Comic Review by: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Scott & David Tipton
David Messina
IDW Comics
MSRP: $3.99, this book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release!
Shipped On:
"...art by Messina is shadowy and mysterious in order to set the mood of what is going on in the issue"
In Mirror Images beam through the looking glass to deliver a story from one of the most popular corners of Star Trek canon: the Mirror Universe! In the "Mirror, Mirror" episode from The Original Series, an evil Kirk commanded the I.S.S. Enterprise for the Terran Empire. But how did he rise to power, in a universe where treachery is rewarded as much as accomplishment? Witness Mirror-Kirk's plot to unseat Captain Pike and seize command!

IDW continues a habit that they began last month by shipping four Star Trek titles in one week. If the books were lets say, $ 2.99 a piece then IDW could get away with it but since each issue costs $3.99 then a customer walking in who is a fan of Trek has to decide whether they want to blow $11.96 (pre-Alternate Reality Store discount) on Trek and hope that any other book they want will be there later. It’s a bad decision on IDW’s part and they would have better success shipping one Trek book a week and making money that way.

That business gripe out of the way this first issue of the limited series revisits the world of the Mirror Universe. The issue shows life on the Enterprise under the command of Christopher Pike before Kirk took him out of the game. The writing team of the Tipton Brothers (ST: TNG) show the events that led to a command change. So we see an attempt on Pike’s life on a mission and the wooing of Spock and McCoy to one side or the other. The duo pace the issue well and end the issue with a shocking development that leaves us wondering what is really going on.

The art by Messina is shadowy and mysterious in order to set the mood of what is going on in the issue. He has the characters looking as close as they are supposed to and does a good job establishing the mood of all the twists and turns.

Now even with the complaint that I led this review off with the book is enjoyable but would have been even more so if IDW had spread the shipping schedule out. The company produces enough titles that they could send out at least three books a week but they seem to have adopted the Top Cow method of getting out a whole bunch of stuff at once and then wondering why the books aren’t selling.

Writer: Rick Remender   Artist: Peter Bergting
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Image Comics, Shipped On: 073008
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

Pulp fantasist RICK REMENDER spins the untold adventures of Teddy Roosevelt, Rough Rider, President of the United States and paranormal investigator as he uncovers a plot concocted by a band of nefarious aliens in cahoots with a malevolent ancient Mayan demon to eradicate humanity and claim Earth for their own purposes. A merging of The X-Files, Ghostbusters, and Indiana Jones, Creatures promises high-adventure starting one of America's greatest heroes of the early twentieth century brought to glorious four-color life by Swedish superstar PETER BERGTING.

Another Frazetta creation is fleshed out here in a story that involves Teddy Roosevelt, Edgar Rice Burroughs and space men from Mars. I don’t know what it is about Teddy Roosevelt that makes writers use him as an action hero or detective in other mediums but here Remender has him fighting a Mayan god and little green men from Mars. Here we get a rip roaring adventure that has Roosevelt meeting up again with Burroughs on a social call and learning that they have some unfinished business. We see Teddy running around, guns blazing and dropping quips as he defends the Earth from the Martian horde as Burroughs watches the excitement and tries to figure out a way to use what he is seeing in a book. The story is fun but the art by Bergting is a little on the dark side. He could be setting mood but at times I wish I could see more of what he was trying to get across.

Writer: Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka  Artist: Michael Lark & Stefano Gaudiano
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

Part 3 of "Cruel and Unusual" with special guest co-writer Greg Rucka joining the acclaimed DD creative team! Daredevil and Dakota North have investigated all angles of the brutal murders that Big Ben Donovan sits on Death Row for, and all they've come up with is more questions and conspiracies. Why does Big Ben want to be executed for a crime he probably didn't commit? And why does the government want Dakota and Matt Murdock off the case? Find out these answers and more!

The reunion of the Gotham Central team continues here with the third part of a four part arc. Matt Murdock is representing Big Ben Donovan and here we see that Donovan isn’t doing as well as he was when the arc first began. Naturally there is something going on here that our heroes don’t know about and aren’t about to avoid getting stuck in the middle of and the writing duo carefully lay out pieces of the puzzle without revealing what the puzzle actually looks like. We do learn here that it involves Dakota North’s father (who I don’t remember ever seeing before at all), a ‘retired’ mobster and a high powered rifle that comes into play at the end of the issue. There is a Batman moment that pops up in the middle of the issue involving an old friend that put a smile on my face since it couldn’t really happen but does. As always, the art by Lark and Gaudiano is moody but appropriate. Brubaker says that he is going to lighten the tone of the book a bit with future arcs but I happen to like where the book is right now.

Writer: Duane Swiercynski  Artist: Travel Foreman and Russ Heath
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

"The Mortal Iron Fist" part 1 of 4
Marvels' kickingest, punchingest, kung-fu-iest book just got bigger! Following the character-redefining, critically-acclaimed, fan-favorite events of "The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven," the all-new IMMORTAL IRON FIST creative team of Duane Swierczynski (CABLE) and Travel Foreman (ARES) takes it to the next explosive level! Think you know everything there is to know about the traditions of the Immortal Iron Fist? If you do, then why's Danny sweating bullets over an inescapable legacy that's haunted the Iron Fists for centuries, huh? Tell us that, if you're so smart. What was the deeper meaning of Xao's ominous threat? And what incredible new adventure are Danny's fellow Immortal Weapons embarking upon?

Last issue we learned that all of the previous wielders of the Iron Fist (aside from one) happen to die after their 33rd birthday and this issue marks the start of the run of the new team on the title. The fun they will have will be in showing how they get out of the box they were placed in ever so carefully. Foreman handles the present day stuff here while Heath deals with another incarnation of Iron Fist. We see the threat from both sides of the mirror in the way that Swiercynski tells the story. In the present Danny is coming to grips with what he realized last issue while dealing with his relationship issues and a new member of Rand Industries. In the past we see a previous version of the Fist wander into a town in the Old West and realize that he should have found somewhere else to get a drink. The mix between past and present was a staple of the first sixteen issues and we see from the events of this issue that Swiercynski is capable of handling it as well as the initial Brubaker/Fraction team. Foreman’s art is a lot more ‘muscular’ than the art of David Aja but his style works well here. He and Aja have a flair for action so fans will be happy on both ends-art and writing.

Writer: Fred Van Lente  Artist: Clayton Henry
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

"TO ME, MY X-MEN! You must immediately pursue Wolverine into Canada! He has defected back to ALPHA FLIGHT...and taken Kitty Pryde with him!"

This single issue story gives Van Lente an excuse to tell a story from the early days of Alpha Flight. He has Logan and Kitty Pryde on a plane ride to Canada and as the skyline changes he tells her of his life in his first team. The tale shows us that Alpha wasn’t really a team back then but a collection of personalities that at some point could become one. Van Lente shows us a Shaman ho openly wondered why he was wearing a costume, the conflicted Aurora who used missions as a chance to hook up with Logan afterwards and the enigmatic Snowbird. She is portrayed here as someone who really isn’t suited for field work but shows that she would eventually overcome that. The story is also a poignant one because it involves Logan’s past and possible future due to the metal that is within his bones. If you are a parent and are looking for a book that could serve as an entry point to the X-Men universe for your kids then this book should do the trick. By connecting Kitty and Logan in adventures that aren’t too deep both little girls and also boys will find this title easy to get into.

Writer: Aron Coleite  Artist: Clay Mann & Brandon Peterson
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

X-Men vs. X-Men! After their attack on Alpha Flight, Colossus and his team are wanted fugitives! Worse, they've become addicted to the insidious drug known as Banshee! Now it's up to the other X-Men to take them down. Yes, it's mutant vs. mutant! When the X-Men go to war with each other, who wins? Plus, the startling revelation of Jean Grey! Where did she go after defeating Apocalypse? Find out here!

As the cover says this is part of the march on to Ultimatum. And from the events of this issue then action seems to be the end game. Heroes’ writer Coleite shows that he was a great choice to write this book with a story that has just about everything that a comic can hope for. We have action, drama, humor, a search for something larger than ourselves and more here. It takes a certain amount of talent to mix and match elements like this and Coleite does a masterful job. The art duties are shared here by Mann and Peterson but the credits confuse who actually did what. Peterson starts the issue with Phoenix and a certain silver guy but you wouldn’t know that unless you recognized his art style. Mann isn’t as flashy as Peterson but he delivers some steady work here as well. We do learn more about the power enhancing Banshee drug in a sequence involving Peter Parker and the issue ends with something that I didn’t know was possible so I would love to see how Coleite gets Colossus out of his predicament next issue with the conclusion of the arc.

Writer: Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction   Artist: Greg Land & Terry Dodson
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

"SFX", PART 1!
Sentinels? What? And Magneto? And is that the Master Mold? What the hell is going on in San Francisco now that the Uncanny X-Men have relocated there? They've got a new Headquarters and a new status quo as the gauntlet is thrown for a new era of mutantkind. It's all here in the double-sized anniversary issue that sets up the plotlines that will be developed over the next year in UNCANNY. And it's all brought to you by the hot writing team of Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction (Immortal Iron Fist) and fan favorite artists Greg Land (ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR, X-MEN: FREE COMIC BOOK DAY) and Terry Dodson (SPIDER-MAN/BLACK CAT, Wonder Woman). New creators, new home. The future begins now.

Uncanny hits the magical #500 mark with the debut of a new location for the team, a new mission statement, a new co-writer and an art team that could lay out standards for X-teams of the past and future. The world of the X-Men has changed again and this issue lays out the bulk of them. Brubaker and Fraction continue what Joss Whedon and Grant Morrison began with Scott Summers here by adding more steel to his spine thus moving him away from the dull, secure Scott that fans often complained about. The story here contains both set up and action sequences that intermingle as well as the Land/Dodson artwork. The plan is for the duo to alternate arcs on the title which will keep the book on a regular schedule and allow them to work on stories that play to their individual strengths. If you combine that with the fact that this issue contains elements that should keep fans interested in months then you have something to celebrate here.

Writer: Mike Carey  Artist: Scot Eaton & Ken Lashley
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 072308
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)

Sinister's machinations finally come to a head, after decades of preparations. Can Xavier discover the secrets to the plot against his mind before his loses his sanity? Or will he become another in a long line of victims? Either way, he just may learn things about his past he'll come to regret. Guest starring Sebastian Shaw and the deadliest gator in the swamp, Gambit!

Fans are eagerly awaiting the confrontation between Xavier and Scott Summers next issue but here they have to be content with the conclusion of the arc involving the returning Gambit and Sinister. Mike Carey has used the conclusion of Messiah Complex to go thru the life of Charles Xavier and fill in some blanks that weren’t really there in the first place. Here he shows that Mr. Sinister has been involved in X-Men continuity for a lot longer than we imagined. He also uses to opportunity to show that enemies can work together when they have to with the counter point between the battle within Xavier’s mind involving Sebastian Shaw and Gambit. Everything ebbs and flows until the conclusion of this arc and what we see on the last page is another in what seems to be a movement within Marvel to reinvent some of their classic villains. The art duties are shared by Eaton and Lashley here with the present scenes done by one while the past scenes are done by the other. The transitions are pretty seamless.

Writer: Adam Beechen  Artist: Jim Calafiore
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: DC Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)


Fresh from appearances in BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS, the enigmatic Cassandra Cain stars in this six-issue miniseries written by Adam Beechen (COUNTDOWN, ROBIN) with pencils by Jim Calafiore (GOTHAM UNDERGROUND)! Now that Batgirl has finally gained Batman's trust, it's time to conquer her inner demons and prove herself to the rest of the world. This six-issue epic will take Cassandra on an intense, personal journey involving friends, family and foes!

There are quite a few fans out there wondering what DC did to screw Batgirl up. She began as the silent daughter of Cain, an assassin who was taken in by Batman to go on the straight and narrow but for some reason DC decided to make her a villain. That move made many a fan confused and in many cases annoyed because they liked the character the way she was. This 1st issue is a move back to the Batgirl that fans liked. The issue flows nicely but the amount of time that Beechen has to use to catch up fans with the twists and turns within the life of Cassandra Cain grind the issue to a halt while he sort of makes us forget the fact that a good character was screwed up in the first place. We do get a mission statement in the issue since the point here is for Cassandra to hunt down her father and Slade Wilson (aka Deathstroke). Beechen does do a great job here within the pages of Wayne Manor showing the concern about Cassandra as well as the lingering possibility that Batman may be making a bad move by bringing her back into the fold. Those sequences are the best part of the issue besides the Calafiore artwork.

Writer: Ed Brubaker   Artist: Steve Epting
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

It's Cap versus Cap for the future of the American Dream as the Red Skull looks on in laughter! And Bucky learns the true identity of the man behind the other mask! The epic Death of Captain America continues in Part Four of "The Man Who Bought America" by the acclaimed team of Brubaker and Epting.

The perpetually excellent run on Captain America by Brubaker and Epting continues here with this issue. The action in this issue is fought on multiple fronts. We have Bucky fighting the 50’s Cap on the rooftops of New York. We have Sharon Carter and Sin going at it in the tunnels of the Red Skull’s lair. We have the Skull watching the development of his plan (which we are still trying to figure out). It’s like reading a novel by Tom Clancy or David Baldacci. We can see the chess pieces on the board and are shocked when Brubaker moves them. Bucky is still learning on the job here and by using internal dialogue readers can see that he isn’t Steve Rogers but he is trying to live up to his standards. The artwork is its usual high quality self by Epting. Fans are amazed at how good he is but his work on the Avengers years ago when he first came to Marvel showed that he was going to be an amazing talent.

Writer: Joshua Ortega  Artist: Josh Medors
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $3.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

"Shadows of Mirahan" storyline from FRANK FRAZETTA'S DEATH DEALER, this is a dark fantasy story of druids, demons, and the mysterious and beautiful witch-goddess known as Kallista. Written by critically acclaimed novelist and comics writer JOSHUA ORTEGA (FRANK FRAZETTA'S DEATH DEALER, THE NECROMANCER), and reuniting the RUNES OF RAGNAN team of JOSH MEDORS and JAY FOTOS, this is one tale of Frazetta Comics fantasy that you won't want to miss!

The two Joshes team up to tell a take involving the Frank Frazetta creation, the Swamp Demon. This dark and moody tale involves druids and demons in some unknown swamp. The story is pretty basic. We have creatures and those who want to destroy them. But the story isn’t the major reason people are going to buy this book; they are getting it because they are fans of Frazetta. Even with that Ortega doesn’t slack on the story since we do get a tale that gets us through an afternoon that doesn’t insult or intelligence. Medors art is perfect for the issue. He delivers cool but creepy looking demons and hooded druids in a tale of sacrifice and loss. The deal to enhance the illustrations of Frazetta fills in the history blanks of his artwork. We sort of figured that he didn’t wake up some days and decide to draw things that had no history or thought behind them and the Image series of one shots and limited series gives sinew to the bones he constructed.

Writer: Stuart Moore  Artists: Carlo Pagulayan & Steve Kurth
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)


"With Iron Hands" In a devastated Eastern European nation, Iron Man faces a deadly terrorist who can neutralize his armor's power! Meanwhile, high above, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Alpha Team confronts the mysterious Overkill Mind in a deadly aerial battle. What's the connection? None other than Tony Stark himself -- and only he can stop the slaughter! Part 3 of 4.

Moore’s fill-in run on the title is almost at an end so we can expect Marvel to announce the new team on the book at San Diego. Moore is a good writer but this story is being hurt by a bad blending of art styles. Both Pagulayan and Kurth have done better work than what we see here. The book has a muddy, rushed feeling to it that overwhelms the story that Moore is trying to tell. Moore has some good stuff in here but he is hurt by the art. You can tell that he has a feel for the character and is quite capable of putting together a good run on the title if given a chance. The coloring doesn’t help him much either. Everything looks candy coated and bland at the same time. The Adi Granov cover is damn pretty though.

Writers: Mike Benson  Artists: Mike Deodato
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $3.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

"IN THE COMPANY OF WOLVES" Special extra-sized issue illustrated by Mike Deodato (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, NEW AVENGERS) and guest-starring Werewolf By Night! In the aftermath of the Black Spectre debacle, Moon Knight is Public Enemy Number One, a fugitive from justice. But that's not his only problem. Something awful is happening in the dank basement below Club Lu'Pine. Blood-smeared walls raked by claws tell half the story. To know the whole truth, Moon Knight will have to step into the arena and stare down a creature fueled by instinct and fury. To survive, he must become what he faces.

This monster sized issue contains the reunion of Marc Spector and Jack Russell, aka Moon Knight and Werewolf by Night. It also contains a reprint of the first encounter between the two. Mike Benson’s taught story has Russell being held at a fight club that has need of his lupine abilities. Spector is brought into the story by a cop who would like to solve deaths of people by dog bites of the extreme kind. Benson does a wonderful job here with both characters. Spector is on the run and Russell is forced into using his curse against his will. Both men are in dire situations and yet the two remain as connected here as they were when they first came across each other. Deodato wanders in for this issue and if there was ever a book that needed his style of shadows and grit this issue is it. There are pages here that you can taste the atmosphere with a spoon. The reprint stories from Doug Moench and Don Perlin give readers a good sense of what comics were like when the books only cost $.25. Back then the art could come across as mundane but the stories were always interesting because you would pick up a book written by some new guy and see whether he was going to make it or not. The Moon Knight we see in his early appearances was radically changed by Moench once the character got his own title. He added Khonshu and Spector’s multiple personalities and those changes made the character so interesting to novelist Charlie Hudson and Benson.

Writer: Mike Carey  Artist: Eric Basaldua
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

The Ultimate Salem's Seven saga continues! Invisible Woman's research into this new team sensation leads her to a major revelation -- too bad she's trapped at the bottom of the ocean! Meanwhile, Agatha Harkness reveals her true nature!

Basaldua has a chance to draw some major cheesecake images of Sue in this issue that Carey uses to ramp up the saga of the Ultimate version of Agatha Harkness. We follow the events of last issue and find Sue naked and in the company of Namor way off the beaten path as Reed deals with his continuing issues with his love life. Carey keeps the saga on the way to a major conclusion in the next issue and that final part of this arc suggests some major action sequences. The issue is a great mix of progressing plans, sexual attraction, clueless behavior and pretty pictures. I find this version of Harkness actually more interesting than the original one but that may have a lot to do with the way she is drawn here. The original was a woman older than dirt while this one is sultry and has a more immediately defined agenda.

Writer: Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost   Artist: Clayton Crain
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071608
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

It began with one simple mission: Kill the Purifier leader Matthew Risman before he kills any more mutants. But everything went to hell...and now it gets worse. Wolfsbane's decent continues. War rages between Risman and Bastion. The Choir rises. And if that weren't enough... it's X-FORCE VERSUS ARCHANGEL. Part 5 (of 6)

The new version of X-Force is darker and in many ways much more interesting. Part of that is due to the revised mission statement but a lot of it is due to the dark moody art of Crain. In this issue the plans of the elimination of the Purifiers is complicated with the return of the dark blue skinned Archangel. The sudden change in status happened last issue and the transition leads to an opening action sequence that for the first time shows how dangerous this version of Warren Worthington really is. Kyle and Yost portray him as someone who acts quickly with bad intentions. The writing duo also gives Crain an opportunity to do a few two-page spreads within this issue and then given the opportunity he doesn’t disappoint. We see carnage and an army of winged disciples of the Purifiers while on our way to the conclusion of the first arc of this series. Crain will be taking a break for the next arc so that he can keep fresh but Mike Choi can handle the book while he is gone.

Writer: Peter Tomasi  Artist: Doug Mahnke
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: DC Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release, 40% OFF on it's 1st Day of release)

A very special FINAL CRISIS one-shot honoring the passing of a great hero who's been a staple in the DC Universe for years. All that remains is one final memory that the League experiences together as they must fulfill his last wishes or die trying!

The Martian Manhunter is dead! Long live the Martian Manhunter. In Final Crisis #1 the Manhunter was killed by his old (and somewhat lame) foe, the Living Flame. In this one shot we relive the end of the hero’s life and see what his death will do to the DCU. Tomasi and Mahnke show us the death itself and exactly what happens to the Manhunter’s friends as he is going through his death throes. The death scene itself is somewhat brutal and the creative team does a great job showing each second of it. We also see the aftermath and Mahnke does a great job showing the faces of each Justice League member at the point of death and at the quiet moments that surround it. We also get our first glimpse of why there will be a new Justice League title in a multi-panel sequence showing the League at the funeral. There are quite a few readers out there who found Final Crisis #1 a bit confusing but Tomasi keeps us on point in this one shot. I will be pretty honest here. I never cared that much about the Manhunter and thought he had one of the dumbest costumes ever. That said I did sense a great feeling of loss while reading this one shot. Mahnke does some of his best work here.

Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning  Artist: Paul Pelletier
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

Beware the return of...Starhawk! First it was the recovery of a ceratin world-famous shield...and now the enigmatic Starhawk reigns death from above! How and why is this original Guardian of the Galaxy here in our reality, and what does his ominous arrival mean for our motley crew of freedom fighters? The mysteries continue to deepen and the craziness comes hot and heavy in the book that ComicPants.com raves "packs more awesome than the rest of Marvel and DC's lineup combined."

The man on the cover is Starhawk and yes, he does look very impressive. He arrives at the Guardians headquarters at the same time the team is trying to figure out what the deal is with Vance Astro. And as that is going on Starlord, Warlock, Gamorra, Rocket Raccoon and Drax are trying to save the residents of the Dyson Sphere. The only problem with that is the sudden appearance of the enforcers from the Universal Church of Truth. Okay, so now you know what happens in this issue but you should still be reading it because it is a bundle of fun and has an ending that will compel you to get the next issue which also ties into Secret Invasion. The writing team (and now Marvel exclusive save for their run on The Authority relaunch) of Abnett and Lanning pack this issue with so much action that sometimes you have to put the issue down to catch your breath. They also reintroduce Starhawk but don’t tell us where he came from and why he has a problem with the Guardians. He just shows us and starts kicking ass in a brutal fight with Vance Astro who is trying to remember where he has been and why he is there. And while those two are fighting the mission on the Sphere has a fight just as brutal that leads to a spectacular finish. Pelletier keeps up with the pace and contributes some cool pages that lead up to the quiet and yet mysterious coda meant to draw us back to the title next month.

Writer: Matt Fraction  Artist: Salvador Larocca
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

Iron Man's new ongoing series soars to armor-melting speeds! New fans, get in on this one now, 'cause the getting is good! Longtime Iron Man readers, strap in, because Tony Stark's about to face a shocking new menace...one that's oddly familiar! Is this all part of Ezekiel Stane's unstoppable plan to destroy his sworn enemy, Iron Man?! Has Tony's incomparable intellect, genius technical acuity and vast business acumen finally met their match in the brilliant young Zeke? How's ol' Tony gonna get out of this one? Written by Matt Fraction (IMMORTAL IRON FIST) with mind-blowing art by Salvador Larroca (UNCANNY X-MEN)!

The one thing to keep in mind when reading this title is to remind you not to drool over the Larocca artwork. The second thing is to realize that Fraction is one hell of a writer and not to be amazed by anything that he is creating. In the last issue Ezekiel Stane decided that it would be fun to blow up a party at the new Stark skyscraper in Taiwan. Tony Stark was at the party with Pepper Potts and so Pepper was caught in the blast radius. Fraction slows things down to show readers how long it takes for Tony’s armor to protect him and from there we are off to the races. As the pages quickly turn we see the introduction of a piece of Iron Man movie material and get a rundown on the life and times of Obidiah Stane and his wayward son, Zeke. We couple that with the introduction of some new versions of stolen Stark technology and a solution found by our villain to his habit of frying his skin off when he decides to use what he has developed. It will be interesting to see what Fraction is going to do with the change in status of Pepper (I am not saying what happens but it is very cool) while he works his way towards an issue that has Tony and Zeke in an all out fight to the death that could have readers wearing bibs so they don’t ruin the issue with their excessive drooling

NOVA #15
Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning  Artists: Wellington Alves & Geraldo Burges
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

Face-to-really-big-face with Galactus! He's attempted to save evacuees, he's tried to bring down a horrifying serial killer, he's even gone one-on-one with the Silver Surfer...but now our lone space cop must take his plight directly to the Big G himself! But the question is: will this universal force of nature even listen? It's got Galactus, Silver Surfer, Nova, crazy twists and pretty art-so don't you owe it to yourself to check out the book that Ain't It Cool News says "knocked my socks off with each and every issue"?

The issue begins with us getting a view of what happens when Galactus is about to feed on the remains of a deadened planet. Trapped inside the death throes of the planet is our hero, Nova and when we see him he is in the middle of an argument with the Worldmind about his actions as he is trying to make sure he doesn’t become an extremely crisp piece of bacon. Of course, our hero survives (and does so in a well drawn sequence) but in doing so he has to adjust to a new set of circumstances. The rest of the issue is Richard Ryder dealing with his new situation and discovering that something he thought was dead was not. We see his final battle with Harrow and the reappearance of the Silver Surfer before we move toward the Secret Invasion connection in the next issue.
Normally using two artists on a title within the pages of one issue is confusing but Alves and Burges mesh well. It will be interesting to see how long Abnett and Lanning keep Rich in the circumstances he is in due to him escaping the planet’s destruction.

Writers: Brian Michael Bendis  Artist: Butch Guice
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

Revealed: The secret history of the Ultimate Universe! For the first time in 70 years, a strange object within Project Pegasus has awoken - as bit by fascinating bit, the long buried mysteries are being exposed! Journey back to World War II, and discover that the deadliest threat to young Steve Rogers was not the Nazis, but an ancient threat from worlds beyond! The dream team of Brian Michael Bendis (SECRET INVASION) and Butch Guice (CAPTAIN AMERICA,) continue the Ultimate series of the year that is a must-read lead-in to ULTIMATUM!

In the first issue of the limited series we learned that President Roosevelt wanted to create a super soldier to turn the tide during World War II. We also saw Nick Fury and James Howlett (Wolverine) arrested for war crimes and used as test subjects for the Super Soldier program. Fury is now enhanced and Howlett became the first mutant. In this issue we see Carol Danvers bring the Fantastic Four to a facility that houses the artifacts of strange and unusual things that the US government has come across. Within the facility one of those unusual things, a tower with a face imbedded in it has mysteriously turned on and from there we go back to 1942 where we meet Steve Rogers at a movie theater. He is watching a newsreel of the actions during the war. Guice draws him as small and intense and we sense a feeling of longing in his face as he watches how the war is going. While at the theater he is approached by his friend Gail (who we saw in Ultimates) before he goes off into the night and tries to apply to the Army for the infinite time. As he is being told again that he can’t enlist he is asked to come into a back room by a certain Sergeant Dugan where he begins his entry into Project: Rebirth. As history shows he passes all the tests but here when he avenges the death of Doctor Erskine we see that mysterious artifact was there at the time. The changed Steve Rogers meets the President and is given the mission that he was re-born for. The last page of the issue is a two page spread from Guice showing Captain America in action. Bendis’ story flows nicely but the art from Guice is a sight to see. On one page he shows Rogers walking out into a night so real that you would think it was a picture and not art, on another he shows Rogers just sitting there dealing with what has happened on the night that changed his life forever. Each page is just spectacular.

Writers: Warren Ellis & Mike Wolfer  Artists: Gianluca Pagliarani
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Avatar Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $4.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

Warren Ellis' epic barbarian saga returns! Before history was recorded in stone and ink, some men wrote it in blood. This all-new color Annual is the perfect way to hone your senses for the new Wolfskin series that begins this summer! In the world of the First Century, where broadswords, warhammers and warriors abound, a man's worth is measured by the swiftness of his reflexes and his preparedness to kill. From the far North, the roaming Wolfskin is a mercenary of unequaled might, dedicated to delivering the souls of his enemies to a blood-thirsty God. After travelling through the wooded realm of the sexy Feral Girl, Wolfskin has arrived in a bustling coastal community, where merchants and seafarers have transformed a primitive village into an economic paradise. But the architects of the seaport's prosperity wear the brands of criminals, and only Wolfskin suspects that behind the veneer of the town's thriving commerce lies a secret most vile. The tattooed Algizmen, disowned by the Gods themselves, know that Wolfskin must be destroyed before the contents of the mysterious casks that have brought the seaport its wealth are exposed! Just as they've done with the hit series Gravel, Warren Ellis as plotmaster and Mike Wolfer on script assist have teamed up to create an immersive world drawn by stellar newcomer Gianluca Pagliarani.

The Warren Ellis barbarian character will return in another limited series next year I believe so fans should enjoy this one shot while they are waiting. This Annual as most Avatar projects do comes with a multiple number of covers so make sure you pick the one you like. I am partial to Juan Jose Ryp’s lush artwork so I snagged the wraparound cover. Here we see Ellis and Pagliarani take the barbarian out of his element and on the road but the issue is loaded with the same massive amount of brutality as the limited series was. We get pages and pages of masterful carnage dished out from the sword and hands of the blonde haired barbarian coupled with some smart dialogue. The color work by Juanmar makes each page more attractive than the next. This is Conan without restrictions.

Writers: Marc Guggenheim  Artists: Yanick Paquette
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 071008
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

"NEW GENESIS," part 4 (of 5) It's the Young X-Men vs. the Hellfire Club! Will the kids survive? Marc Guggenheim (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, WOLVERINE, Eli Stone) and Yanick Paquette (ULTIMATE X-MEN) pack more surprises than you can handle into this issue.

 When this title was announced writer Marc Guggenheim said that there would be surprises in every issue and in this issue he proves himself right once again. The events of this issue deal with the Young X-Men’s proposed assault on the Hellfire Club. Things start off with Ink heading to his tattoo artist’s shop in order to get a new tattoo and with that, a new power. We already know from past issues that Ink isn’t as honest as he seems to be and is actually working with Hellfire Club member Donald Pierce. Guggenheim takes his time here setting up the assault and in doing so shows what’s going on inside the heads of the team members as they prepare for the mission that Cyclops has given them. We see self-doubt, shame and pride before the team makes their move and as one move happens at one point of the chess board another is happening underneath it. The underside move leads to this month’s shock ending and seems to explain the actions of one of the characters. The artwork here is pretty well done by Paquette. He can handle the silent character moments as well as the action set pieces. If fans haven’t noticed this quality title then they should start because it has a perfect writer/artist combination.

Writers: Bob Gale, Marc Guggenheim & Dan Slott  Artist: Paulo Siquiera
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

It's a good old fashioned He Said/He Said/He Said when Spidey, Vin Gonzales and SWING SHIFT Heavy OVERDRIVE find themselves in a car chase across the Big Apple! Three members of our Braintrust's best give you each side of the same story, as Gale, Guggenheim and Slott team up for "TRAFFIC JAM!"

This ‘one and done’ story is written by three writers because it’s called ‘POV’. The story is told from the perspectives of Peter Parker, his cop roommate Vin Gonzales and new villain Overdrive. We begin with the tale from Peter’s perspective as he chases Overdrive in a stolen car while he is swinging towards a job interview. The conclusion of his portion of the story leads into Vin telling his superior about his day. Things start with a chat with Pete about his current joblessness situation as Vin plans to take his dad to a game at Yankee Stadium. Naturally since Vin has issues with Spider-Man his take on Pete being a hero is a bit skewed. The end of the story shows what happened to Overdrive after his afternoon adventure. The conclusion shows that he will live on the be a problem for Spider-Man another day, the Parker luck remains true and Vin may be taking a major step in his relationship with his partner, Carlie. We also see that another member of the cast was involved in this story and that gives us the last page. The story is an obvious ‘homage’ to the classic Kurasowa film Rashomon that told a story from multiple perspectives. We start with Pete, who is just trying to get a job when his alter ego becomes needed then see where his day started with Vin before seeing Overdrive trying to explain to his boss, Mr. Negative why he lost what he was sent out for. You would expect a tonal shift since each writer takes on a different aspect of the story but since the three are handling the title nothing here seems forced. Siqueira shows a natural affinity for Spider-Man and his world.

Writers: Alex Ross/Jim Krueger  Artist: Howard Chaykin
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)


The King of Atlantis vs the Prince of Atlantis with an entire kingdom as the ultimate prize. Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Steve Sadowski continue the year's most surprising cross-time epic with a battle that promises to tear two centuries asunder. Plus, more clues to the mystery of just how the Invaders landed in 2008!

The Ross cover shows one thing that fans have been looking for since this series was announced-Namor vs. Namor. We have the classic Invaders model against the blue suited former member of the Illuminati. One is young and brash while the other has learned that it is good to be passionate about some things but practicality has to enter into the equation sometimes. As the two Namor’s fight over who should rule Atlantis (well, what is left of it) we also see that the Invaders are prisoners of SHIELD until they can figure out whether they are good guys or bad guys. We also see that the New Avengers are making plans to enter the fray and see that things are really going to heat up in a number of ways next issue. I do wonder how Krueger and Ross are going to end this-will the Invaders stay in our time or will they find a way back to where they belong? The book does have the correct balance between showing what would happen if you were bounced into a time that is not your own and keeping the plates moving by also including action sequences as well.

Writer: Duane Swieczynski  Artist: Ariel Olivetti
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

The war that started in "Messiah CompleX" continues here! Hang on to your Bjorn-straps, people: Here it is, the can't-miss conclusion to "War Baby"! Both Cable and Bishop have crossed lines they thought they'd never cross. There's no going back now. And in the disaster-ravaged streets of a near-future Manhattan, it all comes down to which X-Man wants to accomplish his objective more. The gloves are off...the guns are loaded...and nobody's going to walk out of this one unscathed...
including the baby!

This issue marks the end of the first arc for the title and answers some questions about what Cable can and cannot do as far as time travel. We also see Sophie, the waitress step up and learn that you can get more with a kind word and a gun than just a kind word. There is a lot more action here than in some of the initial issues of the arc. The title still hasn’t moved that much past its ‘Lone Wolf and Cub’ nature but it is cool to see a man shooting guns with a baby in a metal harness strapped to his chest. I will say that Swieczynski’s hardest job on this book will be not letting Bishop come off as the bad guy. Bishop believes he is right but all we see is a guy trying to kill a helpless baby and it will be interesting to see if history (no pun intended) shows that in the long run he was doing the right thing. We end with Nathan Summers in another time giving readers and the baby a mission statement and it looks as if fans should enjoy the mission if they give it a chance.

Writers: Charles & Daniel Knauf, Artists: Daniel Acuna,
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

The powerful Eternals stand divided as they race to awaken the missing members of their race! On one side, the power of Ikaris and Thena, guided by Makaari and his connection with the dreaming Celestial! On the other, the dark lord of Vorozheika, the dreaded Druig, finding his lost kin through means unknown! But on whose side does Ajak, the celestial's former liaison, fall?

The second issue of the new Eternals series has a few balls in the air at the same time. We have Druig continuing in his recruiting mission so that he can become a Prime Eternal. We see Sersi have a chat with Iron Man, a fellow Avenger about what the super hero community should do with the returning Eternals. We see Makkari continuing his discussions with the Dreaming Celestial and see the after effects of him doing so. We see that Ajak is still a pain in the ass and also get an appearance of the Order. We also see Ikaris give Ajak an assignment that may not end well at all. The Knauf’s also show us two more Eternals who will join one side of the struggle in future issues.
That’s a lot of stuff for one issue but the writers don’t get lost and keep the pages turning. We do see that their mission to integrate the Jack Kirby creation more tightly tied to the main Marvel Universe is going well since we see the Order and Iron Man pop up. The duo handles this book as well as they handled Iron Man.The dark glory of Daniel Acuna’s artwork assists greatly in making this a compelling title to read. His work is incredibly detailed and his figure work has the characters look natural. No one comes off as a ‘comic book’ character; they look extremely natural. It seems that Marvel made a great move in signing him to an exclusive.

Writer: David Michelinie, Artists: Ron Lim & Bob Layton
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

The true motive for Dr. Doom seeking Iron Man's aid comes to light at last, revealing a threat unlike any the Armored Avenger has faced before. Tony Stark, now partnered with his most dangerous foe, wrestles with impossible choices, even questioning the beliefs that form the very core of his being. And the decisions he makes will determine the fate of every man, woman and child on Earth. The stunning conclusion to The Camelot Trilogy will rock your world--literally!

The classic Iron Man team of Michelinie and Layton finish their return to the character this week with the last issue of this limited series. The premise of the series was that while destroying some old armor Tony Stark discovered some data about an encounter with Doctor Doom that he didn’t remember. In the issues before this we see that Stark and Doom have changed after encountering Excalibur. We start here with the duo fighting a giant walking tower of eyeballs. The issue has the two of them arguing about working together even though we know that they have to. We see the tower of eyeballs march thru the countryside and figure that all hope is lost until Merlin decides to make his return. It is at that point that we learn why Tony doesn’t remember anything about this encounter and see everything end with a return to normalcy. It’s nice to see the old team together so the book is perfect for the nostalgia fans but newcomers may wonder why this book even exists. The book has a smooth quality to it and there is a nice sense of fun on each page.

Writer: Arvid Nelson  Artist: Alex Sanchez
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: DC Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release, 40% OFF on it's 1st Day of release)

A cast of top creators lends their talents to THE JOKER'S ASYLUM - a special month-long, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's rogues gallery. Each issue tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an inside look into the insane lives of the Dark Knight's greatest adversaries. And all the stories are narrated by the Asylum's leading homicidal maniac -The Joker!

Well, if there is a Batman movie coming out then there has to be tie-ins coming out to support the film. DC and Marvel don’t do movie adaptations anymore so the companies send out books involving the characters. DC has a two-issue Prestige Two Face limited series that starts the week The Dark Knight comes out and this is the first issue of a weekly event showcasing a different Batman villain. The event starts with the Joker invading a game show a few years ago. The issue is written by Rex Mundi’s Arvid Nelson and he does a good job chronicling one of the Joker’s escapades. The issue is drawn by newcomer Alex Sanchez and he has a rough, semi-surreal style that has the Joker looking a lot like Heath Ledger. He is assisted by Jose Villarubia who makes the pages sort of glow with psychedelic coloring. We do get an appearance by Batman near the end but the issue (as well as the event) is focused on telling a tale of the Joker. Next issue a new team will tell a tale of the Penguin, who isn’t in the movie.

Writers: Matt Fraction/Rick Remender  Artists: Ron Lim & Bob Layton
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

JIGSAW PART 4: The Hand and it's cadre of fantastic killers makes its move against the Punisher as every shooter in New York City has their sites trained on Frank Castle...and with his only allies in hiding, Frank brings the fight underground. As the entire city watches Frank run, S.H.I.E.L.D. -and Bridge's Girls-follow. The creative genius of JIGSAW is in full bloom...how much punishment can one man take? You have no idea. By Matt Fraction (UNCANNY X-MEN, INVINCIBLE IRON MAN) and Rick Remender (Fear Agent, The Atom), with art by the legendary Howard Chaykin (WOLVERINE, WAR IS HELL: THE FIRST FLIGHT OF THE PHANTOM EAGLE).

Part four of the six-part arc ‘Jigsaw’ has Frank remembering that his late wife, Maria loved jigsaw puzzles as the Hand is trying to kill him. He had more or less beaten the assassins until Lady Gorgon showed up last issue to finish what the female assassins have started. The action grows when SHIELD arrives to take Frank into custody and starts a little one on one with the killers of the Hand. As the action escalates Frank tries to go off and live to fight another day but things don’t work out as well as he would like and that leads into next month’s penultimate (I learned that word from reading comics) issue of this arc. Chaykin snappily draws the fast paced issue and the coloring is sublime.

Writer: Howard Chaykin  Artists: Marco Turini
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics, Shipped On: 070208
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release AND 40% OFF on it's 1st Day of release!)

They were gods walking the Earth... powerful but flawed, they dreamed of remaking the world in their image. After their apocalyptic battle with Redstone, and after their terrifying fight with the Ultimate Universe, that dream has become a nightmare. While mankind struggles to rebuild, new heroes appear-and Nick Fury, left behind after the hit ULTIMATE POWER limited series, learns the shocking secrets of four astronauts who returned to Earth...changed. Join comics legend HOWARD CHAYKIN and newcomer MARCO TURINI to ask the question-whatever happened to the Squadron Supreme?

Marvel hasn’t made it clear whether this is a regular series of a limited series hence the mention in the header. This new series follows the events of Ultimate Power and has the Ultimate version of Nick Fury now living in the land of the Supremes. When we left this universe it was pretty screwed up and the events here take place five years later as the planet is still in the rebuilding stage. The Squadron hasn’t been seen since the devastation of the US but from the events of this first issue some others may be taking their place. We also see here that four astronauts have returned from space and that villain Emil Burbank hasn’t been told of what was recovered from their mission. Arcanna Jones is also reintroduced here to join Fury and Burbank to see what is going on with them and from the last page we see that something very wrong has happened.

Chaykin also introduces a woman who exhibits Spider-Man like abilities and a man dressed in tattered flag remnants that foil a terrorist attack. There is also something being passed from certain people to the next that are somehow connected with the astronauts but we will have to wait for the next issue to see just what is being spread to this rebuilding world. The book is mostly set up but Chaykin has been in comics long enough to know that you have to include some action sequences to keep readers inclined to turn the pages. He does create question on your mind that something strange is going on and for most fans that will keep them coming just to see what he is planning to do.

The art here is from newcomer Marco Turini. He is one of the many foreign artists found on CB Cebluski’s ChesterQuest talent hunt and his work here shows why he was locked into an assignment right away. He shows a great talent for detail and suggests a Phil Jiminez career track ahead of him. Greg Land will do the covers for this series and I figure at some point Marvel will make clear whether this is a regular series or not.

Writer: James Robinson  Artist: Renato Guedes
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: DC Comics, Shipped On: 062508
MSRP: $2.99 (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release)

 James Robinson (Starman, The Golden Age) arrives as the new ongoing writer of SUPERMAN as changes abound in the life of the Man of Steel! A frighteningly powerful new presence declares Metropolis his, a monster strikes the harbor of the City of Tomorrow, Green Lantern guest-stars for a unique game of fetch, and the Science Police arrive on the scene. And this is only issue one of the new run!

The first issue by Starman’s James Robinson shipped on 6/25 and it is nice to see Robinson back in comics. The issue begins with a game of catch in outer space with Krypto chasing a Frisbee being tossed back and forth between Superman and Green Lantern. It’s a nice soft opening that has the two heroes talking about their love lives while suggesting that the world that they live in will soon change. Robinson jumps from there to introduce the new leader of the Science Police (Metropolis division), Travis DuBarry. Travis is having a fun day dealing with some big creature that is wandering thru the streets of the city, leaving havoc in its path. The returning Jack Kirby character Atlas, who is here to confront Superman, eventually dispatches the creature. We see Superman return to Metropolis at the end of the issue and in the next issue we will see what has brought the obscure character back to the DCU.

The issue is well written by Robinson, who takes his time to tell the story on both fronts. We see the casual section in space that has Hal Jordan look at his friend and wonder how he can be positive as well as a bit naïve. The Metropolis section shows that Travis isn’t as confident as he should be considering he is leading the field operation but also has the character showing resentment on being a ‘janitor’ whenever Superman shows up.
Gudes’ art is perfect for the book. He has a natural feel for anatomy for the most part save for the ridiculously built Atlas, who was designed by Jack Kirby. From the looks of him the act of walking would tear every muscle in his body but that’s intentional. The Alex Ross cover is also very effective even though what he is showing isn’t exactly what happens during the issue.

The plan for the Superman titles is to eventually inter-connect them since Robinson and Geoff Johns intend to be around for a while. Action is already a quality title and from the looks of this issue Superman is on the way to becoming one as well.

Writer: Tim Truman  Artist: Tomas Giorello
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics, Shipped On: 062508
MSRP: .99¢ (This book was 15% OFF on it's 1st Week of release AND 40% OFF on it's 1st Day of release!)

Conan the Cimmerian #0 marks a transitional period in young Conan's life, as he spurns the magicians, turncoats, and legal trappings of the cities he's seen in order to return to the beloved northern frontiers of Cimmeria, where he was born and raised. It also marks a turning point in the artistic muscle that will fuel Conan's adventures throughout 2008 and beyond. Writer Timothy Truman and Argentine artist Tomás Giorello are joined by renowned colorist José Villarrubia in this special issue, as they deliver their adaptation of Robert E. Howard's "Cimmeria" poem. And what's up with Conan? He fights for his life when he crosses paths with a pack of Vanir raiders on the Cimmerian border! Taking our brutal barbarian into his next exciting era!

Dark Horse starts Conan all over again with the launch of this #0 issue. Truman has always been a fan of the character and he starts here with a telling of the Robert E. Howard tale Cimmeria. The story begins with a framing device of Howard writing the story and we move into Conan defending his native land against intruders as he is returning there from the events of Conan #50. The tightly told story has blood and memories of adventure and death coupled with a warning to be delivered to avoid the land of Conan’s birth. Giorello is a damn good artist with a natural affinity for faces and violence. The coloring by Jose Villarrubia adds a haunting quality to the pages. He over saturates details such as clothing and blood while keeping the backgrounds washed out. It gives the pages a more vibrant look. We are in the midst of a revival of titles that were massive sellers in the 70’s and 80’s. When Dark Horse announced that they were going to do a Conan series most people shrugged and wondered what the point was. Very few people are shrugging now since the move lead to the successful revivals of Red Sonja, GI Joe and tons more including the recently announced returns of the Phantom and Judge Dredd by Dynamite. That series of revivals also brought Tim Truman back to prominence in comics.

Reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles sent out by Marvel. Additionally one DC and one Indy title are picked just to round things out!

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2008 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2008 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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