Jim Cornette is his own worst enemy. During a recent MWA Power episode in the
middle of a non-title match between NWA World Champion Nick Aldis and Trevor
Murdoch, Cornette said Murdoch was the only man he has ever known that "could
strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and drive a motor scooter across
Ethiopia." NWA spokesman David Lagana issued a brief statement on Twitter that
read, "On tonight's episode of NWA Powerr airing on November 19th 2019, one of
our talents made comments which some viewers found offensive. We deeply regret
the error and apologize. We have temporarily taken the program down while we
correct this error." The original episode has been pulled and a version without
the comment is available now. According to one source this wasn’t the first time
Cornette has said this. Jim Cornette has resigned from the NWA effective
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