all know the story. When Doctor Who was revived in 2005 he was played by
Christopher Eccleston. But the actor only played the Doctor for just thirteen
episodes before being replaced by David Tennant. Eccleston has made it clear he
has had no desire to return to the role because of behind-the-scenes
disagreements that took place on the show specifically the BBC. He has said he
loved playing the character but not the people he was working with. In a new
interview with the Radio Times he told the host his relationship with my three
immediate superiors, the show runner, the producer and co-producer broke down
during the first few episodes to the point none of them trusted him and his
feelings were mutual. Eccleston admits his own insecurity played a major part in
all this since he wasn’t a natural light comedian. And while he liked working
with Billie Piper her inexperience made things difficult. So he decided to leave
and gave his word to then-showrunner Russell T Davies that I wouldn’t do
anything to damage the show but felt that Davies didn’t return the favor. He
believes to this day that he was placed on a blacklist after leaving the show.
When he talked to the Guardian, Eccleston revealed he didn’t like doing G.I. Joe
or Thor: The Dark World but loved doing Gone in 60 Seconds. In other Doctor Who
news Alan Cumming will appear in the new season. Cumming had said last year that
he had been approached twice about potentially taking on the role of The Doctor
but was never formally offered the part. The September launch of the new season
will bring with it a new visual effects team and a new composer. |