Impact Wrestling's Global Wrestling Network has been launched with
850 to 900 hours of content and a $7.99 monthly price point, according to Ed Nordholm, the Executive Vice President of Anthem Sports and Entertainment. On a
recent appearance on Wrestling Observer Radio he told the hosts their goal is to
break even and eventually make money but they knew it wasn’t going to happen
overnight. The service has a free tier and anyone who signs up gets a one-month
free trial period. The free tier includes episodes of Impact Wrestling released
ten days after they air on Pop TV. If you want to watch older material you get
the 900 hours of content and have to pay for it. Nordholm wants the streaming
service to include content from other promotions. That would include AAA, NOAH
or even New Japan. When asked about selling the library to WWE he isn’t
interested. The price isn’t high enough for him to sell and he figures it makes
more sense to keep the library and make money off it. |