Hasbro has filed a trademark-infringement lawsuit against DC and Warner Bros.
over using the name Bumblebee to market toys. The suit claims that DC’s
character could be confused with the Transformers character Bumblebee. The
problem is that DC’s Bumblebee debuted in 1977 and the Hasbro character didn’t
debut until 1983...DC Super Hero Girls’ Shea Fontana takes over Wonder Woman this month.
Her first two issues have art from Bombshells’ Mirka Andolfo. Once her six-issue
arc is done then James Robinson, Emanuela Lupacchino and Carlo Pagulayan will
take over in September. Their six month arc Children of the Gods deals with
Wonder Woman’s brother Jason…the next arc of Batgirl and the Birds of Prey is
called Manslaughter and it will involve every female Gotham superhero and
villain…Dick Grayson will have to deal with Spiral again…the next Batwoman will
show more of the year in which she disappeared…Green Lantern Corps #26 will be
drawn by Rafa Sandoval and involve the New Gods…Batman Incorporated’s Grant
Morrison & Chris Burnham will team on Arkham Asylum 2. The 122-page story will
focus on an adult Damian Wayne as Batman. Morrison has more DC work in his
future. |