FINAL CRISIS #3 (of 7)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Grant Morrison
J.G. Jones
DC Comics
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Shipped On:
"...Final Crisis is one of the best ‘event’ books that DC has done since
Identity Crisis."
Batman missing in action! Superman immobilized! Green Lantern on trial for his
A shadow is falling across Earth's super heroes - and now it's Wonder Woman's
turn to face the Evil Gods! What bizarre warning from beyond awaits
Frankenstein, The Question and the agents of S.H.A.D.E. in the shadows of the
Dark Side Club? What grim fate lies in store for The Human Flame? What happens
when the Anti-Life Equation hits the internet? Can the Fastest Men Alive outrun
The Black Racer - Death himself? And who are the Justifiers?
The answers are all here as the unstoppable rise of evil continues in FINAL
CRISIS #3 by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones.
We are a month away from the scheduled break between Final Crisis #4 and the
remainder of the limited series and at the beginning point of Final Crisis:
Legion of Three Worlds and Final Crisis: Revelations so now is a good time to
see what has been happening with the August book of the month.
As of this moment we have seen the death of the Martian Manhunter and the return
of Barry Allen as well as the Len Wein Justice League of America villain Libra
(who was seen only once before this). We have also been introduced to the Asian
super teams of Big Science Action and the Super Young Team. All are creations
from the mind of Grant Morrison who seems to have thrown in everything and the
kitchen sink in the first three issues. You would assume that a story as
incredibly dense as this would be hard to follow and if you read the first issue
then you probably were. To Morrison’s credit he leaves out the bizarre nature
that his stories sometime have here and lays out a mystery that fans should be
willing to solve by following along. The only problem here is that some of the
things he is trying to get across here contradict things seen in the Jim Starlin
Death of the New Gods limited series and Countdown but as has been reported in
the fan press that is more of DC’s problem and not Morrison. He knew what he was
trying to do with this limited series and after the first issue we can see where
he is trying to lead us.
The art by Jones is excellent here. He is a reality based artist and there are
certain pages here where things look natural even though we are reading a book
with superheroes of many shapes and sizes. He also contributes the covers and
all have been iconic although you wonder why he shows Supergirl on the cover of
#3 when she has little, if anything to do with the issue. #3 is the last issue
that Jones will be handling full art chores for since DC made a command decision
to keep the title on schedule by adding Carlos Pacheco to the mix. I do commend
DC for making the move to keep the event from going off track but the move is
another in a continuing series of problems that DC has had with their big
events. Phil Jimenez was assisted in finishing off Infinite Crisis and the
weekly 52 and Countdown often brought artists in just to keep the trains moving.
Fans were promised that Crisis was from Morrison/Jones not
Morrison/Jones/Pacheco. It’s not that I am not a fan of Pacheco but his and
Jones art styles are incompatible with one another. Pacheco is more of a flashy
type of artist while as I stated earlier Jones’ style is more realistic. The
trade off could be jarring to the point of distracting from the story.
That complaint notwithstanding I think that Final Crisis is one of the best
‘event’ books that DC has done since Identity Crisis. It is a perfect
combination of story and art and it will be interesting to see if the effects of
this project contribute to major changes in the DCU. |
Will Pfeifer,
David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
DC Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The not-so-long kiss goodnight! Catwoman's trying to stay one step ahead of
Batman, the police and the supervillains of Gotham City, but in this final issue
she's going to have to doublecross one of them. Will they be able to live with
it? And will she still be standing when the smoke has cleared?
The last issue of Catwoman comes with a very cool Adam Hughes cover that shows
her surrounded by money as she looks at us with a melancholy tone. You can
almost imagine a dialogue balloon that says, ‘Why didn’t you buy my book?’ This
final issue is about Batman and Catwoman chasing each other thru the streets of
Gotham and the East End. The two have been chasing each other since their first
encounter and Pfeiffer has Selina keep the chase going with narration that lets
us know we have been here before but he tosses in little asides that keep the
issue from becoming dull and repetitive. Even though this is a tale involving
two people we have here an internal story that shows us just who Selina Kyle
really is and her sudden realization of that person. I would hope that DC finds
Lopez another assignment within the Batman family of titles because he seems to
have an affinity for the character.
AIR #1
G. Willow Wilson,
M.K. Perker
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
DC/Vertigo Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release/40% OFF it's 1st DAY of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Ladies and gentlemen, there's been a change in our flight plan. You may have
heard of a group called the Etesian Front - vigilantes dedicated to taking the
skies back from terrorism. Sounds like a noble cause, right? But there's more to
them than meets the eye. They're after someone I know. Someone who is either an
average frequent flier - or a terrorist. And he's got a secret. Something that
will change the way we fly - and the way we see technology - forever. To find
him, we've altered course. We're en route to a country that doesn't exist on any
maps. Only one person knows how to get us there: me. My name is Blythe, and I'll
be your stewardess today. So buckle your seatbelts - this will be the flight of
your life.
If there is one thing that defines Vertigo it’s their willingness to assign
books to unknown creators and then watch them either catch on or fall suddenly
to the ground. This exercise in futility is from novelist W. Willow Wilson (yes,
that’s her real name) and M. K. Perker, who is making his comic debut. The book
is provocative, highly interesting, topical, confusing and perfectly drawn but
it won’t sell a lick. The main characters of the title are Blythe, a stewardess
who meets a suspicious passenger that she ends up jumping out of a plane with,
that suspicious passenger who could/may be anybody and an organization that
seems to have an agenda no one else has. We start mid jump then move ahead to
the present before retracing the steps that got Blythe there. The time jump does
keep you on your toes along with the rest of the story Wilson is telling here
but at times she is too smart for her own good. The reveal at the end isn’t
necessary because if we have gotten that far then it’s obvious that we enjoyed
what we just read so it comes off as something that the editor should have saved
for another arc. Air is completely different from any book on the Vertigo roster
but it seems to be too good for the room it is in. I would say that this title
will fall to the ground fairly quickly but I will stick around to watch the
plane go down.
Geoff Johns,
George Pérez & Scott Koblish
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
DC Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
From the moment Kal-El landed on earth until the end of time, the Time Trapper
has sought to erase Superman's impact on the universe. But the Legion of
Super-Heroes have always been there to stop him. This time, though, even the
Legion won't be enough. The Time Trapper has found the ultimate weapon to carry
out his plan - a twisted mirror image of the boy of steel from a parallel Earth
long dead: Superboy-Prime! Who will answer the Legion's call for help? Find out
here as the Crisis of the 31st century begins!
As a rule there have always been problems with the Legion of Super Heroes when
it comes down to fan acceptance. The concept and the characters have connected
with a certain part of fandom but that segment of fandom hasn’t always connected
with the rest of the world. It could be the fact that the membership of the team
is so vast that some feel they can’t relate to so many characters. It could also
have to do with the feeling that aside from Superboy/man and Supergirl the rest
of the DCU isn’t even connected with the team. That hasn’t stopped writers or
artists from trying to breach that cavern and here Geoff Johns and George Perez
take their shot in a Final Crisis tie-in. The bulk of this oversized issue deals
with the now freed Superboy-Prime (the lawsuit over who owns the rights to
Superboy hasn’t been settled but DC seems to think that they will prevail by
using his name here) and his as usual overblown sense of entitlement. He finds
himself in the future of one incarnation of the Legion (last seen in Action)
outside the Superman Museum and lets just say he doesn’t like what he discovers
while inside. Johns finds the narcissistic nature of the character fun to write
and here he pulls out all the stops. We also see that the Legion isn’t exactly
being welcomed back into society as Prime makes his way thru a path of rage. The
scope of this limited series allows Perez to do what he does best-draw as many
characters as he can without overwhelming our senses. There have to be at least
200 different characters here and you can imagine him smiling at himself as he
is drawing them. The ultimate goal of this limited series is to attract new fans
to the Legion and tell a great story. I think the team has done the latter but
the jury will be out on the former.
Sergio Aragones/Mark Evanier,
Paul Smith
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
DC Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The Spirit swims with the dolphins - but murder follows him even among these
peaceful creatures!
Another enjoyable issue of the Spirit and this time it takes place at an
aquarium. It seems that Ellen Dolan has sent a message to Denny Colt that he has
to get there right away and take on one of his toughest assignments ever-help
her watch a bunch of kids. Naturally the kids are running roughshod over the
place and the Spirit finds himself overmatched. Actually the whole issue could
have been him dealing with the kids and that would have been a great read but
since this is the Spirit someone gets killed and he has to try and figure out
what is going on. Of course there is a hot woman involved but we sort of expect
that in this book and divide our attention from her lush figure and the fast
flying jokes that we sometimes have to read again to get them all. Everyone in
the issue gets a chance to have some fun and there is some peril involved before
we get to the hilarious ending. This take on the book isn’t as stylish as the
Darywn Cooke issues but there is more fun here. I would doubt that the Frank
Miller film will have half of the chuckle quotient that this title has. |
Michael Green & Mike Johnson,
Rafael Albuequerque
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
DC Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The Man of Steel and the Dark Knight are shocked to discover little versions of
themselves fighting a threat in Metropolis. But where did these tiny heroes come
from? As Superman and Batman search for answers, things get worse with the
arrival of the Li'l League!
A fun beginning to a two part adventure that has miniature versions of Superman
and Batman end up in the regular DCU. The story by Green and Johnson starts out
as a regular issue would with our heroes solving crises but wondering if
something is wrong because everything seems so big. The reveal is used for the
right hero and from that point on it’s off to the races with silliness and
action. There is a reason why these smaller versions are sucked into the normal
DCU and the person behind it is who we would suspect. We are left with other
versions of mini folks who should make next issue fun and as entertaining as
this issue is. The artwork by Albuquerque adds to the enjoyment due to its
infinite smoothness. This book has been pretty inconsistent since the departure
of Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness but the writing team of Green and Johnson (both
who write Heroes for NBC with Loeb) seem to have gotten a handle on the title.
Peter David,
Valentine DeLandro
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Trapped in a future she never made, Layla Miller finds herself smack in the
middle of the Summers rebellion that was responsible for the eventual liberation
of mutants from the camps. The only question is, will she survive it?
Layla Miller knows stuff and the last time we saw her she was stuck in a very
crappy future with an ‘M’ tattooed on her face. She is still stuck in that same
future in this one shot but the events of this issue suggest that her location
will soon return to the regular X-Factor book and the future she finds herself
in may not be the same once she does. David’s portrayal of the character is
amazing here because when she was introduced she was often the subject of
annoyance in a few comic forums due to her talent for ‘knowing stuff’ but in
this issue her ability to see what is going to happen just makes her look
confident instead of insufferable. We see her just wandering thru the city like
a shark waiting for all the pieces to move into place. Those ‘pieces’ include
someone major in X-Men canon and his daughter. Once everyone is where they need
to be then the issue jumps into action and we see the beginning of change. The
art work is quirky but not in a distracting way and serves to get the story
across. |
Marc Guggenheim,
Phil Jimenez
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
With Spider-Man in her grasp, the Brand New is close to the greatest victory of
all - the unmasking and death of Spider-Man. Can DAREDEVIL rescue him in time?
Ummm...doesn't look that way, does it? Also, Vin Gonzales's life is on the line
- can his roommate Peter Parker beat the odds? Marc Guggenheim and Phil Jimenez
bring you the pulse-pounding conclusion to the introduction of the New (but
really, look at the cover, Spidey-Fan - can't ya figure out who she is?!)
The three part Kraven’s First Hunt arc ends here and creates more questions as
it does. We do not see her call herself Kraven at any point in this issue but
that’s something that Guggenheim and Jimenez made clear when they announced this
arc. The conclusion of the arc takes place mostly underground and has Spider-Man
in Daredevil’s costume as Daredevil is being kept captive by the blonde with
some surprising abilities. There are some fans who want to see the happy go
lucky Daredevil back and this is where that happens due to the fact that Peter
is wearing the red costume. That brings with it some fun moments that are
surrounded by some cool fight sequences by Jimenez. Guggenheim also shows us
that the relationship between Spider-Man and Officer Gonzalez isn’t going to be
improving any time soon. We see here that the introduction of the new hunter is
part of a larger story in the epilogue but that story will have to wait for a
while since the next arc is the return of Venom and John Romita Jr. to the pages
of Spider-Man.
Warren Ellis,
Simone Bianchi
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
"GHOST BOX," PART 2 The superstar team of Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi take
the X-Men to the "Second Stage"! "Messiah Complex" pulled the X-Men team
together, "Divided We Stand" tore them apart. Now the X-Men are back to business
-- with a new look, a new base of operations, and a mystery to solve that will
take them into previously uncharted territory and test them to their core. It
all starts on a spaceship hovering 300 hundred feet above the twisted wreckage
of Chaparanga Beach. Its sole inhabitant: the mysterious Subject X. Five minutes
-- just five minutes is all he needs, all he's asking for. Can the X-Men afford
to give it to him?
The second issue from the new Astonishing team is as exciting as the first.
Naturally the art by Bianchi is exceedingly gorgeous but the story by Ellis
matches him step by step. The tight script reflects the new world view by
Cyclops by deed and conversation. There are sections in which Cyclops tells
Storm point blank that this is a new reality for the team and it will be
interesting to see whether she comes to accept his point of view or depart the
team because she can’t deal with it. We also see more of the mysterious Ghost
box here and the man trying to complete one, Subject X. It seems that the box is
a means to an end but as of yet Ellis is keeping just what that is close to his
vest. His script gives Bianchi a chance to impress us at every point in it and
so far their run is extremely impressive. If this book can stay on schedule (the
duo did have a fair amount of lead time) then it could be the best X-book on the
Mark Millar,
Bryan Hitch
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
You should have remembered the old adage, Johnny: love the woman, love her
family. And when the woman is the super-villain called Psionics, that raises the
stakes to a whole other level. Now it's the morning after, and Lightwave,
Natalie X, Alex U-16, Doc Banner and the Burning Man expect you to live up to
your responsibilities. It's the Human Torch's worst break-up ever-or will it be
a shotgun wedding? Plus: where in the world is Doctor Doom?
Millar and Hitch continue their run on Fantastic Four with an issue that
contains excitement, humor, quiet moments and an amazing reveal at the end of
the issue that makes you wonder how Johnny and Doctor Doom are going to get out
of the predicament they find themselves in. The entire issue revolves around an
appearance by Johnny’s band on the Letterman show but that is filled with
complications due to the appearance of Psionics and her father, Lightwave. The
two are part of the New Defenders and here we learn that they do have something
in mind that needs a great deal of power. Millar balances their story with cute
moments involving Ben and his new girlfriend, Sue and Reed’s ex and Reed trying
to figure out what has happened to Doom. It’s a great balancing act that allows
Hitch the space to run the gamut here. He gets to show cityscapes, a two page
spread that looks like he took a week to draw and action sequences that flow
very well on the printed page.
Alex Ross/Jim Krueger,
Steve Sadowski
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Act One of this 12-part event concludes with a four-way battle royale among both
teams of Avengers, the Invaders and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - all above the
landmarks of Washington D.C. Plus, Doctor Strange discovers the secret of the
time-lost Invaders, all while trying to keep all of history from rewriting
itself...and the Avengers out of reality.
With this issue the limited series takes a short break but the events within
make that break worth waiting for. Last issue we saw the beginning of the
freeing of the Invaders on board the SHIELD Helicarrier, the Invaders’ version
of Namor going one on one with the present day Namor, Toro being studied and a
whole lot more. Here we see the results of Bucky’s mission and continue the
misunderstanding between the Invaders and the Stark led Avengers team. We also
see the entrance of the new Cap and learn what has brought the Invaders to the
present day. By the end of the issue all three teams are fighting and that’s a
cool part of the issue but Krueger ends the issue with a scene that may have a
long time effect on one of the Captain Americas. Considering that this book has
two teams of Avengers, the Invaders, a whole mess of SHIELD agents and a hidden
villain you would think that the book would be hard to follow but Krueger and
Ross have constructed a story that makes it easy to read and understand. #5
doesn’t ship until October so this will have to do for a while.
Duane Swierczynski
Ariel Olivetti & Michel Lacombe
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Special double-sized issue featuring the Uncanny X-Men! Meanwhile, back in the
present . . . In the aftermath of the "Messiah Complex" war, Cyclops took a leap
of faith and allowed his son Cable to disappear into the time stream with the
first new mutant birth since "M" day -- and the future of the dwindling mutant
population -- tucked under his arm. Weeks later, he still waits for a sign,
however small, that he made the right decision. With evidence pointing to the
fact that Bishop has jumped into the timestream and is hot on Cable's trail, the
X-Men's unquestioned leader is about to make one final power move to protect the
fate of mutantkind - one that he might come to regret.
This issue has one impressive cover, doesn’t it? Well, the story inside it isn’t
bad either. When we last left Cable he had found a way to escape Bishop in the
time stream and that new location is where this issue begins and ends. Those
sections are drawn by regular artist Olivetti but the main portion of the story
is from newcomer Lacombe. Lacombe’s smooth but compelling art shows what is
going on in the present world of Scott Summers and the X-Men. We see here that
Scott is worried about his son and the fact that Cable has the newborn mutant
baby in his care. The Scott sections of the story are a bit dialogue heavy but
also contain a few pages of Scott and Emma Frost in bed together as he tries not
to worry about his son. The story never becomes too sentimental and does reflect
some of the elements seen in the regular X-Men titles to good effect. |
Daniel & Charlie Knauf
Daniel Acuna
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The clock is ticking. The end is near. The Eternals race to awaken their
bretheren defeat the coming Horde! But who will awaken... the Forgotten One?
Plus, the enormous outcast Space-God known as the Dreaming Celestial stands
towering over San Francisco's Golden Gate Park since he rose from his prison
beneath the Diablo Mountains...but just how was such a powerful being
imprisoned? Find out herein!
The father and son team of Daniel and Charlie Knauf keep the attempt to
resurrect the Jack Kirby creation The Eternals going with the third issue of the
series. We are still in a transitional stage with the title since all of the
Eternals haven’t regained their memories as of yet. The story does allow Acuna
to contribute a masterful two page spread showing Celestials in mid fight and
contract the action with quiet, but effective conversation pieces that suggest a
major event in future issues. The Knauf’s know that this isn’t an action title
and appeals to older readers who may have picked up some of the Kirby tales back
in the day or became aware of the Eternals when Neil Gaiman revived interest in
the concept. That realization allows them a certain amount of freedom that could
hamstring other writers who would be torn between honoring what Kirby did and
realizing that if Jack had created something like this now there would be no
audience for the book. This is never going to be a top ten book but it will be
well regarded and that should keep it on the racks for a while. |
JT Krul,
Ale Garza & Sal Regla
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Aspen Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The seas are rising once again as issue #1 of Michael Turner's Fathom debuts!
The long-docile race of the Blue no longer want solitude in their underwater
habitat after the human's latest attack - they now want revenge! After thwarting
the invasion of the Blue cities by Admiral Maylander's Navy, Aspen Matthews and
Chance Calloway have found some much needed seclusion together in a beach house
south of the border. But, their romantic getaway will be short-lived as the
return of the murderous Killian, now at full-strength, is ready to strike once
more against the humans - along with his reunited daughter, Kiani! Plus, the
hatred from below the surface is also shared by one other race - the ancient and
most powerful underwater beings known as the Black! However, the US Navy has
plans of their own for the Blue, as well as a new leader with special ties to
both Aspen and Chance! Available with covers from Ale Garza, J. Scott Campbell,
and Micahel Turner!
The perpetually delayed debut of the new Fathom series has finally shipped and
the first issue is pretty entertaining. This is the first Aspen book to ship
after the death of Aspen founder Michael Turner and the first page is a tribute
to his passing. In this issue we are reintroduced to Fathom and as the pages
unfold everyone else within her universe including the villain Killian and his
daughter. We are also introduced to a few new characters as events unfold that
will bring Fathom back into a world that she would rather leave behind. Ninja
Boy’s Garza does some great work here (which could be one reason for the delays)
and flashy art is what we expect from the Aspen line of comics. Krul also
contributes a solid story that works with the art. Aspen has been promising
regular shipping of their titles for a while so it will be interesting to see if
#2 ships next month or not.
Jeph Loeb,
Ed McGuiness
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Superstars JEPH LOEB & ED MCGUINNESS continue their historic epic! With the
entire West Coast in peril, who can stop the battle of the Century when Two,
count 'em TWO Hulks, get to brawling? How about everyone's favorite Thunder God
-- THE MIGHTY THOR!? He was out of town during WORLD WAR HULK -- THIS is the
match-up you've been DEMANDING! But can even a God stop the Red Hulk? Find out
There are times when you just want a well told story that contains mystery and
intrigue. There are times when you just want to see two people beating the
living crap out of one another. Then there are times when you get both and the
mix is just right. This issue is one of those times. We get a major knock down
drag out between the Red Hulk and Thor. We see Tony Stark trying to figure out
just who the Red Hulk is. We get the Green Hulk and A-Bomb (Rick Jones as the
new Abomination) hanging out under and above the water. And we get a ‘oh man’
moment at the end of the issue that suggests a fight so big next issue that the
pages may not be able to contain them. I had so much fun reading this issue that
I read it three times in one day. |
Matt Fraction
Salvador Larocca
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Iron Man and Zeke Stane have been dancing around one another like pieces on a
chessboard, and it's been all Tony Stark can do to hold on. After one of his
closest allies is critically injured, Tony aims to put an end to the games with
some serious upgrades. But while Iron Man readies himself, Zeke makes his most
audacious assault yet, in an attack so stunning you have to see it to believe
it. THE FIVE NIGHTMARES continues, and it only gets worse from here for THE
Marvel announced in San Diego that Iron Man, Director of SHIELD is going to be
renamed War Machine and tell of the adventures of Jim Rhodes so in a few short
months this is going to be the only Iron Man title in town. Fraction and Larocca
get in stealth mode here with this issue since there is no action occurring at
any point in time during this issue. That allows Fraction to just tell a story
that mixes the movie version of Tony Stark with the comic book version of Tony
Stark. Ezekiel Stane is still out there but he has only a few pages of this
story while the rest deals with the recovering Pepper Potts (probably the best
part of the issue), Tony’s life as SHIELD director and his friendship with
another of the Marvel universe’s geniuses. Fraction has done a fine job mixing
the two worlds of film and comic and Larocca is delivering some of his best work
within the pages of this title. |
NO WAY HOME #1 (of 6)
Marjorie Liu,
Kalman Andrasofszky
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
There's no place like home-just ask young mutant KIDEN NIXON. She's survived the
hard streets of Manhattan, and she's built a home-and a family-for herself, with
her friends TATIANA, BOBBY SOUL and his LI'L BRO. But with fewer than 200
mutants left on the planet, Kiden's become a target-and when somebody strikes at
one of her friends, Kiden's going to find out just how much farther she can
fall! Don't miss the breathtaking return of this beloved series, by NEW YORK
TIMES best-selling writer MARJORIE LIU (the DIRK & STEELE SERIES) with stunning
art by KALMAN ANDRASOFSZKY! Plus-a special behind-the-scenes gallery!
Novelist Marjorie Liu has been given the NYX characters to play with in an
attempt to make the Joe Quesada team a regular part of the Marvel universe. For
those that forgot NYX are street level mutants. They aren’t part of a team
except for their own and basically hang together for survival. The main
character is Kiden and when the book begins we see that she is being held by
someone we haven’t seen as of yet by the end of the issue. Liu takes us back 48
hours to show how the band of orphans are doing and does a fine job telling us
who the kids are for new readers and catching old readers up on how they got
there. Being a novelist by trade she does know how to tell a story and her story
is admirably aided by the hyper stylings of Andrasofszky. His style is very
realistic but has this other worldly quality that really catches your eye. There
is no action here per se but the story doesn’t need it. The concept of the team
isn’t one that will have mutant fans looking for fights and panels of
destruction; it’s a real world type book that shows how kids with powers would
live if they were down the street from us.
Matt Fraction & Rick Remender,
Howard Chaykin
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
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(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
In the aftermath of last month's issue, there's nothing left for the survivors
to do but pick up the pieces. Frank might have outsmarted Jigsaw for the time
being, but at what price? And what comes next? Jigsaw's not going to give up
that easy. Frank and Bridge finally have the face-to-face showdown you've been
waiting for. And Clarke refuses to sit on the sidelines while S.H.I.E.L.D. has
their way with his partner. All points converge on the Brooklyn Bridge in this
explosive penultimate chapter of JIGSAW.
This issue could have been called ‘The Art of Conversation’ since the bulk of it
is nothing but. As we saw last issue Frank has been captured by GW Bridge but
Jigsaw is still out there. Fraction and Remender give us an extended chat
between Frank and Bridge and a talk between Diane and Clarke as an assault is
planned. Chaykin can give us an exceptional action sequence when given a chance
but here he just lets his art tell the story since he and we know that next
issue will be a non stop fight. The next to last issue in many a story arc is a
need to keep the plates spinning until the next issue but here we see that after
this is over Frank Castle has more problems to deal with. That future story
comes in a line at the midpoint of the issue and comes off as another move in
Marvel’s plan to increase the number of female antagonists in the universe. If
there is a quibble with this issue it’s that GW Bridge isn’t as chunky as
Chaykin draws him here. |
Brian Bendis ,
Butch Guice
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Wolverine...Nick Fury...Captain America...Magneto & Professor X...how are they
all connected? Witness the first meeting between Charles Xavier, leader of the
X-Men, and Eric Lehnsherr, the mutant who will come to be known as Magneto! From
the muddy battle fields of World War II to the steaming shadows of the Savage
Land, Brian Michael Bendis (SECRET INVASION) and Butch Guice (CAPTAIN AMERICA)
continue the shocking story that finally reveals the buried truths of the
Ultimate Universe!
Bendis and Guice this time around introduce us to Erik Lehnsherr, the man who
will be known as Magneto. The modern day segment that opens the issue shows the
FF and Carol Danvers staring open jawed at the obelisk that has been buried in
the bowels of Project Pegasus for decades. They can’t figure out what it is or
why it has decided to make itself seen but from the events of this issue they
don’t have a lot of time to do so. The creators then lead us back to the past
and show what has been going on with Mutant X (Wolverine) and that reveal shows
us what has been happening since he was captured so many years ago. Everything
that follows is a history lesson and a well told one at that. We see the meeting
of Erik and Charles Xavier, a trip to the Savage Land and yes, that obelisk
again. The point behind this limited series was to show how everything in the
Ultimate Universe is connected and we have learned that Wolverine was the first
mutant, the origin of Captain America, the beginning of the friendship between
Magneto and Xavier and been introduced to the Ultimate Watcher (that’s what the
obelisk is). Next issue we will get the origin of the Hulk and find out what
that has to do with the Weapon X program as well.
Zeb Wells,
Angel Medina
Review By:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Marvel Comics,
Shipped On:
(15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
On the unlikely day when an embittered, washed-up journalist met a spurned
symbiotic organism from an alien planet, one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies
was born - a force of evil and vengeance like no other in the Marvel Universe -
VENOM! But is it as simple as that? Discover the true, twisted roots that gave
rise to a lifetime of malevolence for Eddie Brock...AND the symbiote! Writer Zeb
Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and artist Angel Medina (SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN) shed
a little light on one of Marvel's darkest monsters!
I have never cared for the art of Angel Medina. I find his work to be too over
exaggerated and that makes everything he works on distracting. He does, however,
have a following so there will be interest in his work on this limited series.
The subject at hand is Eddie Brock, who Spider-Man fans all know will become
Venom. This first issue shows him as a young boy who has a talent for many
things and not all of them good. Wells’ story is great here and shows that Eddie
wasn’t quite right all his life. He has family issues, acceptance issues and
truth issues. But his story is sabotaged by the Medina artwork. It looks too
much like bad animation and I have no idea what he is trying to get across with
Brock’s face. Instead of showing a hint of insanity he makes Eddie Brock look
like a carnival balloon who had eyebrows added as an afterthought. I do like the
story so I will pick up the remaining issues and hold my nose as I read them. |

Reviews are based on the Sneak
Peek titles sent out by Marvel. Additionally one DC and one Indy title are
picked just to round things out!
All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2008 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2008 Alternate Reality, Inc.
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