Deuce & Domino try to
attack Snuka and Slaughter Garea and Martel come in and kick them out of the
(Last Chance Stipulation)
Let’s get this out of the way at the start-EDGE IS NOT LOSING HERE! He was given
the belt with the promise that he would be keeping it for a long time. He has
been given the first pyro he has ever had. He can work with everyone on the
roster and Vince likes him. What will convince some that he is losing is that
Batista won’t get another title shot if he loses and whenever that stipulation
is used then the person who is told that wins because he has to. In Vince logic
that means Batista losing is a swerve on the fans that are preprogrammed to
think that way. If Batista comes out and he isn’t pumped then he knows he is
losing. The question is: does that make him tank the match or work harder to
prove he is worth getting it again?
The champion introduced before this match was Harley Race. Edge came out first
and when Batista came out he gave no indication that he is planned to lose.
Batista went over to Harley and got his hand raised. Batista gets most of the
offense here and that alters when Batista goes over the top rope onto the floor.
Edge rams Batista into the ring post on the outside and inside the ring. The
point seems to be for Edge to continue to ram Batista into the posts and injure
his shoulder. Edge hits Batista with the impaler DDT and Edge goes out to grab
the belt but is told to get back into the ring by the ref. Batista spears Edge
and sets Edge up for the Batista bomb. Edge hits him with a low blow to get
disqualified. GM Teddy Long comes out and tells Edge the match will continue and
if Edge gets DQ'ed again then he will lose the title. Edge spears Batista but
Batista kicks out. Edge goes out but gets back in and small packages Batista.
Edge gets kicked in the face on the outside as he tries another spear. Batista
loses as he doesn't get back into the ring in time after giving Edge a Batista
bomb on the outside so he is counted out. Batista gives Edge another Batista
bomb inside the ring in frustration as he doesn't get another title shot at Edge
as long as Edge is champion.
Candice has been winning matches with the belt not on the line but here the belt
is so the match means something. Melina has been separated from boyfriend Johnny
Nitro (which he probably didn’t fight since she is a heat magnet) and has shown
some highly acrobatic moves in her matches. I would expect Melina to hold on to
her belt in a decent match.
JR and the King set up the match with a look back at the Fabulous Moolah v.
Wendy Richter title match, one of the original swerves. Melina is using a
variety of leg moves on Candice to show off Johnny Nitro is a happy man. Candice
does the 'go daddy' elbow on Melina and Candice's leg straps begin coming loose.
Candice wins Melina's belt with a leg lariat that almost misses and actually
hints crying at winning the title before going into full tilt bawl at the
The odds are against him since four people have a chance to become WWE champ.
That is usually the case in Cena’s matches and he always wins anyway. Everyone
will get a chance to get their offence in and Foley will do the best he can here
since he hasn’t wrestled in a while. This will probably be an elimination match
otherwise the ring will be too crowded to work in. If not then expect a few rest
breaks with people getting tossed out of the ring to sit and chill. Cena should
go over and have Booker, Lashley and Orton challenge him until HHH comes back in
The champion introduced before the main event is JBL since he has nothing to
do for the rest of the show. JBL hands the ring announcer a long very creative
bio to be read that has Michael Cole looking on in disbelief. Before the match
they run the set up video piece about being a champion that is actually well
done. Lashley comes out first, followed by Foley, King Booker, Orton then Cena.
Orton takes the initial punishment and takes a Nestle plunge from Mick. Lashley
tosses Cena out then locks up with Booker before knocking him out then Lashley
does that crazy ass leap out of the ring onto the other four opponents. Lashley
and Cena go at it and Lashley takes the ECW booth apart. Foley knocks the hell
out of Orton and locks up with Booker. Cena FU's Lashley thru the ECW table.
Booker and Cena hook up. Orton gets in and gives Cena an RKO before Foley takes
on Orton. Foley is knocked out by Orton and Foley takes out the recovering
Lashley, Booker then Cena with a chair. Orton kicks Foley in the head. Lashley
spears Orton. Booker gets out of an FU and goes over the side. Cena keeps the
title by FUing Foley. Mick was actually the only person who could have been
pinned here since he isn't a regular.
The show came off as WCW's Slamboree with a
number of former champs coming out to be seen by the fans and was one of the
best PPV's of the year to date. There wasn't anything rushed on the show and
there wasn't a bad match on the show. Only one title actually changed hands but
the action in the matches was damn good. The Vince angle wasn't pushed and the
card was able to get itself over. Great American Bash is next and since the WWE
brought the event back the shows have been horrible but that is supposed to be
the end of the Vince angle then this one may be different. |
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