PPV Predictions/Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
unday February 15th, 2009
KeyArena, Seattle Washington
"We are now on the road to WrestleMania with no PPV’s before it so the next few weeks for the WWE could be interesting."
"Remember if you haven't seen this Pay Per View then this review is jam pack full of SPOILERS! I don't want to hear any howling or gnashing of teeth, you have been warned!
 Proceed at your own risk."

The 2009 version of no Way Out continues a tradition recently set by the WWE-double Elimination Chamber matches to determine who will be the Raw and Smackdown champions going into WrestleMania. The Chamber itself was created during the Eric Bischoff Raw GM tenure and was used for New Year’s Resolution. The rules of the Chamber are simple: six men locked inside a mega cage inside pods that open up and let a new wrestler in the ring after the proper intervals. Two men start the match and eventually all are inside the ring in order to beat the holy hell out of each other. Since the cage is topped with a roof and the entrance is locked you don’t see a lot of high flying but you are guaranteed blood. The Chamber was created for use of the Raw brand and allowed Smackdown to use Hell in a Cell but now both brands get a chance to use it and as of last year the only time the Chamber is used is for No Way Out. Because the Chamber matches generally go about 40 minutes this also makes booking easy since you can only get five matches on the card.

With the 2009 version of No Way Out now in the books I can't say that it was a conventional show. From beginning to end this was a different show from most WWE PPV's, one that made it mandatory for fans to watch Raw the following night. There wasn’t an additional match added to the card because it was filled to the end of the satellite time. The Key Arena in Seattle was filled to the rafters and the audience got what they paid for.

The "Bo's Prediction" part of the review below was posted on Sunday afternoon (021509).


The Big Show vs. Vladimir Koslov vs. HHH vs. Jeff Hardy vs. The Undertaker vs. Edge
Edge has guaranteed that he is going to leave the Chamber as the champ and so we can expect to see everything and the kitchen sink in this match. That includes a new champion, btw. Jeff got over huge when he had the belt so it makes sense to give it back to him but since he is going to fight Matt it isn’t going to happen. Show isn’t going to be champ heading into Mania so he won’t win but will do a lot of damage. Koslov is a work in (long) progress so his part in the match will be to beat up anyone he can and yes, lose his first match on TV (he loses at house shows all the time). That means that the winner will either be HHH (who has won before so why do it again?), Undertaker (winning here means he is champ going into Mania and after since the streak isn’t ever going to end) or Edge. Edge plays the jerk champ well and he can match up with anyone in the ring so having him at Smackdown saying ‘I told you so’ works. Now since this is the last match on the card anything can happen with the Chamber so expect Koslov to throw someone into a pod and bust it open. I have a feeling that Taker walks out with the belt at the end of the night and the long delayed program between him and Umaga to start up at the Smackdown tapings.

Surprisingly enough this was the first match of the card. I would have thought that the two chamber matches would be back to back but since there was no hot match to open the show they went with the Smackdown Chamber which paid off at the end of the show. The Chamber seemed a little bigger this time around with room on the top for moves from the top of the pods. The first person out was the Undertaker, Big Show followed him out, Koslov casually came in and showed no fear of the structure after that then HHH came out. HHH spit water at Show from the top of the pod before going into his. Jeff was next than Edge followed him complete the bill. The last one in was the first one eliminated since Jeff got out of the way of the spear and pinned Edge who was incredulous that he was the first eliminated. Koslov was next and he beat up Jeff before show came in and the two took turns beating Jeff and competing against each other before they started trading shots. HHH was in next and he actually picked up Show (well Show helped a lot). Taker was the last man out and he kicked his way out of the pod. There were some impressive moves in the match including: Taker giving a DDT to Show on the metal outside the ring, Jeff going to the top of one of the pods and getting his leg pulled thru by Show who beat on him for a while and Taker doing a superplex from the top on Show. Taker pinned Koslov with the Last Ride. Jeff did the swanton onto Show who was then pinned by HHH. Taker eliminated Jeff with a tombstone to make the match between him and HHH. It was at this point that JR called the Chamber Satan’s vacation home. HHH and Taker then exchanged punches and finishers that they both kept kicking out of. HHH won with what must have been the third pedigree of the match which makes him a 13 time champ. He and Taker did a mutual respect deal at the end with each eyeing each other. This was the eighth Elimination Chamber match that HHH has been in and the fourth of fifth that he has won.

The match was followed by an Edge tantrum backstage with Vicki that had her yell at him that it was his fault he lost the match.


Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton
To really get into this match you have to forget that Shane and Stephanie were at each other’s throats when she took over as Raw GM. We also have to forget that when Shane came out to attack Orton he was sucking wind after a few minutes and still had to take on Legacy by himself. After we do that then we can take this match seriously since we know that at some point Shane is going to do something crazy during the match. When he has wrestled he has jumped from the top of the Titan Tron, had his head shoved up his dad’s ass and shown a general reckless disregard for his back by continuing to do the Van Terminator. He set the move up right on the last Raw but his legs don’t have the same strength that Rob Van Dam has so he usually comes up short on the coast to coast jump but makes up for it by kicking his legs as far as he can. The stipulations for the match suggest lots of interference from Legacy and someone (Steve Austin) coming out to help Shane. This could be the perfect chance to introduce DH Smith as the newest member of Legacy. As for who is going to win the match the outcome really doesn’t matter. Shane isn’t going to be a regular and Orton keeps his heat by winning or losing so expect Shane to come out on top so that fans can give Orton crap for losing the next night.

The match began as a punch fest between the two of them. The match then went outside the ring for a while so that Shane could set up a garbage can and a table. When the two got back into the ring Orton uncovered one of the turnbuckles and threw Shane into it. Shane got a kendo stick from under the ring and laid out Orton with it. He then took the top from the Smackdown announce table and clocked Orton hard with one of the monitors which busted him open legit. After laying Orton out on the cleared table Shane went to the top rope but before he could jump Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase ran out and started beating on Shane as Randy bled like crazy on the table. They were going to smash Shane with a chair but Shane got loose and DDT’s Ted on the chair. Shane then took the garbage can and set it up in front of Cody so that he could hit him with what was called ‘the coast to coast’ but is the Van Terminator. This time he pushed off better so he didn’t land hard on his back. He tried to jump from the top rope onto Orton but Randy moved out of the way. After telling Ted to get Cody’s carcass out of the ring Orton pulled Shane back into the ring and did that cool hanging DDT on him.  Orton tried to pin Shane 3 times but he kept kicking out. Orton then set up the table and superplexed Shane into it but he kicked out. Orton did the Garvin stomp on Shane but Shane got up and started wearing Orton out with the folding chair. He worked on the ankle a lot and then as Orton pleaded for mercy he clocked Randy on the shoulder. As Shane had Orton set up for a head kick he hesitated then came in for the move and in a case of perfect timing Orton hit him with the RKO for the win. You could tell that this wasn’t the end of their program because Orton limped to the back and Shane watched him all the way to the back.


Jack Swagger vs. Finlay
Most likely the match that opens the show and more than likely to get enough time to allow each wrestler to show what he can do so that the crowd will be pumped for the entire show. Swagger is saddled with a lame 80’s wrestling name but he looks like someone that picked up on everything while in developmental and someone with a great aptitude to learn. Putting him in the ring with an excellent technical wrestler like Finlay allows him to make mistakes in the ring and learn how not to do them again. We can expect a lot of give and take here with Finlay taking a decent amount of punishment before losing to Swagger. I would expect to see the returned Christian somewhere in the back watching the match since he is going to challenge the winner. The WWE may do a change up here but since the one thing that Swagger needs to work on is promos then having him and Christian go at it will teach the cocky one how to get over with his mouth as well as his talent. The most interesting part of the match will be figuring out what Matt Stryker is going to say on commentary. A great deal of fun in watching ECW is hearing him come up with info about Japanese wrestlers and holds that are likely over the heads of most of the people watching the show.

The only actual wrestling match on the show and it ended up suffering for it. By starting the show with one Chamber match then a match guaranteed to draw someone’s blood you needed a match that kept the crowd pumped and this wasn’t it. The two actually wrestled and at about five minutes in the ‘boring’ chant started somewhere in the middle of the crowd. The duo exchanged holds and everything else that you would expect before Hornswoggle got onto the ring apron and was knocked off by Finlay. Swagger then hit Finlay with the doctor bomb (after DR. Death) to remain champ so he will be booked up with Christian as we move towards WrestleMania. The match wasn’t bad here but it was placed at a bad place on the card.  


First, while this angle does seem to work it is one of the most ridiculous angles that HBK has been in. We are supposed to believe that he is broke and had to take money from JBL because he didn’t want to borrow from friends like HHH. We are also supposed to believe that if he loses then JBL gets the rights to his trademark even though all WWE merchandise is labeled property of the WWE. The premise is lame and yet HBK makes it work with his facials. He will win this match and begin the groundwork for his angle at WrestleMania sooner rather than later. HBK will do most of the work here and once again make us believe that JBL isn’t one of the most boring wrestlers on the planet.

And with this the silliest angle in a while is done. Shawn’s wife Rebecca was in attendance and she was looking smoking hot. Early in the match JBL tried to get Shawn to hit him with a chair and get disqualified but it didn’t work. HBK did do the flip fall from the corner onto the floor here so that the two could get outside the ring. JBL went outside the ring to taunt Rebecca and she slapped him hard. HBK took two straight clotheslines from hell but kicked out both times. He then repeated the flip dive but landed back into the ring. HBK then did all his moves before laying out JBL with a superkick. The crowd went nuts and HBK pulled his wife over the barricades so that they could walk to the back to a loud pop. Once again HBK carried someone thru a match.  

Jericho did a backstage promo guaranteeing a win. He then said he was going to ask Ric Flair to come out of retirement so that he could challenge him to a title match at WM 25 then said he was kidding. When we went back to the ring Lawler told us that Shane had been taken to a ‘nearby medical facility’ because he kept passing out.


Kofi Kingston vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mike Knox vs. John Cena
There isn’t much to calling these matches. You either start with two workers who have a feud going (Knox and Mysterio) or two friends (Kingston and Mysterio) then bring in a monster (Kane) to beat the crap out of everyone until the next wrestler is let out of his ‘shatterproof’ pod. Since the Chamber isn’t built for guys coming off the top rope Mysterio’s offense will be limited but that won’t stop him from trying at least one flashy move. I don’t expect Cena to lose here but I would expect the WWE to make us think that it’s possible. There may be some blood here but none of the chambers will be busted open since there is another Chamber match following.

This match was where the fun started. Cena was first out, was followed by Knox then Kane and then Kingston. But Kingston never made it into the Chamber because Edge ran out of the back and laid him out with a concerto on the steps. Edge then ran into the Chamber and closed himself in a pod. Rey followed and the last man in was Jericho. As King and Cole asked how Edge could be in the match the doors were locked and the action started. The match had Rey thrown head first into Kane’s pod and Rey doing a hurancanrana from the top of a pod before Kane entered. Kane took a 619 and a codebreaker before Rey dropped on top of him from the sky to get pinned. Knox was in next and he slammed Jericho into the metal cage then threw Rey into him before he hung Rey from the cage and beat the crap out of him. As he was about to do his roll of the dice finisher on Rey Jericho hit him with a codebreaker and pinned him. Edge was to be the next one in but Rey attacked him before he could get out of the pod. Jericho, Rey and Edge did the tower suplex from the top before Cena came in. Cena waved at Edge then proceeded to beat on him but Edge eliminated Cena. Rey eliminated Jericho with the 619 and so it was Rey versus Edge. The two went at it hard and Edge kept getting out of pins. We had a ton of near falls but after Ray was thrown into one of the pods Edge pinned him for the win. So at the end of the show the Raw and Smackdown champs were both members of the Smackdown roster and since the draft isn’t until after WrestleMania everyone will need to watch Raw to see how things work out.

All in all, this wasn’t a bad show. The family friendly move that the WWE has made cut down the chances for blood and so the only juice on the card was from a legit cut from a monitor on Orton. Edge coming into the Raw match meant that the show started with a Chamber match (and him kissing a belt) and ended with one. There weren’t any botched spots in any of the matches and the comedy level was non-existent. We are now on the road to WrestleMania with no PPV’s before it so the next few weeks for the WWE could be interesting.

Photo © 2009 WWE/World Wrestling Entertainment
Article © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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