Posted: 061617 |
So Far the Only One Interested in a Sequel is the
Studio |
he was doing press for John Wick 2 Keanu Reeves said if the Wachowskis were
involved he would do a fourth Matrix film. That isn’t likely to happen but it
seems that we will reenter the world of the Matrix again. Warner Brothers and
X-Men’s Zak Penn are working on a new Matrix film that seems to be a prequel
spin-off with Creed’s Michael B. Jordan as a younger version of Laurence
Fishburne’s Morpheus character. All that has happened so far is Penn has been
asked to write a treatment. His framework would then be developed in what has
become a common plan for movie studios-a writers’ room. The studio would have a
group of writers develop the treatment and then pick the best one with the
rejected ideas put off to the side for consideration for future films. |
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Alternate Reality, Incorporated
Source: Various Sources |