Andrew Schumann

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Chicago Ridge Frontier Fieldhouse, Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"The title matches delivered spot on and gave everything in the ring."
Austin Aries& Brian Danielson vs. Jay Briscoe & Erick Stevens
At the last weekend of events in 2007 Stevens won the FIP championship from Roderick Strong. Stevens then successfully defended his belt against both Aries and Danielson. Aries challenged Stevens for this tag team bout. All four guys tried to take control of the match in the beginning. Stevens was the first one to get an advantage with using his power and size advantage. Aries regained control on Jay Briscoe and isolating him for several minutes. Jay and Brian Danielson traded attempts of a hip toss by blocking each other for a couple minutes. Austin Aries and Brian Danielson took turns in locking Jay Briscoe in an airplane spin for a combined 45 seconds. Briscoe and Stevens regained control of the match. Stevens was able to hit a shoulder block off the top turnbuckle onto Aries off Briscoe shoulders. Danielson took Stevens and eliminated him for a few minutes. Aries and Danielson both rained down knees and elbows to the head of Jay Briscoe. Danielson picked up the victory with a small package on Jay Briscoe. With the victory Danielson and Aries advanced to the Ultimate Endurance later on the show.

Star Rating: 3 stars out of 4. Both of these tag teams aren’t usual partners. Both teams showed great chemistry with each other. Aries and Danielson seemed to gelling while the match was moving along.
Shane Hagadorn versus Pelle Primeau
Two more of the Ring of Honor’s wrestling school graduates. These are probably right now the most experienced. Still a very basic match from someone still new to the business. Hagadorn and Primeau have feuded with each other seems like since day 1 of their careers. Primeau hit a springboard stunner onto Hagadorn to pick up a near fall. Hagadorn picked the pinfall with the brass knuckles.

Star Rating: 2 ½ out of 4 stars. These two wrestlers had a very basic match. It seems right now that Primeau is further along than Hagadorn as a wrestler.
Chris Hero & Sara Del Ray vs. Jigsaw & Daizee Haze
Right before this match Hero and Del Ray destroyed two local jobbers. This brought out Daizee Haze on the microphone saying that see respected Sara Del Ray but not Larry Sweeney. Sweeney told Hero to attack Haze and Jigsaw came down and attacked Hero setting up this match. This match was an inter gender match. The opening minutes seemed that everything Hero or Del Ray tried to do Haze and Jigsaw seemed to be a step ahead. Hero eventually gained control of Jigsaw and grounded him for several minutes. Jigsaw and Haze regained control of the match with Jigsaw using Daizee as an extension of his body knocking both Sara and Hero down. They quickly retreated to the outside and Jigsaw followed up with a rotating splash on both of them. Daizee was on the top rope and waited for Hero to come back in and landed a head scissors on him. Daizee then gained control of Del Ray and nailed the heart punch. Daizee tried to connect with a snap mare driver. Hero broke up the attempt and forced Daizee to the outside. Jigsaw came back into the ring. Hero picked the victory with a powerbomb neck cravat of the top turnbuckle.

Star Rating: 3 out of 4 stars. All four combatants put on a great match. Del Ray and Haze always work well with each other. Hero and Jigsaw put on one heck of a match. With several great women workers I would like to see more inter gender matches on future cards.
El Generico versus Claudio Castagnoli
This match was a rematch from the finals of a tournament they held last summer. The crowd was supremely behind both wrestlers from the opening bell. El Generico is a high flyer while Claudio uses his strength to the fullest degree. Claudio early on started to work on Generico’s knee to ground his aerial attack. Claudio used several dropkicks to soften up the knee. Generico eventually was able to hit a split legged moonsault to pick up a near fall. Claudio locked on a giant swing clamping down on the knee to do more damage to it. Claudio used several different submission maneuvers on the knee. Claudio locked in the horse collar and locked his leg with his own legs. Claudio tried several times to hit his finisher and each attempt was reversed Generico got some late momentum and picking up some near falls. The match went to a time limit draw. The crowd wanted 5 more minutes. The wrestlers wanted the same thing but after it not happening they shook hands. They both seemed to gain a newfound respect for each other.

Star rating: 4 out of 4 stars. This match just about stole the night. Hopefully they will be more matches in the future between these guys. They left everything in the ring.
Joey Mercury versus Mark Briscoe
Joey Mercury wasn’t supposed to be on the card for the event. Joey was filling in for the Necro Butcher who couldn’t make the event due to a prior commitment. This match was short and basic. Mark and Joey had a very fast paced open to the match. Joey was the first one to gain an advantage. Joey was able to hit a compact DDT onto Mark. Mark rebounded from the move hitting several punches. Joey proceeded to dump him outside several times. Mark came right back in every time and land more shots. Mark placed Joey on the top turnbuckle. Mark was able to nail a springboard ace crusher and followed it up with the shooting star press for the victory.

Star Rating: 2 ½ out of 4 stars. This was their first ever meeting in their careers. They put on a solid match. The Briscoes have shown that they’re solid singles wrestlers at the same time great tag team wrestlers.
Delirious vs. Adam Pearce
The match stipulation came from the events of the last time in town. Pearce took and hanged Delirious with a chain. This feud has boiling over the last several months. This match was a straight brawl with each of them using the chain to their advantage. Delirious was the first one to use the chain to inflict damage onto Pearce. Delirious hit a flipping senton press onto Pearce on the outside. Pearce regained control of the match and using the chain. Delirious proceeded to pull on the chain and ram Pearce’s head into the ring post several times. Hagadorn came back out and tried to interfere on Pearce’s behalf. Delirious spewed mist into his eyes. Delirious picked up the win with a cross body block that sent Pearce through a table.

Star Rating: 2 ¾ out of 4 stars. The dog collar match lived up to expectations of being a brawl from the beginning. The only thing is that I would have liked to seen it go a little longer. This match probably has expanded Delirious character into the more unstable and never now what’s going to happen.
Aries & Danielson vs. Romero & Richards vs. Albright & Whitmer vs. Jacobs & Black ROH Tag Team Champions
This match for Ring of Honor is their premiere tag team championship bout. There are three pinfalls. The first fall was a scramble, second fall was an I quit and finally normal tag team match. All four teams took several minutes to attack each other to get the first pinfall. Everyone was fighting all over the ringside area. The shock of the night happened when Davey Richards pinned Tyler Black after a German suplex and floating over. This guaranteed that we will have new tag team champions. Whitmer and Albright grabbed hold of Danielson and started working over his knee. They focused on his knee for several minutes. At one point Danielson locked Whitmer into a triangle choke, Albright at the same time locked in the Fujiwara armbar on Romero and same time Richards locked in the Texas cloverleaf on Aries. The crowd was silent for a little bit after the bell sounded. Whitmer and Albright were eliminated after Whitmer quit to the triangle choke. It just left two teams left Aries and Danielson and Richards and Romero. The crowd was starting to believe that the team of Aries and Danielson could walk out the building with the titles. The fatigue was setting in on all four of the wrestlers but they still put on one last fall. Aries and Danielson was again combined elbows and knees onto Richards. Davey Richards picked up the final victory with rolling up Aries to win the tag team titles. The crowd was thanking Danielson for his hard work.

Star Rating: 4 out of 4 stars. This match stole the night. After the defending champions were eliminated first. The other teams pulled out all the stops to win the titles. This is what tag team wrestling should be in the WWE.
Nigel McGuinness(c) vs. Roderick Strong
This match was made official after Strong made a challenge for the belt after last Chicago show. Nigel McGuinness went to work on Strong’s arm early try to eliminate Strong’s chops and back breakers. They exchanged several hard chops early and often. Strong took Nigel outside and started to work over his back. Every time Strong hit a back breaker it seemed that Nigel responded with a lariat. This was just a hard-hitting main event. Strong picked up several near falls after landing the Gibson driver and the kick to the face. Nigel picked up Roderick and placed him on the ropes and nailed a diving lariat and knocking Roderick off. Roderick responded by dropping Nigel back first on the ring apron. Nigel was able to hit the tower of London for a near fall. Nigel finally picked up the victory with the jaw breaker lariat.

Star Rating; 3 ½ out of 4 stars. Roderick Strong keeps showing that he has the goods to deliver as a champion. Nigel finally healthy put on a great show. I hope that there are several more bouts between the two.
The title matches delivered spot on and gave everything in the ring. El Generico and Claudio Castagnolli match was outstanding I wish they would have given us a decisive winner. After changing the event last December. Ring of Honor came to town and truly left everything in the ring.

Photo © 2008 Ring of Honor
Article © 2008 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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