The UK’s Daily Mail has reported that
Bray Wyatt’s wife Samantha Rotunda has filed for divorce in the state of
Florida, accusing Wyatt of having an affair with RAW ring announcer JoJo
Offerman. He has filed a counter-petition for divorce to request an injunction
that would force his wife to keep quiet about the situation. Wyatt claims
Samantha made “defamatory statements about the husband to several people in the
community in an effort to ruin his reputation.” Her response said Wyatt’s
allegations are an “attempt to pull the wool over the public’s eyes when his
antics and affairs become more public. It is a shame that the Husband would make
such false claims and attempt such media gaming. Ms. Rotunda will not only prove
Husband’s allegation and claims are nothing more than a media ploy and endeavor
to create an offense to defend his adultery and misdeeds. Husband’s deceitful
allegations and defamatory statements are decidedly an attempt to pull the wool
over the public’s eyes when his antics and affairs become more public.” Both
have hired lawyers. The two were college sweethearts and have been married for 5
years. Samantha is asking the judge to award her their home, child support, the
majority of custody and alimony. |