Event Review by:
"Our Man" Andy Schumann
Event Date:
Saturday, April 25th, 2009
Chicago Ridge Frontier Field house, Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"Ring of Honor has done a great job looking for new talent that seemingly fits their mold."
Egotistico Fantastico vs. Rasheed Brown
This match showcased a couple of long time veterans of the local scene. Rasheed Brown was just physically dominating Egotistico throughout the whole match. Rasheed hit Egotistico with a version of the island driver. Egotistico used his speed and agility to gain brief controls of the match. Rasheed locked Egotistico into the torture rack and nearly made Ego submit. Egotistico picked up the victory with a sunset flip.

Match Rating 2 ½ stars out of 4. Rasheed was playing the villain and the crowd was just reacting like crazy to him. These guys put on an excellent match that warmed us up for the rest of the card. I would like to see Rasheed Brown get some more appearances on future cards.
Austin Aries & Rhett Titus vs. Alex Payne & Silas Young
This match featuring 2 of the recent ROH academy graduates in Young and Titus. Titus has been a lot work on the main card. This match featured some great back and forth action between these teams. Every time one team had gotten an advantage it was quickly squashed. The finale of the match had Aries nail a kick to the head of Payne. Aries quickly followed up with a brain buster and laid Titus on top of Payne to gain the pin fall. After the match Young took and clotheslined Payne.

Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. All 4 competitors gave everything they had in the ring. Titus seems on his way to stardom every time I see him in the ring he seems to have grown a little bit more and more. Aries has gotten a gimmick and he’s making it truly his own.
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Roderick Strong vs. Claudio Castagnolli
Strong came in banged up from the previous night and still put on a great show. Claudio and Jimmy double teamed Strong consistently throughout the match. Every time Strong disposed of one the other one jumped on him. Claudio and Roderick exchanged several strong chops. Jimmy picked up the victory by making Strong tapping out to the end time. Jimmy tossed out Claudio and jumped all over Strong. After the match Tyler Black came down and had a verbal confrontation with Jacobs. Black winds up calling Jacobs a disappointment.

Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. This match was a triple threat and allowed all 3 guys opportunity to get their spots in. This match shows what they do best putting on a single one shot match. The after match confrontation was the added something special.
Bryan Danielson vs. Jimmy Rave w/ Prince Nana
With the return of Rave also came back one of the best factions in Roh history the embassy. Bryan Danielson keeps proving why he’s the best wrestler in the industry right now. Through all of the matches I’ve seen there haven’t been 2 alike. Danielson consistently kept Rave off balance throughout the night. Danielson at one point locked Rave’s arm in a triangle lock and then locked in a crossface at the same time. Danielson was able to rain down elbows several times during the match. Rave was able to gain some advantage after hitting a swinging neck breaker. Danielson finally got the victory after Rave passed out in the triangle choke.

Match Rating 3 ½ stars out of 4. Danielson every time steps in the ring there aren’t too many current wrestlers who match him hold for hold. I’m interested in where ROH plans on using Rave. Jimmy Rave could be a good mid card heel for them and once in awhile be a main eventer. The one thing I wonder is when Danielson going to take the money and test his skills against the big boys of the WWE.
Dark City Fight Club versus The Phoenix Twins
This match was relatively short as the dark City Fight Club used the power advantage and just decimated the Phoenix Twins. The twins were able to get some offense in. The Dark City Fight Club picked up the victory.

Match Rating: 2 stars out of 4. This match was a way to make these guys a quick rise up to challenge for the titles or make them serious threats.
Tyler Black vs. Chris Hero w/ Shane Hagagdorn
Hero is continuing his striker gimmick relying mainly using various version of rolling elbows. Tyler gained the advantage by using his speed to avoid moves or connecting. The spot of the match having them both on the top rope. Hero is able to deliver a power bomb from the top rope with Black. Black kicked out at the very last second. Black was able to land a big kick that stunned Hero. Black was then able to win with his small package driver. After the match Jacobs comes out and attacks Black in the entrance way. Jacobs leaves Black bloodied.

Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. Hero and Black have met I do believe before. These guys put on a great short match. The kept the crowd in and definitely got them going for the last two matches. The fireworks after the match got the feud between Jacobs and Black reached a new level.
Kevin Steen & Jay Briscoe vs. The American Wolves for the ROH tag team titles
The match was announced for being a 2 out of 3 falls match. There has been some bad blood between these 4 men. Steen and Briscoe worked like a well oiled machine despite pairing up for the first time. Steen was able to get the first pin fall of the match by making Edwards tap with the sharpshooter. The second fall had the American wolves focus on Steen’s knee for an extended period of time. Richards was able to pick up the pin fall by making Steen tap out in the Texas clover leaf. The American wolves got the final pin fall after nailing Briscoes with a springboard diamond cutter. After the match Steen and Briscoe got into each other’s faces.

Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4 stars. This type of match has been lost for awhile but the 2 teams laid everything out on the line. The odd pairing of Steen and Briscoe worked like a team has been together for a few years. The tag team division just keeps flourishing. The after match antics showed the turmoil between the two teams hasn’t disappeared.
Colt Cabana versus Jerry Lynn for the ROH World Title
This was Lynn’s second title defense since winning the title during the Wrestlemania weekend. Cabana came out with something to prove that he was still the same wrestler when he left for the WWE. Cabana worked in a couple of his comedic spots but focused on the wrestling. Lynn was matching Cabana move for move. Cabana picked up the first near fall of the match after connecting with his colt 45 move. Lynn was able to kick out and take control of the match with hitting a piledriver. Cabana was able to connect with a pedigree of the second rope for another near fall. Lynn was finally able to get the win with a reverse hurracanrana and follows with his cradle piledriver.

Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. Colt Cabana seems to be glad to be back with Ring Of Honor. This was a great basic match with gradual building of the match from the start to the end. Jerry Lynn has the ability to carry the strap for a few months.
Overall show review: 3 stars out of 4
I think that they have put the onus on putting on some good quality shows. They’ve let their wrestling do the talking for them. Ring of Honor has done a great job looking for new talent that seemingly fits their mold. They announced when they come back in June that Nature Boy Ric Flair will be in attendance.

Photo © 2009 Ring of Honor
Article © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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