Posted: 010218 |
Batman Gets a Daytime Helper as Crimefighting in Gotham
Takes Shifts |
Thomas finally has a superhero name and is now called The Signal. The teenager
will gets his own title this week with Batman and The Signal #1 shipping
tomorrow. It will be written by DC Talent Workshop alum Tony Patrick and Scott
Snyder with art by Red’s Cully Hamner. Unlike his mentor Duke will work in the
light and not the shadows. According to Patrick the title will see Duke try to
find his place in the Bat Family but deal with the fact that even though his
parents are alive he cannot communicate with them. Patrick was one of the eight
winners of DC’s new talent search that had twelve hundred applicants. Hamner was
brought in to give the title a signature look with a costume best suited for the
daytime and a different look to Gotham. |
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Source: Various Sources |