PPV Predictions/Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
unday August 23rd, 2009
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California
"It would have been nice if the card was set a few weeks ago but the show didn’t suffer that much because of it."
"Remember if you haven't seen this Pay Per View then this review is jam pack full of SPOILERS! I don't want to hear any howling or gnashing of teeth, you have been warned!
 Proceed at your own risk."

This year’s Summer Slam was a decent and often spectacular show. For some reason the WWE waited until the last minute to get the card together even with all the promotion surrounding one of their biggest PPV’s of the year. I don’t know what is worse-the lack of pressure to get a card together of the fact that a few wrestlers are left off of a big money show. The card doesn’t have Evan Bourne, US Champ Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, the Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry, any of the new ECW wrestlers, Chris Masters, a single woman’s match, Shelton Benjamin or even The Miz on it. The celebrity contingent consisted of Luke Perry, Freddie Prinze Jr., Slash, Robert (The Marine) Patrick and of all people Tito Ortiz (who the camera didn’t linger on but was with Prinze). There were two dark matches before the show and one was a 15-woman battle royal that will be on the Summer Slam DVD. There are pictures and a rundown of that match on

The show started with DX interrupting the taped open by doing shadow puppets and adding dialogue before the footage ‘broke’ and they stood there blaming each other.

The "Bo's Prediction" part of the review below was posted on Saturday afternoon (082309).


Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
So let’s see how this works. Mysterio has been on vacation more or less after the last PPV so we have a match that has had little or no set up involving one of the most popular men on the roster and a guy who has gotten past having being stuck with a lame name and gimmick. We can get the motivation by having Jim Ross say that Ziggler used his rematch clause but wouldn’t it have been better if they had a few encounters before the PPV? This should be a good match but I do not expect Ziggler to win here because he was supposed to have won at the last PPV but Rey was promised a long run with the IC belt so they changed their minds the day of the show. If Ziggler does win maybe his finisher will finally get a name.

Following the WCW tradition the show started with a match that was guaranteed to get the crowd into it. Mysterio came out first and Ziggler followed but Maria wasn’t with him. There were some mega cool moves in this match including Rey hitting Ziggler with a hurancanrana while Ziggler was on the outside of the ring. That was preceded with Rey jumping up and landing on the top rope after being thrown by Ziggler. The two spent the match trading moves and Dolph did land his finisher but Ross still hasn’t come up with a name for it. The finale had both men on the top rope with Ziggler trying to set up a back breaker only to get hit with another hurancanrana while both were perched on the top rope. Rey then hit him with the 619 and kept his belt. Ziggler has come a long way from being a member of the Spirit Squad. He has moved well past his dumb name and looks like a star on the rise.
This was followed by a backstage segment between MVP and Jack Swagger which pointed out the differences between the two. MVP cut a very good promo here.


MVP vs. Jack Swagger
 I will go out on a limb here and say that this could be the second best match on the card. The crowd loves MVP and hates Swagger. Both seem to know what to do in the ring and so we may see a mix of technical moves from MVP and power ones from Swagger. The winner of this match could be determined by the flip of a coin backstage because these two should be locked up in a program that goes as far as it can be taken. There are a lot of reports out there that Vince has been complaining about not being able to make new stars and here he has two of them. All he needs to do is let them go at it and we may actually have a reason to watch Raw other than seeing who the guest host is.

I predicted that this could be the second best match on the card and from a wrestling standpoint I think it was tied with the opener. The two went back and forth and allowed each other to look good. MVP won the match then took his time walking back up the ramp looking at the disgusted Swagger and smiling. This feud has just gotten started and I would expect it to continue to the 9/13 Breaking Point PPV and maybe beyond. As of this moment the match up between these two is the best program on Raw.

This was followed by Access: Hollywood’s Kelly O’Dell interviewing Prinze after a video package showing highlights from the celebrity quest hosts on Raw. Prinze pushed the fact that he still had a problem with Orton.


Big Show &Chris Jericho vs. Cryme Tyme
This may open the card and could get the crowd into it simply because Jericho is one of the best promo men in the business and can get a crowd against him with just a few complicated words. It’s about time Cryme Tyme got some camera time because they seem to be a decent if not on the cusp of being a great tag team. Show will do a lot of power moves here against JTG and we will see him and Shad go at it for a bit as well. The pairing of Jericho and Show works so I don’t expect them to lose the belts but we will not see the end of this program for a while.

The champs came out first with their blended themes and as predicted Jericho insulted the crowd before telling the fans to shut up so that Show could make an announcement. As Show was about to speak Cryme Tyme came out so we never heard what the announcement was. This was actually a very good match that made the challengers look like they had a shot at winning the belts. Show set up the win by punching JTG in the head while he was at the edge of the ropes. Jericho then pinned the smaller member of the team and at that point Direct TV went out and we ended up watching a blank screen. The signal came back right at the end of a CM Punk promo.


The Great Khali vs. Kane
To say that this is a beer match is an insult to beer. The WWE tends to book Kane in these feuds that have him have issues with people just because the sun came up that day. So here Kane moved to Smackdown and suddenly had a problem with Khali. During this feud we have learned that Runjin Singh is actually Khali’s brother so it hasn’t been a total loss but if this match goes more than 5 minutes then the cops should show up and arrest the booking staff. Kane will win here and this ‘feud’ should end before someone gets hurt.

Jim Ross threw out the bowling shoe ugly comment early so he knew this wasn’t going to be a Lance Storm/Bret Hart technical match. The turning point in the match was Kane dragging Singh into the ring. As Khali got his brother out of harm’s way Kane drop kicked him in the knee then hit him with a DDT that Khali took poorly. I hope this feud is over but I bet it isn’t just yet.


D-Generation X vs. Legacy
The booking staff has planted the seed that Legacy can beat DX but I don’t think they will pull that trigger here. If I was booking this match I would have Legacy go over hard and see how it went over with the fans. If they hate it then you have created a program that the fans want to see because it makes DiBiase and Rhodes smirking creeps who need to have their ass kicked. If they love it then you are screwed because then the fans have made HHH and HBK the heels and Legacy the faces. In a way this doesn’t matter because this feud has just started and these four should be spending the next two or three months together. With that said DX may go over and win the match but get attacked and beaten down afterwards.

This match started with one of the most elaborate entrances of all time. We got the old school DX entrance with the spotlights moving around the crowd and then the steroids kicked in. In keeping with the theme on the new DX shirts soldiers came out and started firing into the air before HHH and HBK came out riding on the outside of a tank. Along with that you had a crowd full of fans with light sticks making X’s. Now after an open like that the match didn’t have to be spectacular since on the way home that’s what the fans will talk about but we got a damn good match in the process. Legacy was presented on the same level of DX and did a lot of Horseman like moves. There were moments during this match that showed that Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in athleticism and showmanship. Before he gets into the match he looks like he is thinking about it then suddenly you see the switch go off. Rhodes slaps him right at the start but instead of returning the slap HBK does a few moves and then slaps him back. He won the match by hitting DiBiase with a superkick out of nowhere so the old gang is better than the new gang as of this moment.


Christian(C) vs. William Regal
From the last episode of ECW it seems that Regal is building a stable of himself, Vladimir Koslov and Ezekial Jackson. I would assume that the idea behind that is to teach the two raw talents how to develop their skills. This match will have a lot of great moves in it but I don’t think that Christian is going to lose the match here since it’s a bit early and if there was any match that suggested outside interference it’s this one. They could have Christian pull out a win then have the two powerhouses attack him and bring some of the newer ECW talents (Sheamus would fit that bill) into the mix out to save him.

I don’t know how you could even call this a match. Christian came out first then Regal came out with his stable of himself, Vladimir Koslov and Ezekial Jackson. After the bell rang Christian nailed Regal with the kill switch as Regal was taking his robe off and suddenly the match was over. The three then did the beat down on Christian. As the three were celebrating Matt Stryker called them the Royal Court so I guess that is the name of Regal’s group.

This was followed by highlights of the WWE charity event that O’Dell was promoting and the FanAxxess event that took place at the Staples Center the day before.


Randy Orton(c) vs. John Cena
I don’t know about you but I am tired of the Orton/Cena/HHH rotation on Raw. I do like Orton as a heel champ and I like HHH and Cena (Cena more than HHH) but its time to put someone new in this mix. You had a great chance when Mark Henry moved to Raw and beat Orton down on his first night but that wasn’t followed up. Henry did have the best time in the Beat the Clock tournament but then Cena won and got this match. So you have a main event that we have seen a number of times already. That means that we aren’t going to see anything different here. Orton may retain but Cena could win as well. Either way this main event will come off as a rerun and that’s sad.

My feelings about this match were made clear in my predictions but somehow the match ended up working for me. Cena came out to his usual mostly cheers reaction and gave his hat to Patrick who gave the hat to his son. The two went at it at a nice pace then Orton bumped referee Scott (just because the WWE has stopped naming the refs means I have to) Armstrong and got disqualified. Lillian Garcia was then supposed to say that Vince has declared that Orton can’t keep the belt that way but she instead declared Orton the winner then corrected things and announced that the match had to continue. Orton then sulked back to the ring and after a bit left the ring and demanded they handed him his belt. Lillian then announced that Orton would lose the belt if he was counted out. When the action restarted then Orton won by having his feet on the ropes but a second ref came out and waved that off. So at this point we are assuming that Orton is going to lose but then a ‘fan’ comes out and interrupts the match. (Note to the WWE: if you are going to use this angle then you don’t show the fan after security removes him from ringside) Right after that Orton nails Cena with the RKO and remains the champ at least until tonight’s Raw. The constant twists and turns in this match made the fact that we had seen these two at it many times before irrelevant.


Jeff Hardy(c) vs. CM Punk
We still do not know what Jeff Hardy is going to do but the smart money has him leaving for a while this week. He has done all the right things here by putting Punk over whenever possible and what better way to place him on the top of the food chain than have him beat Jeff in a match he is known for? I expect a lot of crazy moves here because Jeff is going to head home and chill for a while before returning in a few months. Punk will then regain his spot as the cocky champion who will suddenly notice a tall man from Death Valley in his rear view mirror.

The outside of the ring was surrounded by constructs that had a table with two chairs on it under ladders. This crazy quilt of a match had: Punk introducing the chair…him jumping thru the ring ropes onto Jeff…Jeff nailing a flying Punk in the elbow with a chair…Jeff hitting a poetry in motion on Punk while they were outside the ring…Jeff getting a super plex onto a ladder…Jeff getting kneed while attempting a swanton…Jeff jumping thru a table and Jeff suicide diving off of what I called the ladder from Hell onto a prone Punk on the ECW announce table. The medics were called out and while they were trying to tend to Jeff Punk went back into the ring to climb the ladder but Jeff pushed his way back into the ring. As the two fought on the ladder Punk kicked Hardy off and won his belt back. He stood over Hardy in triumph then the lights went out and when they came back on the Undertaker was where Jeff was. Taker grabbed the new champion and choke slammed him before slowly walking to the back and glaring back at the ring. The next to last appearance of Jeff Hardy in the WWE for a little while was awesome. He is taking his leave of the company for a while and will be at the Tuesday Smackdown tapings to say goodbye to the fans. By the way, I should say that while I was watching this PPV in an unusual twist one of the people there was CM Punk’s cousin. It made for an interesting evening.

As I said in the open this wasn’t a bad show. There were very few backstage segments and the Kane/Khali match was kept short enough to allow a food run to the kitchen. It would have been nice if the card was set a few weeks ago but the show didn’t suffer that much because of it. It would have also been nice if the ECW match was an actual match since it makes no sense to bring out Stryker and Josh Matthews for one match then have Stryker sit there alone while Matthews did the back stage stuff. Next up-the mostly submissions only PPV Breaking Point on 9/13 and from that Hell in a Cell on 10/4. Both will have predictions posted up the week of the show.

Photo © 2009 WWE/World Wrestling Entertainment
Article © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



"ROH put on another quality show from the first match to the main event."  (AS) 

"This was a damn good card considering the underwhelming opener." (Bo)

"Ring of Honor has done a great job looking for new talent that seemingly fits their mold." (AS)