Covenant will come out this summer as the latest installment of the Alien
Franchise. Michael Fassbender is returning from Prometheus but will play two
androids in the film. James Franco has a small part in the film as the captain
of the Covenant. Covenant will get a direct sequel novel in September from Titan
Books. Ridley Scott says he has more Alien films in mind including one called
Paradise, which would go off in a different direction that the franchise has
been. We had heard that there would be three more Alien films but Scott hinted
that there could be six but is backing away from that. The script for the next
film is already done and will go into production in 2018. One thing about
Covenant was made clear is that Katherine Waterston’s character of Daniels is
not Ripley’s mother. And on a Ripley note we had heard that District 9’s Neill
Blomkamp was going to do a direct sequel to Aliens. The project was put on hold
when Ridley Scott said he wanted Covenant out first. Now it seems that the film
is dead Sigourney Weaver said she’d be surprised if Blomkamp’s sequel didn’t
happen. |