Andrew Schumann
Saturday, April 28th, 2007
Chicago Ridge Frontier Fieldhouse,
Chicago Ridge, Illinois |
"The new wrestlers they have brought
in to help offset some of their losses in the last year
are fitting in nicely." |
Delirious v.Pelle Primeau v.Mike
Quackenbush v.Gran Akuma v.Jigsaw v.Hallowicked
The live event started with their typical six men mayhem
match. This match was a great lead off with all giving there
all in the ring. The four guys besides Pelle and Delirious
are being given their tryout match. All traded high impact
on each other back and forth. Mid match Delirious and
Hallowicked had a comedic spot and double- teamed the other
competitors. Gran Akuma was knocked outside on the floor and
Hallowicked wound up on Akuma’s shoulders and Mike
Quackenbush bounced of the ropes and hit a splash onto
Hallowicked. The momentum of Quackenbush took him and
Hallowicked into the front row. The finish was Delirious
hitting the bizarro driver on Pelle for the pin. Delirious
gave the other competitors credit for one heck of the match.
Mike Quackenbush, given enough time, could be the next big
star for Ring of Honor.
Christopher Daniels w/Allison
Danger v.Erick Stevens
Christopher Daniels came out in his current NWA TNA gimmick
right know in full detail. Erick Stevens is a newcomer to
Ring of Honor since the beginning of the year. Nothing
spectacular about the match. A lot of back and forth action.
The match went to a time limit draw of full 15 minutes. The
crowd was chanting for 5 more minutes. Daniels proceeded to
tell Stevens to leave the ring as he had something to say.
Daniels used basically Mick Foley’s promo from 1998 about
taking your fandom and sticking it to them. Daniels said
that we use the wrestlers up and then forget them mentioning
Samoa Joe, CM Punk and also Colt Cabana. He said he sick and
tired of not getting any title shots and mainly working
filler matches since his return. Allison Danger couldn’t
believe what he was saying and tried to consul him. Daniels
announced that he quits the company and then threw Allison
down on the mat. BJ Whitmer came out to confront Daniels and
check on Allison. Daniels gave one of the best heel promos
in the last few years.
Austin Aries v.Rocky Romero
This match featured the two feuding factions right now in
Ring of Honor. Aries was representing his faction The
Resilience and Romero representing the No Remorse Corps.
Romero dominate most of the first half of the match using
his kicks efficiently. They spent a couple of minutes on the
floor brawling after Aries splashed Romero from the ring.
Romero, once back in the ring focused on Aries’ arm with
several moves and submission holds. Romero took Aries off
the top turnbuckle and locked on the cross arm bar in the
middle of the ring. Aries stood up and turned it into
pinning attempt. The finish had Aries finally nailing his
brain buster in the corner of the ring. Aries proceeded to
hit his 450 splash to pick up the win. After the match
Roderick Strong ran down and started to assault Aries.
Delirious came in and made the save. Delirious than chased
Strong all the way out of the building.
Jimmy Rave v.Homicide v.BJ Whitmer
v.Brent Albright
Jimmy Rave made his surprise return to Ring Of Honor at the
event. He had been out for the last month after having jaw
surgery. The match was very hard hitting from the opening
bell. The action was fast and furious throughout the match.
The last five minutes had bodies falling all over the place.
Homicide hit his ace crusher off the top rope onto BJ
Whitmer. Albright then came in and took out Homicide to the
outside. Rave snuck back into the ring and hit his running
knee to BJ Whitmer. Albright locked on the Fujiwara arm bar
onto Whitmer. Homicide broke it up and then Rave locked on
the heel hook submission onto Homicide. The finale had
Albright hit the half nelson suplex onto Whitmer for the
Takeshi Morishima v.Shingo for the
ROH Title
The best way to describe this match is physical in its
finest form. Morishima is very agile for a guy his size
about 300 lbs. Shingo showed some serious strength with
multiple slams of Morishima. The best one was that Shingo
power slammed Morishima on the outside of the ring. Shingo
and Morishima exchanged some very stiff shots on each other.
The pin came after Morishima hit Shingo with a belly to back
Alex Payne v.Bobby Dempsey
The match never got underway. Tank Tolland (of The Dicks of
WWE) hijacked this match. Tank just squashed Payne.
Roderick Strong w/Romero v.Jack
The match was a total contrast in styles Strong is power
based where Evans is more speed base. Strong used his power
to take control of the match right after the bell. In the
first few minutes Strong had thrown Evans out to the floor.
Strong than picked up Evans and ran him, back first, into
the ring post several times. After that then he locked in a
submission maneuver and wrapped him around the ring post.
Once back in the ring Evans made a comeback. He used his
speed and agility to the max. Evans hit a flying knee off
the top rope. After Strong escaped to the outside Evans hit
a dropkick onto Strong over the top rope. The match went
back outside and Strong used his strength to regain the
advantage. Once back in the ring Strong locked on a
surfboard on Evans. Strong wrenched back on Evans and Evans’
body was almost lying flat on the mat. Towards the end of
the match Romero got involved and kicked Evans in the head.
Strong than preceded to pick up Evans in a Razor’s Edge type
maneuver then turned it into an ace crusher. That move
allowed Strong to pick up the win. After the match Romero
attacked Evans along with Strong. Strong put a chair in
front of Evans’ face and Romero kicked it into Evans’ face.
Delirious once again came down to make the save. Strong and
Romero left through the crowd and Delirious announced that
he was granted a match against Strong on June 23rd the next
Chicago show.
The Briscoes v.Alex Shelley & Chris
Sabin for the Tag Team Belts.
The Briscoes and Shelley and Sabin put on one of the best
tag team matches I’ve seen in a long time. Each team had to
dig deep and keep improvising double team maneuvers. The
beginning of the match they exchanged maneuvers back and
forth. The Briscoes were the first team to gain an advantage
for a period of time. The Briscoes worked over Alex Shelley
for about 5 minutes. Shelley than made the hot tag to Sabin.
Sabin proceeded than to take control of the match. Halfway
through the match the pace picked up quite a bit. Both teams
were starting to hit their signature double team moves. The
Briscoes hit Sabin with a big boot and side Russian leg
sweep combination. Shelley and Sabin started a great double
team combination. They whipped Mark into the ropes and as he
came off Shelley and Sabin hit dual Japanese arm drags.
Shelley and Sabin then kipped up and delivered dual kicks to
the chest and the back. Jay Briscoes than picked up Shelley
in a Razor’s Edge. Then Mark came by and delivered a big
boot to Shelley off of Jay’s shoulder. The pace picked up
even quicker and both teams were exchanging moves back and
forth. Shelley and Sabin had the advantage and locked on
submissions maneuvers. Sabin locked on a sharpshooter type
maneuver on Jay. Mark tried to break it up and Shelley from
behind locked on his signature move the Border City Stretch.
The best way to describe the stretch is the crippler.
Instead of locking the arm, Shelley takes his opponents arm
and pins their arm with his own arms. Mark was able to break
the move and then proceeded to break up Sabin’s submission
try. Shelley and Sabin knocked the Briscoes outside to the
floor. They followed up with a pair of dives through the
ropes onto them outside. Jay Briscoe than grabbed Alex
Shelley and dragged him back into the ring. Jay got Alex
down in the corner and proceeded to tag in Mark. Mark came
off the top rope and nailed the shooting star press on Alex.
Shelley kicked out at 2 7/8ths at which the crowd went
ballistic. Shelley was able to regain control of Mark and
whipped him into corner. Shelley followed up with a
clothesline and then put him in the tree of woe position.
Sabin followed up with a dropkick onto Mark. Sabin and
Shelley were able to pick up several near falls in the next
few minutes. Briscoes were able to regain control of the
match. They were than able to pick up several near falls.
The finale of the match had Jay picking up Shelley for a
reverse Death Valley driver and hitting Shelley with it.
Mark and Sabin were on the outside tying each other up. Mark
whipped Sabin into the barricades and took Sabin out. Jay
once again picked up Shelley for the previous move. At the
same time Mark came off the top rope and hit Shelley with a
leg drop. Mark then went out and held Sabin down so that Jay
could pick up the pin. This match was the best of the whole
night. Shelley and Sabin both got a huge crowd response and
cheers for an awesome match. Shelley and Sabin than put the
belts around the waist of The Briscoes. This match shows
what Ring of Honor does best a great series of near falls
and non-stop action and the guys give one hundred percent
Colt Cabana v.Adam Pearce w/Shane
The whole night lead up to this moment the last Ring of
Honor match for Colt Cabana. Cabana, at the beginning of
April, finally signed a developmental contract with WWE.
Cabana requested that Pearce be his last opponent in ROH.
The match itself was very short. Pearce attacked Cabana
before the bell. Cabana than proceeded to tie up Pearce with
the streamers and tipped him over. Pearce than tossed Cabana
outside and distracted the ref. Hagadorn was going to hit
Cabana with a chair. Cabana blocked the chair and proceeded
to pull a late Eddie Guerrero. Cabana took the chair and hit
it on the apron and then acted like Hagadorn hit him with
it. The referee than kicked out Hagadorn from the ringside
area. Pearce was able to hit a couple of big moves on
Cabana. Pearce got a near fall with a leg drop from the top
rope. Cabana focused on Pearce’s back and got the win with a
reverse Boston crab.
After the match, it is what Ring of Honor does whenever a
long time member of the promotion leaves. Cabana took the
mike and proceeded to tell Pearce that he was the guy that
he looked up to when he first broke into the business.
Pearce than proceeded to spit in Cabana’s face after
describing their history in the business. Afterwards most of
the locker room came down to the ring and joined Cabana for
a speech. Even Cabana’s parents were in the ring sharing in
there son’s moment. Cabana started off saying that he didn’t
have anything planned speech wise. He remembered that when
Paul London left, he kissed the ROH logo. Cabana remembered
sitting at home as a teenager and wanting to make his mark
in sports entertainment. Cabana thanked the owner of the
company for stepping up and saving the company. Cabana
thanked and gave praise to the promoter Gabe for all of his
hard work. Cabana finally wrapped up by saying that he was
very proud of his time in ROH. The only regret that he had
was that he never won the world title. Cabana wished the
best of luck to his ROH family. This speech describes what
makes the company is that they’re wrestlers who are very
passionate about the business.
Overall the show was well booked. The new wrestlers they
have brought in to help offset some of their losses in the
last year are fitting in nicely. The promotion is going
through an adjustment period in finding the next long term
main eveners. Since the beginning of the year they have lost
Cabana to the WWE, Samoa Joe to TNA, Bryan Danielson to
injury and Daniels quitting on the spot. The company
continues to grow by leaps and bounds. If you want an
alternative to WWE and TNA, come check these guys out on
June 23rd for their next event.
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Photo ©
2007 Ring of Honor
Article © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |