Event Review by:
"Our Man" Andy Schumann
Event Date:
Saturday November 19th, 2011
Chicago Ridge Frontier Field house
Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"Ring of Honor may not have a wrestler that draws people in with promos, but they definitely have guys who draw people in with their in ring abilities..."
Michael Elgin vs Adam Cole vs Grizzly Redwood vs Mike Bennet
This was their usual opening match of a four corner survival. Bennet and Cole started out the match with several moves. After a couple of minutes both Redwood and Elgin tagged into the match. Elgin was using his strength and just tossing Redwood around. Every time Bennet was the legal man he didn’t want anything to do with Elgin. Cole went for a pin attempt and Bennet kicked out. Cole was launched through the ropes and Elgin caught him on the floor. Bennet hits an TKO onto Redwood for a near fall. Cole lands an high impact wheel barrow suplex onto Grizzly for a near fall. Elgin is sitting in the corner and Redwood tried to hit a rolling splash in the corner. Elgin catches him and stands up and proceeds to us him as a weapon. Elgin used Grizzly in a power slam, splash and power bombed him over the top rope. Elgin finally got the victory with his spiral power bomb on Cole.
Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. Michael Elgin won the survival of the fittest the previous night. All four men went out and delivered a high energetic match that got the crowd moving early and often. Michael Elgin I do believe will be the next big time wrestler for the company. Adam Cole every time he gets in the ring he’s seems to be getting better. He’s also a great addition to the company.
Jimmy Jacobs vs Tomasso Ciampa
To continue a storyline build up to the end of the year. Kevin Steen bought a ticket and was sitting in the front row. Steen and Steve Corino will be facing off at Final Battle. The match lasted only for a couple of minutes before Steen interfered. Jacobs and Steen quickly got into a brawl. The bout was ruled a no contest. Ciampa still wanted a match and one of the Bravado brothers came out. Ciampa got the victory in about a minute with his power bomb back breaker.
Match Rating: 2 stars out of 4. The only thing that this match did was to further the storyline between Steen and Corino and Jacobs. Steen is at his best playing a heel and he can naturally get himself over. The second mini match was booked as a way for Ciampa to look like a beast.
Kyle O’Reilly vs Eddie Edwards
The opening five minutes of the match had O’Reilly and Edwards trading several wrestling moves. O’Reilly got the advantage first with connecting with his multiple butterfly suplexes. Edwards reversed the last one into some type of pile driver Both Edwards and O’Reilly quickly turned the match into a striking bout. Edwards finally got the advantage after a couple of his fisherman suplexes bombs. Edwards picked up the victory after locking in a dragon sleeper.
Match Rating: 3 ½ stars out of 4. Every time I have seen Kyle O’Reilly he’s gotten better in the ring. This match showed how much he’s improved. Eddie Edwards is racking up the victories towards his title shot at Final Battle. There wasn’t a lot of high action flying but the crowd was really into the match.
The Young Bucks vs The Briscoes Brothers
The first few minutes of the match they brawled all over the ringside area. The Briscoes kept control of the match for a chunk of the early part of the match. The young bucks controlled the match by cutting off mark from jay. Young Bucks gained a near fall by connecting with an awesome double team move. Matt held Mark on the ropes and Nick came off the top rope and hitting a 450 splash. Jay finally was tagged back in and cleared house on both bucks. The Young Bucks after a couple of minutes tried for their finisher. Jay was able to get in and break it up by super kicking Nick. The young bucks a couple of minutes later returned the favor to the Briscoes. Matt held onto Mark’s foot and that allowed Nick to fight off Jay. The Briscoes finally got the victory after hitting the springboard doomsday device.
Match Rating: 3 ½ stars out of 4. This match featured two of the top teams currently on the independent scene. This match didn’t have a dull moment at all. All 4 guys went out and give it all. The crowd was totally engrossed in the match. The Briscoes can work with just about any team in the company. A perfect match to put on before the intermission.
Jay Lethal vs Roderick Strong
This match is what they call a proving ground match. A proving ground match is set up that if the challenger can get a victory or a time limit draw he get’s a title shot in the future. Jay Lethal got the early advantage by sending Strong onto the floor. Lethal sent Strong into the barriers multiple times and got him back into the ring. Strong was able gain control by connecting with several kicks. Strong got a near fall by hitting his enziguri and running boot combination. Lethal picked up another near fall by connecting with his lethal combination maneuver. Strong connected with several back breakers and then locked in the strong hold. Lethal locked in the figure four that Strong gutted out to the draw. Jim Cornette came out and ordered the match to go another five minutes. Both men just unloaded on each other after the match restarted. Strong got the first near fall of the overtime period. Lethal finally got the victory with the handspring ace cutter.
Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. The opening minutes of this match was slow paced. Once the action started it didn’t stop for the whole bout. Both guys just kept trying different stuff to gain the pin fall. The crowd was really adamant about the extra time. The crowd loved the ending with the handspring ace crusher.
World’s Greatest Tag Team Vs All Night Express for the ROH Tag Team Title
The All Night Express earned the title shot by defeating the Briscoes Brothers at Death before Dishonor. Charlie Haas and Rhett Titus started off the match for their respective teams. The All Night Express gained the early hand in the match by attacking Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin came into the batch with his ribs taped up. Kenny King landed several stiff shots to Benjamin’s ribs. All Night Express took turns attacking the body part with several strikes and couple of submissions moves. Haas got the hot tag and proceeded to clean house on both members. Haas nailed Titus with a couple of German suplexes. Haas locked in his "Haas of Pain" submission manuever. The "Haas of Pain" is a boston crab and cloverleaf combination. King broke up the maneuver by delivering a leg drop onto Haas. The All night express got a near fall on Benjamin after hitting a super blockbuster. The next near fall came from Benjamin and Haas after hitting their finisher the leap frog stun gun. World’s Greatest Tag Team got the victory after hitting a double team power bomb
Match Rating: 4 stars out of 4. Everybody in the crowd knew that it was going to be a good match by the slow start. Titus and King had their breakout match earlier in the year against the kings of wrestling. They absolutely delivered in their first attempt at the belt. Haas and Benjamin keep delivering good matches against solid talent. The crowd was totally into the match towards the end with how the pin falls fell.
Davey Richards vs El Generico for the ROH World Title
Davey Richards came to the ring with both the ROH title and the IWGP title. The second title is a Japanese title from AJPW. This match featured probably two of the most over wrestlers in the company right now. The early part of the match was a series of reversals between the two. Richards got the early advantage by using his striking prowess on Generico. Generico just never backed down throughout the match. Richards got the crowd on its feet by hitting with Generico a half nelson suplex from the top rope. Generico sent Richards out to the floor and followed up with a dive onto Richards. Richards regained control by laying in the kicks over and over again. Generico was in the corner and Richards unleashed what seemed like a thousand kicks. Generico regained control by nailing a huge yakuza kick onto Richards. Generico got a couple of near falls by connecting with a blue thunder bomb and michinoku driver. Generico nailed two huge half nelson suplexes for a couple of near falls. Richards regained the control with several huge strikes. Generico tried several times to land the brainbuster onto Richards. Generico finally landed the brain buster on Richards on the ring apron. It took about the whole count of 20 before they both made back into the ring. Generico got a near fall from the maneuver Richards finally got the victory after a shining wizard type maneuver
Match Rating: 4 stars out of 4. Davey Richards and El Generico just absolutely tore the building down. Generico’s best niche in the ring is drawing the crowd into the match and just deliver. Generico just got the whole crowd into him and delivered one hell of a match. Davey Richards is the new Bryan Danielson for the company. Davey has a style in the ring that can blend with many different opponents in the ring.
3 ½ stars out of 4. This event is their Wrestlemania for the year. Everybody on the card went out and just delivered in the ring. Ring of Honor may not have a wrestler that draws people in with promos, but they definitely have guys who draw people in with their in ring abilities. They made the decision to let their product in the ring to do the talking. This DVD will be a "must buy", worth picking up

Photo © 2011 Ring of Honor
Article © 2011 Alternate Reality, Inc.


ROH 101610 SHOW

"...this is by far and away a match of the year contender." (AS)
022611 ROH SHOW

“Ring Of Honor truly are fearless when they let the main event be a tag team match." (AS)

"The title matches just delivered with the time allotted for them."   (AS)