"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek
titles sent out by Marvel, DC & Image. It's not everything that's shipping for
the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the
bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES
of future titles" |
ION #1 (of 12)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Ron Mars, Artist: Greg Tocchini
Kyle Rayner, the third Earth bound replacement Green Lantern
has gone thru some changes during OYL and here in the first
issue of a limited series (which was announced as a regular
one then changed) we see some of the changes. He is now
known as Ion and has a GL-inspired costume with a mask that
really needs to go because it looks somewhat silly. The
issue begins with him hovering in space surrounded by other
Lanterns and the wreckage of a fleet that Kyle had something
to do with. We can see from this beginning that Kyle is
somewhat uncomfortable with his powers and his reactions
surely make us believe that we are seeing a breakdown in
progress which gets more support when we suddenly get back
to Earth. Kyle wakes up and we see that he now lives at an
artists retreat. Marz gives us an idea why he is there but
leaves things for us to try to figure out as he introduces
the supporting cast. The sense of foreboding is enhanced
with a sequence showing that the Guardians didn’t tell him
everything when he gained the enhanced powers before we end
up back at the retreat and get a visit from an interstellar
bounty hunter who wears wings. The issue is smoothly told by
a man who has major comfort in the world of Green Lanterns,
Marz. The art is by Tocchini who we last saw drawing the
young Thor book over at Marvel. His style isn’t smooth at
all and has some rough edges but you do get the feeling that
he will develop with each issue. There are a lot of double
page spreads here and he seems very comfortable as well on a
book dealing with a character that spends most of his time
in space.
MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
RONAN #1 (of 4)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Simon Furman, Artist:
Jorge Lucas
Ronan, the Accuser finishes off the debuts of the limited series surrounding the
Annihilation Marvel event with a tale that is connected with the other limited
series; but here the connections are a bit looser. As we became aware of in the
one-shot that started all this, Ronan has become the hunted rather than the
hunter since the Kree have declared him an enemy of the state. Some time has
passed but Ronan has been searching for those who have testified against him and
here he has arrived on a planet that has one of the people he has been searching
for. That witness is someone that Thor fans are fully aware of-Tana Nile and as
he disperses law (yes, even on the run he behaves as he always has since his
introduction in the 60’s) he comes closer to finding her. We see another cosmic
character as the issue ends (and she is a Jim Starlin creation who seems to be
returning to her roots) and we get the feeling that Furman is going to take his
time getting Ronan from point A to point B. The action level is low but that has
much to do with Furman’s interpretation of the character. He wasn’t a barrel of
laughs to begin with but here Ronan is more Clint Eastwood than anyone else. He
says little and when he is pushed to the point of action then there is no wasted
motion or concern. Having read stories with the character since his invention I
can say that for the first time he does seem to have a personality and that is a
credit to the writer. The art is by Jorge Lucas and it isn’t a direct copy of
Jack Kirby but you can see the echoes.
MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Robert Kirkman, Artist:
Ryan Otley
Beginning this week Image has joined the ranks of Marvel and DC by sending out
SNEAK PEEK copies of this coming Wednesday’s titles. Since Image is joining the
big boys each week they'll get a spot here each week (providing they send
anything review-able through) So the first Image book to be reviewed is one of
the best titles the company publishes-Invincible. For those of you who have
never read the title it involves a teenager who discovered that not only does he
have super powers but that his dad was a super hero (okay, maybe not a hero). He
decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and has been having interesting and
more interesting adventures as he deals with his life. On his last adventure he
came across his dad and found out that he has a young step-brother so when this
issue begins he walks in and sees his mom playing with the youngster. Kirkman
deals with the whole ‘who is going to take care of the kid’ thing quickly before
introducing other elements of the story that are loosely but completely
connected. Eventually things get to the image on the cover showing Mark in
nature holding hands with one girl (his girlfriend, Amber) while his super
powered friend Eve looks at them with an expression that suggests lots of
trouble. This title is written like the early Marvel books were with regular
human stuff going on surrounded by mystery, action and small interludes that
eventually lead up to something huge. It’s not a complicated book but it happens
to be a whole lot of fun.
MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!) |
RUNNER #1 (of 4)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Allen Warner, Artist:
Ale Garza
The team that brought us Ninja Boy has returned with another sword and sorcery
tale but this time uses a female lead to enhance the possibility that the book
will sell. Our main character is a buxom (and she is reminded of that every
chance anyone gets) wench who lives in one of the mystical lands where talking
animals some time hang out. She lives in a kingdom that isn’t very impressive so
instead of dwelling in a castle she lives in an ordinary house. Skye has dreams
of becoming a knight (which her late father disapproved of) and as sure as you
can be that will probably come to pass by the end of this limited series. A
little captured creature brings about the action portion of the issue and from
there we get more cleavage and our heroine is captured and dragged away so that
we can get ready for the real adventure that this series will bring. The story
is a bit overwritten by since the art by Garza is so attractive we can let that
pass. He seems more focused than he did on Ninja and his pages are much tighter.
Yes, we get the stereotype of the buxom lead carrying more boobs that powder but
her voluptuous nature is joked about as much as it is teased. This title is part
of an intent by Wildstorm to develop a sword and sorcery line and will probably
be more successful than the current Red Sonja/Claw offering.
MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
Amazing Spiderman #531’s cover has nothing to do with the story at all but what
happens inside the issue leads us right into the first issue of Civil War. We
see who was behind the attack in Washington, more debate, a visit to Mr.Lincoln
and a few questions are asked that make you think very hard… Black Panther
#15/Storm #3 tell the story of how the two first met as Storm makes the Panther
wait for an answer to his proposal… Fantastic Four #537 shows us how Doom
escaped Hell (more or less) and we see someone buying a bus ticket to Oklahoma
who wants his property back. As to what that blast is that occurs inside the
issue I would guess that it’s an alarm waking a few things up that happen to be
dead…Incredible Hulk #94 mixes the pencil stylings of four artists to different
effect as we begin to see the formation of the Hulk’s warrior team right before
he and the Surfer beat the crap out of each other next issue… Wolverine #41 is a
double sized single issue story from guest creators Stuart (Firestorm) Moore and
New Invaders’ CP Smith. It is a tale about Logan/James doing the Black Panther a
favor and delivering a package safely. The package happens to be a child and the
moody art makes the story a spectacular read… X-Factor #6 focuses for the most
part on the continually evolving mystery of Layla Miller of House of M fame.
Siryn is still recovering from the damage sustained in the last issue and we
learn here that accidents seem to happen a lot around Miller. Co-artist Dennis
Calero takes over for the departed Ryan Sook for this issue and his art makes a
somewhat chilling story even more so.
Batman: LODK #204 begins the short arc involving controlled insanity and action
from Justin Grey and Deadshot’s Steven Cummings. This issue is helped a lot with
the interaction between Batman and Alfred….Catwoman #54 has one of the best
insults seen in comics this year and continues to show that the new Catwoman has
a long way to go… Solo #10 features art by Batgirl’s Daimon Scott and if you’re
still wondering why the book has been cancelled then use this as the autopsy
report. |
"See, I told you I'd be
down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future
MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc. |