James Tynion IV has signed an exclusive that will have him create comic book
content for the DC and Vertigo imprints…Wonder Woman #8 will now feature a story
from Greg Rucka and Bilquis Evely that will spotlight Cheetah’s past…Liam Sharp
has signed an exclusive…Scott Snyder says the second anthology for American
Vampire will set up the next arc of the series in 2017. The arc will bring back
a lot of old characters and be set in the 1970s…DC announced Supergirl: Being
Super, a new four-issue limited series from novelist Mariko Tamaki and new
exclusive Joelle Jones. The limited series will retell her origin…the Rebirth
Justice League of America series will be written by newly-exclusive DC writer
Steve Orlando and sin-out of the events of the December/January event Justice
League vs. Suicide Squad. That event will reintroduce a super villain that
hasn't been seen for some time and be drawn by Tony S. Daniel and Jason Fabok.
The event will also set the stage for Rebirth Phase 2…we will see a new Jetsons
title from Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti…Rafa Sandoval has signed an
exclusive…DC Comics has signed exclusive deals with artists Robson Rocha and
Otto Schmidt. |