We're few episodes into Season 3 of the Flash and here's what
we know: Awkward’s Ashley Rickards will play The Top. She will team with Mirror
Master (Grey Damon)…the major villains will be Savitar and Dr. Alchemy…Harry
Potter’s Tom Felton will join the series as a forensic expert…rumors have
Violett Beane playing Jesse Quick…Spartacus’ Todd Lasance has been cast in the
role of The Rival, an enemy of Jay Garrick…the season will adapt the comic event
Flashpoint since Barry Allen changed the timeline by going back and saving his
mother. Barry will remember his old life but everyone around him will have
changed…Keiynan Lonsdale will be the new Flash and keep his identity a secret
from his father, Joe West…Joe West will be on the outs with his daughter Iris
West because of unrevealed reasons…the season will include a two-part episode
that takes place in Gorilla City…the Flashpoint storyline will likely wrap
around the time of the four-show crossover between the other CW shows. |