Posted: 031920 |
We've Cancelled all Current and Upcoming In-Store Game
Events Due to Covid-19 |
Alternate Reality has been the south sides stop for gaming for over a quarter
century. For over the last decade we have been the Mt.Greenwood place to play Friday Night
Magic (FNM), Saturday Showdown and of course Pre-Release tournaments for new
Magic the Gathering (MTG) sets. We pride ourselves on being a safe, sane place
for gamers of all stripes and levels to come together to play, check out new
products and most importantly, socialize with fellow gamers.
Unfortunately, we are now living in the world of Covid-19 and bringing together
large group of people to socialize for hours on end in relatively close quarters
has become problematical at best and potentially deadly at worst. You are
all family to us and we want our family to remain safe and
healthy. In order to insure this, Alternate Reality (in
conjunction with our game masters Keith and Brad) have made the decision to
cancel all scheduled in-store game events for the month of March and early April. This does not mean the end of gaming at the store, at some point this virus will
be beaten and life will return to normal. Unfortunately, for now it does mean the
suspension of our in-store gaming.
Alternate Reality remains open to shop, and the placing of pre orders for product;
and all product ordering prices and deadlines remain intact. New product is
still coming in every week and the upcoming product release of
Ikoria Lair of Bhemoths is still available for pre orders. Because of the
Covet-19 disruption, we are canceling the $25.00 "day of" entry fee and making
the "early bird" $19.99 entrance an ANYTIME registration for this event.
If for some reason the pre-release of
Ikoria Lair of Bhemoths is cancelled by Wizards of the Coast (WOC), we will
of course refund any pre paid entry fee's that have been made.
As gamers we are all familiar with strategy and tactics against an opponent.
For Covid-19 these are your best strategies...
-Social Distancing, maintain a six
foot maximum distance between yourself and others. Wave, give the "Vulcan
Greeting" or elbow bump others as a greeting.
-Wash, dry, repeat. Wash your hands often. Any surface, any money, any product,
keyboard or mouse you handle with you bare hands potentially has the Corvid-19
virus on it. Hand sanitizer is good but a bar of soap and hot water is better.
An try to refrain from touching your face. Eyes, mouth ears and nose are all
potential entry ways for the virus to get into your body.
-If you are sick, stay home. Please do not exit your front door if you are sick
or feeling any symptoms, not just for your own sake
but for the safety and protection of everyone.
Stay healthy, stay safe, this too shall pass and of course...we can all beat
this together!
See Also... |
Changes Due to the Virus and Our New "Virus Free"
Greeting |
Images © Copyright 2020 by their respective owners No rights given or implied by
Alternate Reality, Incorporated |
Source: Alternate Reality |