PPV Predictions/Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
unday April 5th, 2009
Reliant Center, Houston Texas
"We saw possibly the match of the year with the Taker/HBK match and a lot of very cool moves in the Money in the Bank match."
"Remember if you haven't seen this Pay Per View then this review is jam pack full of SPOILERS! I don't want to hear any howling or gnashing of teeth, you have been warned!
 Proceed at your own risk."

WrestleMania 25 takes place this weekend at the Reliant Center in Houston, Texas. This year’s card doesn’t have the celebrity star power that the last two Mania’s have had but should be a good card nevertheless. Entertainment this year will come from Kid Rock and one of the Pussycat Dolls will sing the national anthem. As is the tradition for Mania the show will be four hours so there is a chance that at the last minute a match will be added or the company will let the matches go longer than usual. The announce team will consist of Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole. Tazz left the company after the Monday triple tapings and there is no ECW match on the card. Todd Grisham and Matt Stryker will do interview from backstage.

The "Bo's Prediction" part of the review below was posted on Friday afternoon (040309).


Carlito & Primo Colon vs. John Morrison & The Miz
We are going back to just having one set of tag team champions and since Morrison and Miz wrestle on each show it seemed like we only had one to begin with if you seldom watched Smackdown. In the annual attempt to get everyone not booked in a match on the card the ring will be surrounded by the rest of the roster. Every match I have seen with these four has been great. They work together well and seem to bring out the best in each other. It has been teased off and on that Morrison and Miz are going to break up and in this match they could pull the trigger by having the Colon brothers win. One way or the other this could be one of the best matches on the card.

The Carlito & Primo Colon vs. John Morrison & The Miz lumberjack match to unify the tag team titles was taken off the main card and served as the prelim match for the show. The move once again showed that Vince has no use for tag teams in the WWE. Everyone who wasn’t booked for the show served as lumberjacks and the match was announced by the ECW broadcast team. Carlito & Primo won the match when Morrison went for a suplex but Primo got behind him and used the back stabber for the pin. The match was supposedly very good and got the crowd up for the show.

AND THEN...The show began with a well done video package then we saw the Pussycat Dolls lead singer do the National anthem in a dress so tight that she may have had to be brought into the ring by the ring crew. The announcers for the show were JR, Lawler and Michael Cole. The Spanish announcers made their re-appearance at ringside for the first time in a long time.


Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. CM Punk vs. Finlay vs. Kofi Kingston
The annual crowd pleaser has a roster that could make this incarnation interesting. Henry really doesn’t belong in this kind of match and may stick out like a sore thumb. Kane has done ladder matches so he could play a big part in the finish. Finlay doesn’t do ladders well either but he will hold his own. Christian is going to be the guy in the ring who calls the spots and may be one of the last ones eliminated. MVP may win here but since Punk won last year he isn’t going to repeat. I like Kingston but he isn’t going to win this match so it leaves us with Benjamin who has done some crazy things in these matches.

Punk won the match for the second year in a row when he kicked Kane off one ladder after Kane shoved Christian off one of the ladders. The match was filled with some very cool moves that included: Finlay beginning a sequence of suicide dives, Benjamin diving on everyone from the top of a ladder, Kingston doing a dropkick thru the ladder, Hornswoggle bringing out a step ladder and diving on everyone, Kingston climbing a moving ladder, a construct made of three ladders and people diving or standing on them and stuff that you just had to see to believe. It was a damn good opener.

--Kid Rock followed with a medley of his hits.


Whichever 25 Diva's want to pick up a check
The 25 could be: Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix, Brie Bella, Candice Michelle, Eve, Gail Kim, Jillian, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maria, WWE Divas Champion Maryse, WWE Women's Champion Melina, Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Natalya, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes, Tiffany, Molly Holly, Jackie Gayda-Haas, Victoria, Tammy Sytch (Sunny), Torrie Wilson and maybe Vickie Guerrero or Trish Stratus, Stratus hasn’t given the company a solid answer on her being there. The winner of this match will also be named Miss WrestleMania and may defend the title next year since this match will be a regular occurrence from now on. I would be hard pressed to pick a winner since I won’t know the exact roster for this match until they come out on the ramp but Kim may walk away with the sash if they want to get her in the woman’s title picture. If the nostalgia factor kicks in then Victoria may win since she came back for this show.

 The introductions were done off camera during the Kid Rock concert so you had no idea who was in the ring. The guest bell ringer was Mae Young with Candice Michelle at her side since Candice isn’t healthy. The participants were: Sunny, Torrie Wilson, Victoria, Molly Holly, Jackie Gayda Haas, Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix, Brie Bella, Eve, Gail Kim, Jillian, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maria, Maryse, Melina, Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Natalya, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes, Tiffany and Santino Marella in drag. The announcers never said that it was Santino but it was fairly obvious. He spent most of the time avoiding contact but eliminated Beth and won. As she was getting the Miss WrestleMania sash Beth was furious. To keep the comedy going he said he was Santina then danced in the ring. I wasn’t expecting much out of this but would have liked to have seen the introductions.


Chris Jericho vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy Snuka vs. Ricky Steamboat
Jericho’s opponent for this match has been a topic of conversation the moment he started this angle. For a while we thought it was going to be Steve Austin but that’s not happening. We thought that it may have been actor Mickey Rourke but that isn’t happening either even though Rourke is going to be there and supposedly part of the finish. We also thought that Ric Flair was going to come out of retirement and face Jericho but that isn’t happening either. So instead Jericho is facing 3 WWE legends at the same time and will have to carry all three of them. There will be a number of WWE legends at ringside for the match so the finish could be a Jericho beat down with Rourke laying out Jericho with a punch.

Mickey Rourke came out and sat down with Frank Shamrock of all people. Flair came out last and worked the corner. Jericho beat Snuka with the Boston crab and then he beat Piper with an enzuigiri. Steamboat was next in and he worked without a shirt. Considering he hadn’t been in a ring for a while Steamboat looked pretty good and even skinned the cat but was pinned with the codebreaker. Flair came in and after a quick flurry Jericho laid him out with a codebreaker as well. Jericho then grabbed a mike and challenged Rourke who took his time getting into the ring and then peppered Jericho with a few punches. Jericho got mad but Rourke knocked out Jericho with a left. Flair and Rourke celebrated together in the ring. For what it was it wasn’t a bad match. Snuka didn’t look great but Jericho carried everyone.


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
This feud only came about because Vince hates the fact that fans figure out his angles on the Internet. The person who was behind all the attacks against Jeff was supposed to be Christian but Vince pulled the switch since that was fairly obvious. So the move was made to do a Bret/Owen deal and have it become Matt. You would think that since older fans saw the Hart family feud that creative could have just copied that script but instead the buildup for this has been remembered one week and forgotten the next. This is the second time that the brothers have feuded but the first one didn’t work at all and this one is sort of working. The extreme rules stipulation allows the two to go crazy and do whatever they want in order to get the match over. Expect this match to take place after the Money in the Bank match and more than likely after the Divas match. Jeff will go over here and get back to going after the title.

With the extreme rules stipulation this was a spot fest and so it didn’t disappoint. The spots included: Jeff doing a poetry in motion in and out of the ring, Matt hitting Jeff with a chair as Jeff tried a whisper in the wind, Jeff getting hit with a Shop Vac, Jeff bringing in a kendo stick, a crutch and a garbage can then putting the can over Matt’s head and hitting it with the crutch, Matt getting put on a table then having a chair placed on his chest before Jeff put another table on top before crashing into it, Jeff trying a leapfrog from an eight foot ladder over a ten foot ladder only to miss the leg drop and Matt putting Jeff’s head in a chair before hitting him with a twist of fate for the win. Considering the amount of time they had not a bad match but not the end of this feud.


JBL vs. Rey Mysterio
The feud between Mysterio and JBL has been done before but it worked so well that the decision was made to do it again. It isn’t a secret that JBL’s back is shot and his wrestling days are about over so I would expect Rey to win this match but the finish could have JBL win and then retire after doing so in the ring. JBL has announced that he is going to do something that is going to shock the world after the match and so the result is sort of anti-climactic. Since Tazz is gone he is likely to go back to the Smackdown desk and do commentary but I don’t think that’s the big announcement.

JBL came out first and insulted the crowd before Rey came out in a Joker outfit. JBL attacked Mysterio before the match started but when the bell rang Rey pinned JBL in just 21 seconds with a 619 and splash off the ropes to win the title. JBL sat in the ring after the match and made his big announcement: he was quitting. As he was leaving the arena he was telling the fans they would miss him after he was gone.


Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
By all rights this should be the main event of the card but it probably isn’t and the last time that Taker wasn’t the main event he and Batista tore the house down since they were a little upset. This will be the 18th Mania match for Taker and as the legend shows he hasn’t lost once but some of the matches had him against guys past their prime and never having one (Giant Gonzales anyone?). This match is different because he is going up against HBK (who asked for the match). Watching this match is going to be damn fun because if anyone knows how to keep the crowd into a match its Michaels. He isn’t going to win the match (and doesn’t want to) but expect him to put on one hell of a performance. If the streak does end it may be next year since Taker isn’t getting any younger.

 Shawn came down from the ceiling in an all white outfit while Taker rose up from the stage. The two started slow but it didn’t take long for the crowd to get into the match. They teased finishers with Taker getting out of a figure four, HBK getting out of Hell’s Gate, Taker took a super kick, and HBK also took a tombstone, a last ride and a choke slam. Taker did a dive over the top but Michaels moved and Undertaker crashed onto a fake cameraman. A count out loss due to injury was teased but Undertaker got back in before the 10 count. The last 10 minutes or so were amazing. The finish saw Michaels go for a moonsault from the top rope, get caught and get his second tombstone. The screen at the entrance said 17-0. This was the best match on the crowd and as I was watching I told Comic Book Guy they were going to go to the back and say top this.


John Cena (C) vs. Edge vs. Big Show
For all of you that don’t know Vickie Guerrero is not pregnant. That was an April Fool’s joke by Cena that he got posted on wwe.com. With that out of the way this match may be interesting. Cena is going off to do another movie in June and is also getting married so his life is going to get a lot busier soon. Edge isn’t 100 percent at all due to nagging injuries to his knee and general soreness. If you add the two together then it makes sense that Show will walk out of the building with the title. But that takes into consideration that WWE booking makes any sense so the results of this match may come down to the day of the event.

Chavo had Vickie at the half way part of the ramp at the start and he wheeled her to ringside. Cena had the second best entrance of the night with him coming out of an army of John Cena’s. They lined the long ramp and did the face move as he walked out to his old and new music. Show was allowed to do all his power moves. Chavo got an attitude adjustment onto the ring floor. Edge speared Vickie when she stood on the ring apron. Show was speared thru on the barriers by Edge. After having both Show and Edge on his shoulders Cena won the title with the Attitude Adjustment on Show, then on Edge, and then pinned Show. Cena went out into the crowd to celebrate and gave the belt to his friend NASCAR driver Carl Edwards before going back into the ring and down the ramp. This was also a good match.

--Next year’s show is March 28, 2010 in Phoenix. The Hall of Fame inductees came out next and Austin was wearing a new suit jacket (which I bet was free after him knocking Men’s Wearhouse the night before). Austin left the stage then came back out in a classic Austin t-shirt riding an ATV. He rode it to the ring and drank beer in all of the corners before handing JR a beer. He went back up the ramp and did one more beer salute. The attendance was announced as 72,744.


Triple H (C) vs. Randy Orton
The build up for this match has been inconsistent. We knew this was going to happen and when Orton started kicking McMahon’s in the head then it was obvious that he was going to cash in his Royal Rumble win against HHH. The night Orton attacked Stephanie and HHH came out to defend her had some of the greatest facials ever with HHH literally drooling and getting red in the face. This was followed, however, with a promise not to touch each other that went away when HHH attacked Orton in his ‘home’. The angle regained steam when Orton attacked Stephanie again while HHH was handcuffed and then kissed her as she lay on the ground. Monday we got the Wild Bunch moment when the McMahon men gathered together and hit the ring against Legacy so the angle regained momentum. This will likely be the longest match on the card but the match as of yet has no special stipulations. The Hardy match has an extreme rules stipulation and this match should have at least a no DQ stipulation. Since this isn’t the end of this angle I can sort of see why but there is a chance that Vince will make an announcement of a stipulation to make it more interesting. I expect HHH to go over here and then when the draft happens move back to Raw to keep the feud going.

The stipulations here were that HHH would lose the title if he was counted out or disqualified. We were shown him walking to the ring and meeting Vince and Shane. He had the third best entrance of the night with him coming out carrying a sledge hammer only to see his reflection at the entrance. He threw the hammer thru the glass and walked out. HHH took an RKO right away but Orton missed kicking him in the head. The action wandered in and out of the ring. While the duo was outside HHH was going to clock Orton with a monitor but ref Scott Armstrong reminded him that he would lose the title if he did that. HHH was flipped thru the Spanish announce table and was almost counted out. After a ref bump when Orton threw HHH into Armstrong, Orton used the RKO then brought in a sledge hammer. As Orton was coming through the ropes, HHH punted him in the head. HHH then hit Orton with the sledge hammer, dropped it behind one of the banners and pinned Orton with the pedigree. Now since the ref didn’t see it there was no DQ so that will be dealt with on Raw. The show ended with a montage about 20 seconds before 10.

This wasn’t a bad show at all. It would have been nice to have seen the tag match but I will get that when I buy the DVD. There were only two backstage segments and both were short. We saw possibly the match of the year with the Taker/HBK match and a lot of very cool moves in the Money in the Bank match. With the draft in a week some of the things that happened here will live on (HHH/Orton) and some will just remain in our memory banks. Next year we will likely see the last matches for Taker and HBK (his knees are really bothering him) and the induction to the Hall of Fame to the Rock.

Photo © 2009 WWE/World Wrestling Entertainment
Article © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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