"Remember if you haven't seen this Pay
Per View then this review is jam pack full of SPOILERS! I don't want to hear any
howling or gnashing of teeth, you have been warned!
Proceed at your own risk." |
PPV Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Sunday, September 17th, 2006
Air Canada Center. Toronto, Ontario Canada
"A card that should have a good buy-rate
considering the three gimmick matches that sold it. All in
all this turned out to be one of the best PPV’s of the
year." |
As is the tradition things started out with a hot match, the Johnny Nitro/ Jeff
Hardy match for Nitro’s IC belt. There have been reports that the house show
matches Nitro has are off the charts because he is allowed to take his time
instead of rushing things so the folks in the back apparently let him and Hardy
take their time to give us an entertaining match. Nitro spent a lot of the match
doing leg submissions on Hardy that looked effective as hell every time he used
them. Both were allowed to get in a lot of offense but the march ended with
Milena’s interference after a worked leg injury. The follow up gave us a Team
Extreme reunion with Matt consoling Jeff as Lita gave them both crap which
suggested how her night was going to work out.
The Kane/Umaga match was next and was set up with a long intro by Armando
Alejandro Estrada (who happens to be from Chicago) telling us who the real
monster was before Kane came out. The match consisted of the two of them beating
the hell out of each other and into the crowd for the DQ finish that has been
the pattern of their house show matches.
We then got a Vince/Shane segment that was to get them pumped up for the Hell in
the Cell match while allowing them to insult the home crowd in Toronto. We also
saw Teddy Long in a skybox that apparently had no catering.
Spirit Squad/Highlanders had Mikey and Kenny defend the belts as the others
waited outside to interfere. We now have a name for the Highlanders’ slap each
other in the face tag-the Shemp Tag. There was a lot of offense here before the
numbers game had the Squad retain the belts. Now over a month ago the team was
told they were being broken up but with the lack of tag teams on the Raw side
and three on the Smackdown side I guess they changed their minds. Raw has the
Highlanders, SS, Cade & Murdock and the lame team of Viscera/ Charlie Hass with
Cryme Time on the way. You would think that someone in the back would pair Haas
and Shelton Benjamin back up but that would involve some thinking in the back.
Surprisingly the Hell in the Cell match was next up and JR dubbed the cell
(which was upgraded to the point that climbing on the top is impossible now)
Satan’s Playground. Shane was the first out followed by Big Show then Vince
before the cell was lowered then DX came out. DX took Show out for most of the
early part of the match by double kicking him in the privates so they could beat
up Vince and Shane. Shane was the first to bleed then Vince. Vince took a
screwdriver to the head. Shawn was next to get busted open by the recovered
Show. HHH was busted open by Shane’s Van Terminator and they played up his ear
was still giving him trouble from Monday night. Shane was set up for the Brian
Pillman spot and got his neck smashed in an open chair after HBK elbow dropped
it. Vince teased the kiss my ass club and that later paid off as Show was laid
out over the ropes so that DX could shove Vince up his ass. As Vince was
wavering he got super kicked then HHH broke the sledgehammer over his back.
Vince’s facials were off the charts here but Shane sold the holy hell out of a
possible broken neck as they were taken out by medical staff. HBK even got
cheered in Canada which is highly unbelievable.
We got a Trish retrospective as the ring crew changed the ring and hosed down
the bloody outer mats before the Lita/Trish match happened. You could tell Trish
was nervous because she slipped coming to the ring. On commentary it was pushed
that Trish and the Fabulous Moolah were tied with 6 Women’s Championship reigns.
Lita had her working shoes on because she hasn’t wrestled a long match in a
while and the two worked well together. Both were allowed to get all their spots
in before Trish won the belt with Bret Hart’s sharpshooter which popped the
crown beyond belief. We left with Trish in the ring smiling and crying at the
same time.
Randy Orton was in the back for a Todd Grisham interview setting up his match
and called Trish a name that eliminated any chance of him getting any cheers. He
and Carlito put together a good match. In doing a series of aerial moves Orton
got his mouth busted open by an errant Carlito knee. Orton won with a sudden RKO.
The night finished off with the John Cena/ Edge TLC match. Naturally Edge was
the face here since he was home and the crowd did what they usually do when Cena
comes out-boo, but you could see there were a fair amount of Cena fans in the
house. We got a lot of high spots during the match including Cena FUing a ladder
onto Edge after applying the STFU on him thru the ladder, Edge climbing an
angled ladder and jumping onto Cena who was outside the ring, some wicked chair
shots, a 5 knuckle shuffle off a ladder ont Edge, Edge spearing Cena from one
ladder as Cena was on another, Cena going off a ladder onto a table outside the
ring and Edge doing the same as Lita came out to interfere then Cena FUing Edge
onto a two table tower before Cena regained the belt. Cena looked very serious
as he took the belt and looked at the crowd (who were cheering him now) before
he climbed down and hugged his father who wasn’t mentioned until then
surprisingly. Cena kept that look on his face all the way down the ramp before
saluting the crowd (you have to pump that movie) and holding the belt high above
his head.
A very good show without a bad match on the card. |
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2006 WWE/World Wrestling Entertainment
Article © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc. |