PPV Predictions/Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Sunday, November 26th, 2006
Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, PA
technical match, a physical women’s match, a match with
old guys beating young guys and not getting hurt...this
PPV had a little bit of everything." |
Survivor Series 2006 is in the books and the show
ended up being pretty decent. This year’s show was from the Wachovia Center in
Philadelphia so the crowd was up and ready for anything since the city has been
hot for the WWE, ECW and Ring of Honor.
corner man MITCH.
BO'S PREDICTION: I don’t think this will be a long match since
Dusty is limited to what he can do and Simmons hasn’t been in the ring for a
while. Slaughter can go for a bit and so can Flair so they will do the bulk of
the work. As for the Spirit Squad the smart finish is to have Kenny and Johnny
be the last ones in and have Kenny walk away from Johnny. Arn if he does come in
will take probably Mikey out with a spinebuster and the old folks will speed up
the breaking up of the Squad. Common sense would suggest that once that trigger
is pulled then Mikey, Nicky and Mitch go to Smackdown as a team but not as
BO'S REVIEW: The show started with Team Geriatric against the Spirit
Squad probably because Ric Flair’s team had an early bedtime. Ron Simmons was
counted out first after starting out on offense and shortly afterwards Mitch and
Arn Anderson were tossed out as well. Arn tossed Mitch into the ring post so
that left the teams without captains. Sgt. Slaughter eliminated Nicky. Kenny
eliminated Dusty Rhodes. Flair took out Mikey, Kenny and Johnny for the win
before the squad laid a beat down on Flair that set up the opener for Monday
night that ended the Spirit Squad for good. This was going to be the shortest
match and as an opener it got the crowd into it by seeing some of the legends of
the ring.
BO'S PREDICTION: Benoit is replacing Rey Mysterio in the feud with
Chavo and he has been hinting that the anger inside the Guerrero family has to
do with Eddie’s estate. If you think it out then following the last angle in the
Rey/Eddie feud involved the parentage of Rey’ son Domenic so the ‘secret’ will
end up being that Eddie left everything to Domenic instead of Vickie. This feud
isn’t going to end here so we will see probably the best match on the show.
Chavo will win the US Title with help from Vickie and they will fight over the
belt until at least January when Benoit will again challenge for the Heavyweight
BO'S REVIEW: The second match out was Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero for
the US strap (the WWE has a problem using the word belt these days). A nice back
and forth match with liberal interference from Vickie Guerrero that still ended
up with Benoit keeping the title. You can expect this program to go on for a
while but it was too early to take the belt off of Benoit.
Before the Lita/Mickie James match we got a backstage interview setting things
up with Lita and Todd Grisham. Lita was above board nasty before leaving for the
ring. Grisham then interviewed Edge (who guaranteed victory in his match) as we
saw Cryme Time sneak into Lita’s locker room and leave with a box full of her
things. Grisham saw them but he just wondered what they were doing.
BO'S PREDICTION: The two have wrestled three weeks in a row so why
not have them go at it one more time before Lita retires to play in a band?
Trish Stratus won her last match so I don’t think they are going to do that
again because if Lita goes over then you have to set up another tournament and
there aren’t enough female wrestlers around to do that. Mickie had a feud with
Beth Phoenix before Phoenix got her jaw broken by Victoria so if we add up the
fact that Phoenix is healed and working in Ohio Valley a smart thing to do would
be to have Phoenix come back and attack Mickie after the match or on Raw.
BO'S REVIEW: If you had wondered what the most physical match of the
night would be surprisingly it turned out to be Lita vs. Mickie. Since this was
Lita’s last match I guess she wanted to go out with a strong match and the two
ladies beat the crap out of each other before Mickie won with an implant DDT.
This left Lita in the ring wanting to be called the greatest women’s champ of
all time and going into a meltdown before Cryme Time came out and sold all her
stuff in a ‘ho sale’. JBL ended up buying a pair of her panties and getting
stiffed for $100 as Lita protested. The very over duo also sold a vibrator to
someone in the crowd before selling Lita’s open box (insert the obvious joke
here) for much profit. A major problem the WWE has at the moment is a lack of
challengers for the belt once you get past Victoria and Melina. There is a
natural program with Beth Phoenix (who is ready to come back up) but then you
have to move Jillian Hall over from Smackdown and bring up someone else from OVW
which is going to be hard because most of the women being signed aren’t
wrestlers at all.
Michael Cole did an interview with Batista which was shown here and as he asked
questions Batista just sat there rubbing his hands before stating as forcefully
a possible that he was winning his title back.
shouldn’t be the main event but we all know why this has been pushed the hardest
so lets just check our brains into the cooler and go with it. The reunion of
Team Extreme went over very well at the ECW show so we can expect the Hardy’s to
do cool moves probably against Helms. Knox doesn’t really belong here but since
he is programmed with Punk they had to include him. I am shocked that Punk is
even in with this bunch because HHH and Shawn were two of the main people
against him before he made his ECW debut. Expect the feuds to determine the
eliminations (with Knox being the first to go) and naturally DX will end up
matched up with Edge and Orton. I would say that Team DX will win this one.
BO'S REVIEW: The fun match of the night was Team DX vs.
Team RKO. DX came out first and put over their team. Since ROH has been to
Philly CM Punk was way over and HHH let him say “Are you ready?” It was weird
because HHH was one of the main people against Punk (he along with HBK and Arn
Anderson said that all he did was copy Japanese moves) and yet here he was
calling him the future of ECW. Mike Knox as I expected was the first one
eliminated by a brutal super kick by HBK as HHH flirted with Kelly Kelly and HBK
put his arms around Melina outside the ring. Matt Hardy was the first to bleed.
Punk eliminated Johnny Nitro with the anaconda vise. Matt Hardy eliminated
Gregory Helms. Edge and Orton tried to leave and were brought back by the
Hardy’s. Edge was eliminated by everyone more or less which left Orton outside
the ring totally outnumbered. Orton was eliminated by DX and we saw a shutout by
Team DX who didn’t do the five person crotch shot but went out together.
BO'S PREDICTION: The Undertaker debuted at the 1990 Survivor
Series and this is his 14th appearance at a Survivor Series PPV. Kennedy has
been booked as a serious threat to the Undertaker after starting off as just
another challenger to the dead man. With Taker going into this match with rib
problems he will be limited as to what he can do. The smart thing for the
business is to have Kennedy go over. Doing that pushes him up the card and
losing kills his momentum but who goes over all comes down to Taker. If he sees
that Kennedy is a player then he will lose, heal up and that leads to a major
program later. If he doesn’t (or Vince decides he shouldn’t lose) then what’s
the point in the match in the first place? With the rib injury Taker won’t be
around much so it makes sense for him to bleed first or have Kennedy bleed first
but have the ref not see it and win by doing that. A strong win helps Kennedy
BO'S REVIEW: We got the set up for the First Blood match in the back as
MVP talked to a focused Kennedy and said that he had Kennedy’s back even though
he has left him alone in the past. Kennedy did his open in an angry manner and
removed most of the turnbuckle pads. After the classic Taker entrance the two
went at it pretty good and Taker didn’t seem to be protecting his ribs. Kennedy
was the first to bleed but he did it outside the ring so the ref didn’t see it.
MVP came out and wiped the blood away with a towel before tossing Kennedy back
inside the ring. When trying to hit Kennedy with a chair MVP hit Taker and
busted him wide open which made ref Charles Robinson call the match. Afterward
Taker busted the chair on Kennedy’s head and gave him a tombstone before walking
to the back and raising his arm at the entrance way.
BO'S PREDICTION: Just about everyone in this match is
involved in a feud except Sabu (who would be matched up with Test here I guess)
so expect the pairings to go by way of the feuds. With Show hurting badly he may
be the surprising first one eliminated but with Sabu being in the doghouse at
the moment (check the news updates for why) he may go as punishment. MVP will
spend the match stalling and hiding before Kane continues his education by being
stiff as hell with him. Lashley will end up being the guy who eliminates Show.
Since Umaga is being pushed as a huge monster and is being programmed against
Cena all the way up to at least New Year’s Revolution he will most likely be the
last man standing but you never know what the pinheads in creative are thinking.
BO'S REVIEW: The last traditional Survivor Series match was Team Cena vs.
Team Big Show. MVP came out looking over his shoulder for the Undertaker thru
his inflatable tunnel. Umaga was eliminated for hitting everyone with a monitor
from the main announce table (which gets him over as an unstoppable monster).
RVD eliminated MVP and was then eliminated by Test. Lashley then speared Test
who was eliminated by Sabu with a sick looking DDT. Big Show then eliminated
Sabu. Show and Kane grabbed each other for mutual choke slams before Dylan (the
little bastard) came in between them for the obvious sight gag. Kane was hit
with the shillelagh then choke slammed by Show. Finley was eliminated by Lashley
after Finley thru Dylan into the hands of Cena who teased but didn’t give him
the FU. This left Lashley and Cena against the Big Show (and set up that Lashley
is likely to win the ECW belt this weekend) and the finisher that had Cena pick
up Show for the FU. And yes, that meant that Cena dead lifted 540 pounds.
BO'S PREDICTION: With the stipulation added Friday that if Batista didn’t
win he wouldn’t be able to challenge Booker again it’s obvious that the reign of
King Booker is coming to an end. In recent appearances Batista has gotten back
the fire he had been lacking since his return and has become the Animal again.
The king angle has gotten stale (every person I know who watches wrestling hates
it) and the show is happening in the same arena that Batista forfeited the title
in last January.
BO'S REVIEW: Prior to the match Teddy Long came out and laid out that
Booker could not be counted out or get disqualified in order to keep the
heavyweight title. That made the ending a foregone conclusion but the match
wasn’t bad. Batista went out and brought Booker in as he was making his way
towards the ring and the two proceeded to have a pretty decent match. Booker
took a major demon bomb but wasn’t pinned that way. There was some interference
from Sharmell and while the ref was distracted she tossed the belt into the ring
but Booker ended up taking the belt shot and was pinned by the new champ
Batista. We got the fireworks above the ring and Batista put over his win by
being overcome with emotion. We may get a rematch but Batista should be carrying
the belt until at least WrestleMania.
All in all the PPV wasn’t bad. We got a technical match, a
physical women’s match, a match with old guys beating young guys and not getting
hurt, comedy and domination and the back stage stuff was kept to a minimum |
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