Comic Review by:
Deanna "DeeKay" Bihlmayer |
Publisher: |
21st Century Sandshark Studios |
“Volume One ends in a cliff-hanger and although I was disappointed with some
parts of the story and art I would say overall the book was “well done” |
(Editor's Note: Dan Nokes sent the store a copy
of "Adam & Eve..." and asked us to review it. DeeKay took the assignment and
below is her review.)
First off, if you like zombie tales no matter how good or bad, then this book is
a decent read. The story hits a few bumps along the way but does progress in a
fairly smooth fashion. Part of the bumps along the way is that the editing was
awful. The grammar and syntax were stumbling blocks in several parts of the
story and I would advise the author to find a better proof reader for his next
volumes. Saying that, the story was pretty well put together and after all is
said and done I do want to read the next volume to find out what happens next.
After all, if an author can do that, half the battle is won.
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world. The main character
is Adam Jenkins who is the only surviving human in his underground bunker. He is
joined by his zombie ex Lilith (yes, the names are bible references, I believe),
an A.I. known as Groucho (Marx fan?), and a genetically enhanced dog named
Schaffer (named after Paul Schaffer of Late Night with David Letterman fame).
Once Adam goes to sleep for the evening his subconscious shows up to give us the
back story on Zombie Lilith and how Adam got in this predicament to begin with.
This is an unnecessary ploy and the word “Earlier”…. would suffice to introduce
the back story to the reader. Needless to say even with the corny jokes, and
sometimes child-like drawings, I still kept reading on. The story line always
made me think, “hey, it can’t get worse,” and besides I did want to know what
happens next.
Further along, as Adam is dealing with the mundaneness of his life underground,
he receives an email that yes! there is life out there and her name is……wait for
it……Eve! I know big groan aside, it still makes sense, because it is the
beginning of a new world so to speak. Once Eve makes contact Adam decides a road
trip with his two trusty sidekicks is in order. Meanwhile he leaves Lilith
behind, to disastrous repercussions (subplot) to come in future issues. During
Adam’s travels the reader finds out that he is not as alone as he thought and
the wacky, zombie adventures ensue.
With regards to the art (or illustrations), at times they are a little flat and
look like an elementary student drew them for art class. However, there are many
illustrations that are quite good and the pictures always fit the theme of the
story and the plot that is going on. The author has great art potential, and
practice will make perfect as the saying goes. Besides, it can’t be that easy to
do everything well.
Volume One ends in a cliff-hanger and although I was disappointed with some
parts of the story and art I would say overall the book was “well done”. In
spite my feelings going into the story, I am looking forward to Volume Two and
Adam’s further adventures on finding Eve. I also cannot wait to see what Lilith
has in store for them both and the rest of the world!
An after thought: the drawing by Chris Rubenstahl in the gallery at the end is
fantastic! (hint, hint, Mr. Nokes). I love the gallery additions and hope to see
more in future volumes.
All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2011 by their respective
owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2011 Alternate Reality, Inc.
“...the kind of story that is
bound to be discovered and enjoyed again and again by fans of all sorts of genre
fiction...” (DS) |
"...Hickman’s story is
phenomenal, but I don’t think it would be as emotionally arresting if
illustrated by anyone else.” (DS) |

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