Comic Review by:
"Sweet" Dan Sweet
Andy Diggle & Antony Johnston
Billy Tan, Roberto De La Torre, and Marco Checcheto
Shipped on:
Shadowland #5-120210
Daredevil #512-120210
Shadowland After Fall #1-120810
Marvel Comics
Daredevil #512-$2.99
Shadowland titles-$3.99
(15% OFF during their 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
“...I was under whelmed with the entire “Shadowland” series, I found that the positioning of certain characters into potentially interesting new roles is the one redeeming aspect of this whole ordeal.”
When Andy Diggle set out to transform Matt Murdock into the Marvel U’s latest turncoat-villain, not only was I under whelmed by the whole idea but I also knew that it wouldn’t last. It’s tough, these days, to fully commit to something that can’t possibly maintain as a long-term change when it comes to character; I thought the idea of Daredevil leading The Hand was a no-brainer, but a story I could have easily got behind quickly became a bloated and convoluted ‘event comic’, taking me out of the experience right away. I’ll admit that it was a valiant effort, most likely squandered by editorial interference and spin-off titles that didn’t command enough attention to really matter. In the long run I found it to ‘move the pieces around the board’ without really satisfying my intense need for SOMETHING, anything to happen.

It was all about positioning. The whole event was about ‘moving the pieces around the board’. By the end of the “Shadowland” saga the characters that pepper the landscape of Daredevil’s corner of Marvel Earth-616 are certainly shaken up, with new allegiances, new enemies, new heroes, and a new direction for all parties involved. The end began in “Shadowland” #5, carried on through the final issue of “Daredevil” (before the switch to…should I say it? SPOILER WARNING: “Black Panther: The Man without Fear”!!!), and finally concluded in the “Shadowland: After the Fall” one-shot…it was the climax so large it couldn’t be contained to only ONE $3.99 comic book!!!!!!!!! Are you beginning to feel the sarcasm? Can you smell it?

“Shadowland” wrapped up its five-issue commitment with a somewhat tidy little bow. If you look at “Shadowland”, the entire mini-series, as having this structure:
#1) Daredevil KILLS Bullseye
#2) Daredevil does some more shady $#!t
#3) Daredevil becomes a demon
#4) Daredevil fights the good guys
#5) Daredevil loses

…it’s a pretty hard pill to swallow. To me, it’s a book whose conclusion comes at the beginning, when Matt makes the decision to kill, and is immediately copped-out by the third issue, which just leaves the final two issues as ‘the rest of it’. Sure, like I said before, there’s a good deal of posturing and positioning, but that’s only awesome in hindsight IF the payoff is worth the wait. By issue five Billy Tan finally seemed to be comfortable in his role as ‘story-teller’. His lines didn’t seem as rushed or as sketchy, providing for a much more fluid look that a title like this SHOULD have, and the scene with Matt as a child was really well-rendered. But now it’s over, and that’s probably for the best.

The final issue of “Daredevil” was all fallout, but I mean, there was more than enough to go around, so, whatever. Foggy and Dakota deal with the loss of Matt in their own ways, and it would appear that Foggy is more than a bit hung up over the disappearance of Murdock and his role in his friend’s possession. The Kingpin makes a play for The Hand, and it’s a good move in my opinion as any time I get to see The Kingpin fight with a huge, teeming, mass of ninjas is a good time to be had. There’s a bit of the old Power Man-and-Iron Fist in here as well and that leads into the tease for the NEXT installment of this entire “Shadowland” hullabaloo…

‘After the Fall’ stars intrepid, man on the street reporter Ben Urich and Detective Alex Kurtz as they each follow their own leads in an attempt to pick up Daredevil’s path. While neither one is successful (um, spoiler alert?) they manage to get a pretty good grasp of what’s going on in Hell’s Kitchen AFTER THE FALL of SHADOWLAND! GET IT?! Anyway, Foggy shows up at the end and brightens the whole show with his ever-positive demeanor, his conversation with Ben serving as a potential beacon of hope and good fortune for the citizens of Hell’ Kitchen, or maybe not. The best part about this issue was the creative tag-team art by Checcheto and De La Torre, each taking on a character, Checcheto illustrating Detective Kurtz’s story and De La Torre illustrating Urich’s. I found that while their styles are vastly different, they work really well in contrast to one another page after page after page. I could enjoy the combination of this art team on Daredevil titles for years to come and never get bored. HEARD!

All in all, while I was under whelmed with the entire “Shadowland” series, I found that the positioning of certain characters into potentially interesting new roles is the one redeeming aspect of this whole ordeal. That and the ridiculously gorgeous art that supported the main title, and while Billy Tan did hit his stride there at the end, it was too little too late, he was a poor fit for this title from jump. I can’t say that I’m not interested in where all of this is going, but it could have gotten us there with a bit more flair, a bit more style. Maybe even a bit more substance too.

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2010 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2010 Alternate Reality, Inc.


1110 BOM

"... I’m glad that the lunatic Scotsman has opted to stick around and expand his growing empire for another couple of years.” (DS)
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“...probably the most intense jumping-on point I’ve experienced in my comic-reading experience so far this year...” (DS)
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"(Kompan's) done years of research and traveled to South Korea-it’s a passion for the project that really shines through each page." (DS)