Event Review by:
"Our Man" Andy Schumann
Event Date:
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Chicago Ridge Frontier Field house, Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"Ring Of Honor keeps finding tag teams that just add depth to an already deep division."
Petey Williams vs. Rhett Titus
Rhett Titus got the early advantage by attacking Williams shortly after the bell. Titus kept up the pressure early and kept Williams grounded. Petey gained control for a few minutes. Williams connected with a huaracanrana on the outside. Petey rolled Titus back into the ring and nailed a step up enzuguri. Titus then blocked Williams’ finisher and connected with a dropkick. Williams connected with a bulldog and then hit the Canadian Destroyer for the win.
Match Rating: 2 ½ stars out of 4. A great opening match high energy from both competitors. Titus keeps improving in the ring in all aspects. Williams’ finisher is the only one that can keep an audience on the edge of their seats. Williams is a great addition to the roster.
Six-Man Mayhem Match
The match featured Rasche Brown, Grizzly Redwood, Silas Young, Alex Payne, Kyle O’Reilly and Sal Rinauro. Rinauro attacked Grizzly to start the match. After a couple of minutes Rinauro and O’Reilly both chopped Redwood. During the match about half way through the match spilled out to the floor. Young and Rinuaro tried to suplex Brown into the ring. Brown reversed the move and sent them outside. Brown than tossed Grizzly over the top rope right onto the other competitors. Brown than hit a dive over the top rope. Payne regained control by hitting a blockbuster chin breaker on Young. Rinuaro came up from behind and tossed Payne out. Brown picked up the victory by hitting Rinuaro with a huge reverse death valley driver
Match Rating: 3 Stars out of 4. This match is an always a great way to get the crowd warmed up for the rest of the night. People in the match had their moment to shine during the match. Rasche Brown was the wrestler that was the most over with the crowd.
Brent Albright and Bobby Dempsey vs. The House of Truth (Josh Raymond & Christian Able)
The House of Truth is a local tag team that wrestles for AAW promotion. Josh Raymond and Brent Albright started out the match. Albright used his power to gain the early advantage in the match. Albright quickly tagged in Dempsey. Dempsey was able to keep both guys in check using his size. Albright suplexed Able out onto the floor and followed up with a huge dive. Josh Raymond hit a beautiful corkscrew splash on Dempsey for a near fall. Albright then hit Raymond with his half nelson suplex for the victory.
Match Rating: 2 ½ Stars out of 4. A very solid match put in by all 4 members of the match. Nothing overly flashy, just them in the middle of the ring busting their butts. The House of Truth could be a great addition to an already deep division.
Necro Butcher vs. Jimmy Rave Dog Collar Match
Rave got the early advantage by attacking Necro from behind. Rave snuck through the crowd. Rave busted Necro open within the first few minutes. Necro regained control by grabbing control of the chain. Necro took and dragged Rave into the turnbuckle multiple times. The fight quickly spilled out into the crowd. Necro at one point just grabbed and threw multiple chairs down on Rave. The fight continued around the building. The match eventually got back into the ring. Necro connected with a sit out power bomb that picked up a near fall. Necro grabbed a piece of the guardrail and slammed Rave onto it. Rave hit a backbreaker over two chairs. Necro picked up the win after Rave submitted with the chain wrapped around his neck.
Match Rating: 3 Stars out of 4. This wasn’t a classic match. No holds just a bunch of physical punishment. Necro was in his element in being a hardcore match. This was a match of hatred and both guys laid everything on the line.
The Young Bucks vs. The Dark City Fight Club
The Young Bucks are a brother tag team by the names of Matt and Nick Jackson. They’re currently one of the most in demand tag teams nationally. Dark City Fight Club tried to jump them before the bell. The Bucks used their speed and agility to avoid and keep their opponents off balance. Their offense sent the fight club out to the floor and hit simultaneous dives onto the floor. Chavous used his strength to take control of the match by isolating Nick Jackson. Chavous connected with a huge spinning spinebuster for a near fall. The Dark City Fight Club went for a double team maneuver. Matt Jackson took and speared Davis and Nick nailed a huarancanrana for the victory.
Match Rating 3 Stars out of 4. The Young Bucks are a combination of the Rockers and the young Hardy Boys. These guys lived up to and exceeded their reputations. Both teams despite different styles put on a very entertaining match. Ring Of Honor keeps finding tag teams that just add depth to an already deep division.
Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli
This match spins out from the last time in town. Both competitors exchanged several blows back and forth. Claudio eventually gains control of the match. Claudio connects with a gut wrench slam for a near fall. Claudio distracted the ref and proceeded to kick Colt in the groin area. Colt revealed shortly afterward that he was wearing a cup. He tossed the item to the ref and then hit Claudio low for the victory.
Match Rating: 2 stars out of 4. These guys are probably two of the most technical wrestlers on the roster. They decided to go with that finish is somewhat of a cop out. These guys could have carried out an awesome match.
The Briscoes Brothers vs. American Wolves Tag Team Title Match
This match was originally scheduled as a non-title match. Briscoes were able to get the Wolves to put up their belts. The Briscoes gained the early advantage by attacking right after the bell. They just put the pressure on the wolves and kept it up. Edwards eventually turn the tide when he hit a dragon screw leg whip on Mark. Edwards and Richards focused on Mark’s injured knee for several minutes. Jay got the tag and just cleaned house. When they went for the doomsday springboard device Richards broke up the move. Eventually they connected on the move. Richards came off the top rope and leg dropped the referee. The Briscoes won the match by disqualification. After the match the Briscoes upset by the ruling took and attacked the American Wolves. Mark suplexed Edwards onto the entrance ramp.
Match Rating 3 stars out of 4. The capper of the night with all the tag team matches. Ring of Honor has put the right amount of emphasis on the division. These two teams are the top of the class including Steen and Generico. These teams have just delivered again and again.
Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson World Title Match
This was Danielson’s final match in Chicago for Ring of Honor. The opening minutes of the match they traded move for move. Danielson focused early on Aries’ arm by using several different submission moves. Aries regained control and locked on the surfboard maneuver. Danielson regained control and started to rain down elbows to Aries’ head. Aries reversed and started connecting with knees. Danielson and Aries swapped these moves a couple of times. Aries finally gained control and went for the 450 splash. Danielson moved out of the way and locked in the triangle chokehold. Danielson locked in his patent cattle mutilation and Aries refused to submit. Aries finally connected with a brainbuster from the top rope. Aries then quickly followed up with a bridging head and arm triangle in which Danielson passed out. After the match Danielson got on the mike and thanked the fans for all of the support over the years. He took extra time to continue the support of the company and also for the wrestlers in the back.
Match Rating: 4 stars out of 4. These two men have faced each other multiple times. They’ve had several epic bouts that showed what they could do in the ring. This was probably their best match. They knew each other so well that they could chain everything together. Danielson could go straight to WWE and be on the brands right of the bat.
OVERALL SHOW RATING: 3 stars out of 4
Ring of Honor have made subtle changes to their product with the economic troubles. All of the matches just delivered the wrestlers went out and give it their all. Bret Hart was there to sign autographs. He came out after intermission and praised the company and the wrestlers. Nigel McGuinness also came out and delivered his farewell speech. McGuinness has also signed with the WWE and will be leaving the company. I highly recommend that if you have the night open next time their in town check them out. .

Photo © 2009 Ring of Honor
Article © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.


ROH 042509 SHOW

"ROH put on another quality show from the first match to the main event."  (AS)


" I guess there will be perverse pleasure in listening to Jim Ross try to make this match interesting..." (Bo)


"To say that this (Khali vs. Kane match) is a beer match is an insult to beer."  (Bo)