
DVD Movie Review by:
Jim "Good Old JR" Rutkowski
Directed by:
Lauren Montgomery
Written by:
Michael Jelenic
Starring the Voices of:
Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Rosario Dawson
Running time:
74 minutes
03/03/09-direct to dvd
Rated PG-13 for violence throughout and some suggestive material.
"...a solid presentation overall, that should satisfy the expectations of the most die hard DC Comics book fan, there is a lot here to respect and enjoy."
This is not your typical Saturday cartoon; it is very PG-13. With a ruthlessly bloody opening battle scene and the first line of dialogue being from the villain, Ares – God of War (Alfred Molina), to Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s Amazon warrior mother, this ain’t for the preschoolers. Ares chides her, “You seem as eager to meet me on the battlefield, Hippolyta, as you once did in the bedroom.” She replies, “I hope you prove more skilled in this arena, Ares.” Ok, then!

After the opening battle, Hippolyta pleads with Zeus to allow she and the survivors to live on a special island. And there, on the mystical island of Themyscira, the proud, strong warrior race of Amazon women lives in a utopian civilization shielded from the corrupt world of man. But a betrayal within the Amazon sisterhood leads to the escape of Ares, the God of War, and Amazon Princess Diana must capture him before he unleashes global chaos and destruction. With the aid of cocky fighter pilot Steve Trevor, Diana tracks Ares to the United States capital for a battle royale.

Respecting her origins before she even comes on screen, Princess Diana’s (aka Wonder Woman) exposition is skillfully done with action, characters’ clear motivations and some high drama. The story starts with her mother, Hippolyta, as mentioned above - a spectacular warrior queen, who even goes so far to behead her own corrupt son! Soon Princess Diana’s birth is then revealed, which was a gift from the Gods to Hippolyta. Princess Diana, of course, grows to be a very strong warrior, though she itches to leave utopia, contribute to the outside world and…enjoy the company of a man.

The story continues with some creative and tough action sequences as Princess Diana gains her bearings and learns about American culture while she’s hunting down the escaped Ares in New York. As she fights crime, the public begins to call her “Wonder Woman.” Director Lauren Montgomery balances the action scenes with mellower moments including the awkward but funny sexual tension between Princess Diana and Steve Trevor (Nathan Fillion).

But heavy emphasis is on Diana’s headstrong mission to stop Ares. Actress Keri Russell voices Wonder Woman and does a satisfactory job – her intent and inflections are on the mark, but she really doesn’t have a strong, more throaty voice to nail the part. And Wonder Woman’s constant angst can be a one-note delivery…as the joker said to Batman, “why so serious?”

The rest of the cast do a terrific job, and I thought Michael Jelenic’s screenplay really delivered an entertaining, respectful presentation of Wonder Woman’s introduction and big mission to save the world from War. And a nice dose of smart humor always help. And it doesn’t hurt that Princess Diana is gorgeous, too.

The film is loaded with quite a bit of themes, characters and situations, so the 74 minute run time is brisk, and I think it could have been longer with enhanced supporting character developments. But this is really a solid presentation overall, that should satisfy the expectations of the most die hard DC Comics book fan, there is a lot here to respect and enjoy. For me, This is my second favorite of the direct to DVD DC movies after The New Frontier.

WONDER WOMAN © 2009 Warner Premiere
All Rights Reserved

Review © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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