Movie Review by:
Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Directed by:
Peter Segal
Written by:
Tom J. Astle, Matt Ember. Source Material from Mel Brooks & Buck Henry
Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
Running time:
110 minutes
Rated PG-13
for some rude humor, action violence and language. |
"...while it may not be particularly original or inspired, it does contain
the one ingredient that has been largely missing from most American comedies of
late...actual laughs"
The problem with trying to make a spoof of the James Bond movies is that, with
maybe a couple of exceptions over the years, they have never exactly been known
for taking the kind of somber and straightforward approach that usually inspired
the best parodies--how can even the most inspired farceur possibly hope to mock
a series that has already given us the likes of something as supremely silly as
“Moonraker”? (One of the reasons that “Airplane!” was so successful is because
it was making fun of a film genre--the all-star disaster epic--that never quite
understood just how ridiculous it was until it finally descended into
self-parody at the end of its cycle.) Nevertheless, from the moment that the
Bond films became an international phenomenon after the release of “From Russia
With Love” and “Goldfinger” in the early 1960’s, there have been countless
attempts on both the big and small screens to poke fun at them with gaudy, goofy
adventures that took themselves even less seriously than the originals, if such
a thing was possible. Although a few of these pastiches have had their amusing
moments--I’m thinking of the two “Our Man Flint” films with James Coburn, Mario
Bava’s delirious “Danger: Diabolik” and certain parts of the bizarrely
overstuffed Pop-Art campfest that was the 1967 version of “Casino Royale”--most
of them have failed because they simply couldn’t match either the lavish
production values or the inherent goofiness of the actual Bond films and they
neglected to offer up anything else of value to compensate for these
One of the few Bond parodies to truly work in its own right was “Get Smart,” the
popular 1965-1970 television sitcom that was co-created by emerging comedic
icons Mel Brooks and Buck Henry. Granted, the basic premise of the series--a
self-serious and supremely klutzy Agent 86 Maxwell Smart (Don Adams) somehow
defeating the forces of evil on a weekly basis despite his clueless bumbling
with the aid of the adoring Agent 99 (Barbara Feldon), a variety of weirdo
devices (such as a shoe phone and the Cone of Silence) and a catch-phrase for
every occasion--was nothing to write home about and the production values hardly
matched up to even the cheapest theatrical Bond knock-off, let alone one of the
actual films. However, the joining together of Brooks’ broad, Catskills-inspired
shtick with Henry’s sly satire of the post-Bay of Pigs CIA proved to be an
inspired pairing and when it was combined with Adams equally ingenious take on
the material--as he played him, Smart wasn’t so much an idiot as he was a
competent and able agent who was cursed with an advanced case of tunnel vision
in regard to his own abilities--it resulted in the kind of sitcom classic that
is still amusing to watch in reruns more than four decades after it originally
And because enough people have continued to watch those reruns over the past
four decades, it was inevitable that someone would attempt to bring the show to
the big screen. However, times have changed and that many of the elements that
gave the show its freshness and vitality have gone by the wayside--the Cold War
is long gone, the Borscht Belt style of humor has also faded from the cultural
landscape, the blunders of the American intelligence community have become so
commonplace that they are hardly even noticed anymore and even the James Bond
movies have begun to take themselves a little more seriously than they used to
in the past. The previous attempts to revive the “Get Smart” franchise for a new
audience--the 1980 feature film “The Nude Bomb,” the 1989 TV movie “Get Smart,
Again!” and a 1995 TV series--failed to recognize this and the results in each
case were fairly disastrous and quickly forgotten. Having apparently learned a
lesson or two from the mistakes of those who went before them, the makers of the
new feature film version of “Get Smart” have stripped away any remaining vestige
of these elements and have instead reconfigured the project as a broad-based
action-comedy showcasing a lot of high-tech special effects, loads of goofy
slapstick and funnyman Steve Carell working in the uber-nebbish mode that
brought him enormous success on television in “The Office” and on the big screen
in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.”
Taking a page (or at least a bookmark) from “Casino Royale,” this “Get Smart”
serves as a reboot of the entire franchise by showing how Maxwell Smart (Carell)
became the celebrated Agent 86. This time around, Smart is a mid-level analyst
at CONTROL (the “Smart” universe’s version of the CIA) who yearns to one day be a
field agent like his mentor, the dashing and heroic Agent 23 (Dwayne “Whatever
The Hell He Is Calling Himself This Time Around” Johnson). Alas, Smart is so
good at is job--he can ferret out an endless amount of information based on
nothing more than an enemy combatant’s breakfast order--and the information that
he amasses in his mammoth reports is so valuable and taken so seriously by the
leaders of our country (perhaps the first sign that this film is nothing more
than a fantasy) that The Chief (Alan Arkin), his boss at CONTROL, refuses to
promote him because he is too valuable an asset in his current position. That
all changes when KAOS, the faux-KGB run by the nefarious Siegfried (Terrence
Stamp) and right-hand man Starker (Ken Davitian), gets a hold of the names of
all the CONTROL field agents and stages a series of attacks that kills most of
them and forces the rest into hiding. As a result, The Chief makes Smart an
agent and teams him up with the beautiful-but-deadly Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway),
whose well-timed plastic surgery means that her identity is still secret, to jet
off to Russia in order to discover what KAOS is up to--something about the
ransoming off of nuclear weapons or launch codes for same for billions of
dollars, if I recall correctly--and to stop it in the nick of time. Of course,
that proves to be relatively easy--the tricky thing for Smart is to somehow win
over 99 both of a professional and personal basis. (In case you were
wondering--yes, the screenplay does make an effort to explain the apparent age
difference between the two in order to cut down on the potential “ick” factor of
such a potential coupling and no, it doesn’t really help.)
Obviously, the plot of “Get Smart” is nonsense from start to finish and to its
credit, the film pretty much recognizes that right from the get-go and
essentially ignores it for a string of comedy set-pieces ranging from the
inspired (a bizarre dance-off that develops between Smart and 99 while trying to
pry some information out of a suspect) to the silly (Smart finds himself falling
out of an airplane with handcuffs on his wrists and mini-harpoons in his face
and feet but without a parachute on his back). Towards the end, however, the
stunts and special effects begins to dominate the comedy--as this film once
again proves, the line between normal, run-of-the-mill fireballs and explosions
and fireballs and explosions with a satirical intent is so thin as to not exist
at all--and the film threatens to become virtually indistinguishable from any
other multiplex action extravaganza. As state-of-the-art eye candy goes, these
scenes are okay--they are staged and executed effectively enough--but once the
movie ends, you may find yourself asking, a la Peggy Lee, “Is that all there
is?” Although the idea of seeing such a thing in a bug-budget studio tentpole
film was highly unlikely, I wish that the screenplay had come up with villains
and evil schemes that more closely hewed to the contemporary geopolitical
situation instead of the fairly standard-issue threats on display here. You
could argue that to do so would be to traffic in material that might not strike
many viewers as inherently funny but remember, the original TV show was
satirizing Cold War tensions less than three years after the Cuban missile
crisis and people seemed to be able to deal with that without too many ill
These are problems, to be sure, but they are the kind that generally don’t
register until the end credits have run their course and you are already halfway
to the parking lot, mostly because you will likely be too busy laughing to
really take notice of them. Although “Get Smart” will not go down as anyone’s
idea of a classic comedy by any stretch of the imagination, it does contain
several big laughs, quite a few smaller ones and only a few elements that don’t
work at all (chiefly the screenplay’s failure to give Terrence Stamp anything of
real interest to do and an escape sequence that seems more interested in working
Madonna’s “4 Minutes” into the narrative as a bit of corporate cross-promotion
than in coming up with anything funny). Some of them are moments that are
directly inspired by the original show (such as the discussions surrounding “the
Hymie Project” and the way that Smart’s bluffing claims of massive backup are
eventually reduced to “Would you believe Chuck Norris and a BB gun?”). Some of
them are moments that just float in from out of nowhere and kind of blindside
you., though I suspect that the gag involving a blow dart might have come off
better if there hadn’t been a similar crowd-pleasing gag in “Indiana Jones and
the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” Some of them come from the celebrity cameos
that crop up every now and then--unlike most such moments, the bits here work
because the well-known bit players are funny and because they have actually been
given funny material. (I knew of none of these appearances walking into the
movie and if you would like to experience them in a similar state of blissful
ignorance, I would suggest that you avoid the film’s IMDB page since the cast
list cheerfully blows the lid on every single one of them.) Most of all, I
enjoyed the performances from the two leads. While it must have been tempting to
simple do a Don Adams impression throughout the film, Steve Carell offers up a
variation on the character of Maxwell Smart that is more of an homage than an
imitation while still managing to work in enough of his own comedic personality
to put his own stamp on the role without turning it into something completely
unrecognizable. As for Hathaway, who proved herself to be an inspired farceur in
her own right in the better-than-they-had-to-be “Princess Diaries” movies and
the underrated “Ella Enchanted,” it takes her a little while to settle into the
peculiar rhythms of a blockbuster action-comedy but when she does, she more than
holds her own amidst all the silliness (though it is likely that many will be
too distracted by her va-va-voom appearance throughout to notice).
“Get Smart” is not a great movie by any means and I presume that the hard-core
fans of the old show will likely be aghast at what has been done to it in order
to turn it into a contemporary feature film. However, while it may not be
particularly original or inspired, it does contain the one ingredient that has
been largely missing from most American comedies of late--actual laughs--and it
provides enough of those to make it worth a look. With any luck, it will prove
to be successful enough to warrant a sequel and inspire everyone involved to
really cut loose the second time around and come up with something even funnier.
GET SMART © 2008 Mad Chance Productions, Callahan Filmworks, Village Roadshow
Pictures Entertainment, Mosaic Media Group
All Rights Reserved
Review © 2008 Alternate Reality, Inc.
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