November we will finally see the long awaited DCU/Watchmen crossover. It’s
called Doomsday Clock and will pick up the threads laid out in DC Universe:
Rebirth #1. The event will be written by Geoff Johns with art from Gary Frank.
According to Johns the event is inspired by the recent election of Donald Trump
and the rise of extremism all over the world. At the end of Rebirth after Johns
had laid out the course for the DCU he talked to Frank about how Doctor
Manhattan could involve himself in the DC Universe. It took Johns a while to
come up with the whole story and after the Presidential election he had the
story. Trump isn’t the major reason for the story, however, it’s the feeling
that no one is talking to each other and remaining on separate sides. The event
will use elements of Superman, the Watchmen and the DC Universe as a whole.
Unlike other crossovers Doomsday Clock will have no tie-ins but will have an
impact on the entire DC Universe. Using Frank for the project puts volume three
of Batman: Earth One on hold since Johns didn’t want to use another artist. That
is almost done so we should expect it in 2018. The build up to Doomsday Clock
began in The Flash #22 with a four-page prologue story. |