Event Review by:
Andrew Schumann

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Chicago Ridge Frontier Fieldhouse,
Chicago Ridge, Illinois

"Compared to other shows this year in Chicago this was an excellent event."

Last weekend Ring of Honor put on a show here in Chicago Ridge. Who is Ring of Honor you might ask? Ring of Honor is a top tier independent wrestling promotion that is based in Philadelphia area. Their main stars are Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, and Bryan Danielson. The current WWE wrestlers who have wrestled for them are Paul London, Brian Kendrick, CM Punk, Jamie Noble and also Jimmy Yang. They put on a card of 9 matches.

The opening match was a tag team match between Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn versus The Irish Airborne. The beginning of the match the crowd was firmly behind the Irish Airborne. The match lasted about 15 minutes with good action back and forth. The highlight of the match is that Dave Crist monkey flipped his brother Jake. Jake than hit a hurricanrana on Adam Pearce. The end of the match came with Adam Pearce distracting the referee. This allowed Shane Hagadorn to hit one of the Crist brothers with brass knuckles and score the pin fall. After the match Commissioner Jim Cornette came out and told them the way to the top is through loyalty.

The second match was another tag team bout between Colt Cabana and Jimmy Jacobs versus Jimmy Rave and Sal Rinuano. This match was a typical match from all the competitors. The ending of the match came when Colt Cabana hit a moonsault and followed by a senton from Jimmy Jacobs on to Rinuano.

(bonus match)

The third match of the night was between Roderick Strong versus Shingo. Shingo is a regular over in Japan a part of The Dragon’s Gate Organization. The action was very quick and stiff. The echoes from the slaps and kicks could be heard throughout the arena. They each exchanged some of their trademark maneuvers. The crowd was going back and forth in support of each competitor. The best part of the match was the ending of the match. Shingo and Roderick were on the apron of the ring. They were blocking each other’s attempts. Shingo was finally able to DDT Roderick through the table at ringside. Shingo brought Roderick back into the ring. Shingo hit his finisher on Roderick. Shingo’s finisher sets up like the torture rack and goes into chest first slam.

(special attraction match)
The next match was Steve Corino versus Delirious. If you never seen Delirious has one of the best gimmicks currently. At the beginning of the match he runs around the ring multiple times for about five minutes. The action then picked up with exchanges of maneuvers between the two of them. About two-thirds into the match Corino was able to hit a Death Valley Driver on Delirious. Delirious then made a comeback with the crowd’s aide. He was able to hit a neck breaker on Corino. He then put Corino into his submission finisher. The finisher is a combination of the cobra clutch and the Crippler Crossface. In the end the team of Pearce and Hagadorn came out and distracted the referee. Corino was able to use Hagadorn’s trophy to hit Delirious on the head and pick up the victory. The referee Todd St. Clair realized what happened and reversed the decision. Jim Cornette came out and bullied St. Clair not to overturn the decision.

(special challenge match)

The next match of the night was The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels versus Austin Aries. The crowd was solidly behind both competitors. The crowd got hotter half way through the match as both competitors traded submission maneuvers. Daniels locked on his head and arm submission maneuver. After a couple minutes Aries was able to lock on the rings of Saturn and really stretch the shoulders out. Aries was able to knock down Daniels to the mat and went up the turnbuckle for his 450 splash. Daniels was able to climb up the turnbuckle and attempted to suplex Aries. They exchanged blocks on the maneuver. The build up to the end saw Daniels hit an open palm slap to Aries chin. Aries landed on his feet and Daniels hit the Angel’s Wings on Aries for the pin fall. After the match both competitors gave each the due and the crowd was on fire. They than took a quick intermission.

The first match after intermission was Brent Albright versus Trik Davis. The match was short. Albright dominated the whole match. He got the win by using the Fujiwara arm bar.

The next match was Matt Sydal versus Jay Briscoe. Sydal was the fan favorite going into this match. They exchanged various holds for the first few minutes. The first highlight of the match had Sydal hit a splash on Jay on the outside. They exchanged high-risk maneuvers for the next couple of minutes. Matt Sydal out of nowhere hit his version of the Hog log onto Jay. The crowd was standing on their feet for most of the match. The fall of the match went to Matt Sydal. Jay went for an inside cradle that Matt reversed and locked his legs around one of Jay’s. After the match Mark came down to double team Matt with his brother Jay. This produced Davey Richards who was Mark’s opponent for his match. They cleared out the ring and Mark and Davey decided to start their match right then and there. In the beginning Mark and Davey exchanged very stiff shots with each other. This match was more of a brawl than a typical ring of honor match. Richards picked up the victory after a DDT to Mark. Then it was time for the main event.

(No DQ, non-title match)

The main event was Samoa Joe versus Bryan Danielson in a anything goes no disqualification, no time limit and there must be a winner. The crowd was incredibly behind Samoa Joe during the whole match. Samoa Joe went on the attack very early in the match. He didn’t allow Danielson get in the ring before he knocked him off the apron. Joe than followed up with a plancha between the ropes down onto the floor. Joe the preceded to Danielson into the barriers around the ring. Joe then delivered his Ole kicks to Danielson in the corners of the barriers. Once back in the ring Danielson got control of the match by attacking Joe’s arm. He used various tactics to wear down the arm. After a couple minutes Danielson went and found a pipe of some sort and was using it to his advantage. Joe then went outside to catch his breath and Danielson followed him. Danielson was on the apron and Joe kicked his legs out and he crashed on the apron. He locked Joe into a chicken wing with the pipe across the throat. Joe then got the advantage back and took it back outside on the floor. Danielson had an opportunity to escape through the crowd and took it. Joe was following him through the crowd and towards the entrance ramp. About half of the crowd decided to follow match during this point. Danielson was able to regain the advantage after ramming Joe into the camera tower and also a chair. Joe got the advantage back by putting Danielson on a rolling cart. Joe then pushed Danielson towards a wall and then hit him across the back with a broom. They finally got back into ring with Danielson having the advantage. Danielson got a hold of the referee’s belt and starting to whip Joe. Danielson than locked on his finisher the cattle mutilation. The cattle mutilation is a combo move of the rings of Saturn and then he floats over into bridge while clasping his hands. Joe was able to escape the maneuver and regained control of the belt. Joe whipped Danielson for a couple of minutes. Joe then locked in his submission chokehold with the belt. Joe picked up the victory when Danielson passed out from the maneuver. After the match declared that Danielson would be defending the belt next time in Chicago in a steel cage match. The crowd went ballistic at that announcement.

Compared to other shows this year in Chicago this was an excellent event. Every time they’re in Chicago, ROH strives to put on there best. Out of 5 stars I give it a 3.5-4 stars.

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Photo © 2006 Ring of Honor
Article © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc.