Aries has been released by WWE. Eva Marie is gone also along with developmental
talent HoHo Lun…in the latest development in the Dr. Christopher Amann vs. Phil
"C.M. Punk" Brooks lawsuit Punk will have to spilt the cost of getting WWE
records. That will run about $240,000…the planned Knight Rider film may star
John Cena and Kevin Hart…WWE has signed high flier Lio Rush. He and NXT's
Velveteen Dream (Patrick Clark) used to be tag team partners…Mike Bennett and
his wife Maria Kanellis are having a baby…Paige is at the WWE Performance Center
training for her return. She will be on the SmackDown roster…Brie Bella hopes to
get back into the ring at some point in 2018…WWE will revive Starrcade on 11/25
for a network special…Chris Jericho is hosting a cruise that will include a ROH
tournament hosted by Jim Ross…Cris Cyborg says she will only face Ronda Rousey
in WWE. Rousey is currently being trained for a possible pro wrestling career by
Brian Kendrick |