Andrew Schumann

Saturday, September 15th, 2007

Chicago Ridge Frontier Fieldhouse, Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"ROH are making great strides in becoming a great promotion."
Matches 1-4 were taped for their next pay per view.
Naomichi Marufuji vs. Nigel McGuiness vs. Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli
This match is one of their usual matches of being a 4-corner survival match. One pin fall match and tags are required. The beginning match had all four men in and out of the ring trading basic moves and holds. Claudio wanted Chris Hero very badly in the match every time Hero was in the match he wanted in. Claudio and Nigel exchanged a great display of near falls. Every time they got a 2 count they moved into another position for a near fall. The first high spot of the match Marufuji hits a swan dive onto Hero and Claudio on the outside. Nigel than came off the top rope with a cross body block onto the other competitors. Marufuji and Nigel were the first ones back into the ring. Marufuji hits a nice combination on Nigel. Marufuji hits a lariat, dropkick, clothesline, super kick and then the Sliced Bread number 2. Hero then came in and hit his finisher a swinging neck cravat. Claudio broke up the pin and hits Hero with a reverse Death Valley driver and picks up a close pin. Nigel than unloads a huge lariat on Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio hits a giant swing during the match. Nigel hits his top rope neck breaker on Marufuji and picked up a close fall. Nigel winds picking up the pin with hitting Claudio with his rebound jaw breaker lariat.

Star Rating: 3 ½ Stars. The match is one of their standard matches. All four of the men gave everything they had. I can definitely see that they’re pushing Claudio very hard right now and his popularity has increased immensely the last 2 months.
No Remorse Corps vs. The Resilience Challenge
PART A: Rocky Romero vs. Matt Cross
This match was short for them but very athletic. Romero was using his kicks to his full advantage and early control of the match. Matt Cross regained the offensive on the outside. He used the ring post to deliver a cross body block onto Romero. Once back in the ring Matt delivered a flipping senton leg drop onto Romero. Cross then delivered a double foot stomp and combo it with a moonsault. Romero picked up the victory with a running knee, German suplex and kick right to the head.
No Remorse Corps 1 The Resilience 0

PART B: Davey Richards vs. Austin Aries
The match was a mixture of athleticism and power. The first half of the match had them exchanging shots. Richards survived and gained control of the match. Richards delivered the first shot with a under hook impaler DDT. Austin regains the control and forces Richards to the outside. Aries quickly followed up with a suicide dive onto Richards. Richards was then able to regain control and the fight went to the top rope. Richards was able to hit a release German suplex off the top rope. Aries picks the victory with his brain buster and 450-splash combination.
No Remorse Corps 1 The Resilience 1

PART C: Roderick Strong vs Erick Stevens
This match was all about physicality and strength. They were lighting each other up with their respective chops. Stevens delivered the first blow by hitting a running power slam onto Strong. Strong rebounded with his own combo of a gut buster and right into a power slam. Then they had a struggle to gain control of the match. Strong was then able to hit a superplex from the top rope. After a few minutes Stevens regained control of the match by hitting a power slam from the top rope. Stevens was able to pick up a near fall. Strong delivered a back suplex onto Stevens off the ring apron. Strong was able to pick up the pin after delivering an outsider’s edge off the top rope into the Gibson driver.
No Remorse Corps 2 The Resilience 1, No Remorse Corps wins the challenge.

Star Rating: 3 stars. The first match was short compared to the other 2. The hottest feud within these groups is Aries and Strong. They definitely found a way for this feud to keep going with Strong seemingly keeps ducking Aries. A unique idea that I would love to see again too fully like it or hate it.
Takeshi Morishima vs. Bryan “American Dragon” Danielson for the ROH title
This match was a difference in styles Morishima relies on his strength and Danielson uses his extraordinary mat skills. This was a rematch from a couple of weeks ago when Morishima defeated Danielson. Danielson suffered an eye injury during that match and was just cleared for the match. Morishima used his size advantage and just kept knocking down Danielson. Danielson was finally able to knock down Morishima and just kept locking in submission maneuvers. He locked in a triangle choke after that locked in his cattle mutilation. He then turned the hold into a series of elbows to the side of Morishima’s head. Morishima regained control of the match by using brute force. Morishima started to attack Danielson eye with a series of hard punches. Morishima hit his Back Drop Driver onto Danielson. Morishima gained control and just rained down punches and the ref finally stopped the match when it appeared that Danielson couldn’t defend himself.

Star Rating 2 ½ stars. The finish was truly unique but not new. Danielson won that way several times during his reign as champion. Morishima is being booked as a physical beast. I’m just hoping that they decide to stretch out Morishima to see what else they could do with him. Danielson gave an excellent effort with his eye injury.
The Briscoes vs. Steen & El Generico for the Tag Titles
The last time in Chicago after The Briscoes picked up the win. Steen after the match attacked them with a ladder setting up the match. This wasn’t a match more like a war that took place within the ring. Within the first 5 minutes of the match they were on opposite sides of the building. By the time the get into the ring both Briscoes were bleeding. Steen and El Generico were in control of the match for the early part of the match. The first ladder spot had the Briscoes double team El Generico in the corner and then preceded to hip toss him into a ladder. Briscoes then focused on Steen to slow him down. Mark then made the first effort to retrieve the belts and was interrupted when Steen tipped the ladder backwards. Mark fell back first onto the ladder that Generico was hip tossed onto earlier. Steen and Generico regained control of the match. Steen was trying to set up Mark on top of a ladder. The ladder just completely broke underneath his weight. Jay was then put underneath a ladder and El Generico hit a top rope elbow drop. Steen than power bombed Mark outside and through a table. Jay was able to regain control and stopped El Generico for a few minutes. Mark preceded to hit a shooting star press onto the ladder and El Generico. Mark than made another effort to get the belts but the ladder was to beat up to support his weight. They were able to find and bring in a taller ladder. While this was happening Steen attacked Jay and put him out of commission for a few minutes. Mark picked up El Generico on his shoulders and Jay springboard into the ring hitting the doomsday device. What made this move awesome is that he hit it while flying through the open side of the ladder without touching the ladder. Mark had an opportunity to retrieve the belts and Steen hooked a ladder into the big one and the corner. Steen then preceded up and stunned Mark and brought him down to the side ladder. Steen than piledrived Mark through the ladder and stunning himself. El Generico took the opportunity and scurried up the ladder to make an attempt to retrieve the belts. Jay than grabbed a ladder and used it to stun El Generico. Jay then set up the ladder same way that Steen did. Jay preceded to hit his jay driller through the ladder. Steen and Jay preceded to ascend both sides of the ladder to claim the belts. Jay and Steen were exchanging blows at the top of the ladder. Jay finally knocks Steen all the way down to the mat. Jay was able to unstrap the belts. Before he could remove them Steen made his way back up but was quickly sent back down by Jay. Jay was then able to retrieve the belts for the victory.

Star Rating: A full 4 stars. WWE’s ladder matches worked since the people involved could plan and work it out before events. An independent ladder match is something special because they don’t really have time to plan the match. The Briscoes are gradually showing that they can carry Ring of Honor main event status. Every match they pull something out totally unbelievable. Both teams gave everything that they had and pulled everything including the kitchen sink.
The next few matches are for regular DVD taping
Mitch Franklin vs Alex “Sugarfoot” Payne
This match featured two students of their wrestling school. Mitch Franklin is currently the holder of the top of the class trophy. A great match with two guys who are just getting their feet wet in the business. A very basic maneuver wise from two greenhorns. Mitch Franklin picked up the win when he blocked a roll through attempt.

Star Rating: N/A With 2 guys just getting started in the business it’s real hard to see a definite advantage for either guy.
Daizee Haze &Amazing Kong vs. Sara Del Ray &Lacey
This match featured probably 4 of the biggest names in women independent wrestling right now. Sara Del Ray is the champion of the all women promotion Shimmer. They put on a quality 15 minute match or so. Amazing Kong has one quality that not much seen in women’s wrestling and that is power. She used her power to keep the advantage for her team. Daizee Haze was on the receiving end of many double teams. Del Ray locked Haze into the gory special. Del Ray converted it into a pinning attempt by sliding Haze down. Amazing Kong power bombed Del Ray and got a near fall. Daizee Haze got the victory when she hit her snap mare driver on Lacey.

Star Rating: 3 stars. Another great match put on by the ladies. Every time they are given a chance to shine. They put on a quality match that was enjoyed by every one.
Brent Albright & BJ Whitmer vs. The YRR
The team of Albright and Whitmer just formed within the last couple of weeks. The team of YRR are from ROH’s sister promotion of FIP. The team of Albright and Whitmer just destroyed their opponents and picked up a quick victory.

Star Rating: 1 ½ A typical WWE squash match. They are trying to get the team of Albright and Whitmer over as big time heels.
Matt Sydal vs. Delirious
If you have read the wrestling newsbytes in the last week you would’ve read that Sydal has signed with WWE. This was his final match with ROH and taking on his old nemesis Delirious. At the beginning of the match the fans thanked Sydal for everything he has done for the company. Sydal seemed to be taken back from all the cheers. Sydal had the early advantage on Delirious by using several submission moves. Delirious regained control of the match by hitting a flipping senton splash onto Sydal on the outside. Sydal regained control after hitting his That Its maneuver. The maneuver is a half nelson and pump handle slam for a near pin. Delirious regained control by hitting the Bizarro Driver on Sydal. Sydal came through with the split legged leg drop right into his standing moonsault. Delirious responded by hitting cross body block onto the back and picking up a quick near fall. Delirious was finally able to pick up the win with his chemical imbalance maneuver a variation of the power bomb. After the match Matt Sydal bowed to the crowd and thanked them for everything.

Star Rating: 3 Stars. A solid match from 2 guys who probably have wrestled each other quite a bit. In the last year Delirious career with ROH has had a huge upswing of confidence in him. Matt Sydal concluded a moderately successful career with ROH. The perfect way to end the event.
Overall I would give it about 3 stars. The highlight of the night was the ladder war that was the main-event of the pay per view taping. The low light of the night was the couple of squash matches. On the side after the ladder match Jimmy Jacobs a regular member of the promotion made his return. He introduced his group by attacking the Briscoes Brothers. One of Jacobs’ guys basically busted them both open pretty bad. They hung Jay by his ankles with the belt holders. Jacobs then gave a promo while standing underneath Jay’s blood dripping down all over him. They have announced that this part won’t be on the pay per view. They build themselves as a family friendly promotion. I was surprised that this even happened in the first place. On a positive note they are making great strides in becoming a great promotion. They will be back on December 1st.

Photo © 2007 Ring of Honor
Article © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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