Event Review by:
"Our Man" Andy Schumann
Event Date:
Saturday October 16th, 2010
Chicago Ridge Frontier Field house
Chicago Ridge, Illinois
"...this is by far and away a match of the year contender."
All Night Express (Titus & King) vs. Alex Cole & Kyle O’Reilly
Cole and O’Reilly are recent additions to the main roster of Ring Of Honor. This is their debut weekend with the company. O’Reilly and Titus started off the match exchanging several basic holds. King and Titus focused several minutes on O’Reilly and kept him in their corner. O’Reilly made the hot tag and Cole gained the upper hand. O’Reilly suplexed Titus and held him up for Cole to hit a cross body block from the turnbuckle. Titus and King regained the advantage with all 4 men in the ring. Titus and Cole were on the top turnbuckle fighting for position. Titus wound up driving Cole head into the top turnbuckle. Titus winds up getting the pin for All Night Express.
Match Rating: 2 ½ stars out of 4. This match was a great opening match tons of energy. Alex Cole and Kyle O’Reilly showed what they could do in the ring. These guys went out and set the energy for the night.
Neveah and Josie vs. Daizee Haze & Jamilla Craft
This match is a basic Shimmer attraction match. All 4 women have competed or is currently competing in the promotion. Josie and Jamilla start off the match and exchanged several headlocks. Josie and Neveah used their experience for the majority of the match and kept Jamilla cornered. Jamilla was able to make the tag to Daizee. Daizee came in and cleaned the ring. Daizee dove out to the ring apron onto Josie. Neveah lured Jamilla in and picked up the victory with an inside cradle.
Match Rating: 2 stars out of 4. Daizee seemed to be the most experienced competitor in the match. The crowd seemed to died down a little bit during this match. This was basically a card filler match. Daizee and Neveah carried the match.
Ricky Reyes vs Andy “Right Leg” Ridge ROH Trial Match
Ridge is one of their wrestling academy graduates. Reyes just used his experience to control the pace of the match. Ridge chased Reyes out to the floor and was going to dive onto him. Reyes reversed by kicking Ridge right when he was going to the floor. Ridge continued to score with several hard kicks. Reyes was finally able to gain the victory. After the match Reyes took the microphone and told Ridge that he wasn’t going to mount to anything. Ridge winds up super-kicking Reyes in response to his message.
Match Rating: 2 ½ stars out of 4. Reyes was used as the old veteran and pushing Ridge throughout the match. Ridge with more experience with quality opponents could turn into a great performer for ROH. Nothing overly flashy but a strong solid match.
Kevin Steen vs Homicide
This was Homicide’s second match back with ROH after TNA. This match was just a straight up brawl. Not a lot of technical holds back and forth. They spent a good amount of time in the early parts of the match on the floor. Steen finally got an advantage when he was able to hit his pump handle neck-breaker for a near fall. Homicide connected with an ace crusher for a near fall. Both competitors traded control of the match back and forth for a few minutes. Homicide finally got the pinfall with an ace crusher from the top turnbuckle. After the bell Steen came back out and attacked Homicide. They fought for a few more minutes and had to be separated by referees and guys in the back.
Match Rating: 3 out of 4. I think with Steen’s current angle coming to a close next month. This match could be the springboard for their feud. Steen has turned into Ring of Honor’s top heel. The return of Homicide is great fit for this company.
Metal Master vs Mike Mondo
This was the first match right after the intermission. This match was short but effective. They went out and reenergized the crowd for the rest of the night. Mondo carried the first few minutes of the match. Metal Master regained control of the match by focusing on Mondo’s shoulder. Metal Master picked up the victory.
Match Rating: 2 ½ stars out of 4. This match was probably just a one shot and they guys put together a solid match.
The Briscoes Brothers vs Kings Of Wrestling (Hero & Castagnolli)
This match was an elimination tag team match. The crowd was just hot for the start of the match. Kings of Wrestling focused on Jay for the first several minutes of the match. Briscoes gained control for a few minutes and landed several of their double team moves. Briscoes attempted the doomsday device on Chris Hero. Their manager smuggled an elbow pad to Hero during the chaos. Hero connected on Mark a roaring elbow. Hero then pinned Mark and eliminated him from the match. Mark after a minute realized what happened and tried to get back in the ring. During the confusion Jay was able to pin Castagnolli and eliminate him. The match came down to Hero and Jay Briscoe. Hero tried to use the elbow pad again. Jay was able to reverse it and pick up the quick pin fall to win the match.
Match Rating: 3 stars out of 4. These two teams are the best tag team that reguraly competes in Ring Of Honor right now. The crowd was on fire at the beginning on the match and continued throughout the match. The feud between the two teams is long from over.
Colt Cabana vs Steve Corino w/ Kevin Steen In an I Quit Match
One of the stipulations stated that Steen must be confined in a straight jacket. The early part of the match had both Cabana and Corino exchange simple submission moves. Every time Corino had Cabana down he tried to free Steen out of the jacket. Cabana was able to lock in the Cattle Mutilation for a brief period of time. Corino was the first man to introduce weapons into the match. Corino was trying to stab Cabana with a beer bottle. Corino was able to wedge a chair in between the turnbuckles. Cabana was able to eliminate Steen from the match. Cabana was able to lock up Corino in the straight jacket. Cabana drove Corino through a table that was placed in the ring. Cabana then took a piece of the table and was digging it into Corino’s skull. Corino finally quit after a couple of minutes.
Match Rating: 3 ½ stars out of 4. I really enjoyed how the approached this match. The first part of the match was a straight wrestling bout. They exchanged several submission maneuvers. This match definitely had an old school feel. There wasn’t a lot of outrageous violence.
Christopher Daniels vs Davey Richards
This match was 6 months in the making. Daniels when he came back to ROH wanted to face the best. The crowd was explosive at the beginning of the match. The first few minutes were spent feeling each other out. Davey gained control of the match by using his stiff kicks and strikes. Richards right from the beginning targeted Daniels ankle with several submission attempts. Daniels gained control of the match with several palm strikes. Daniels was able to reverse Richards’s shooting star press and tie him up with an seated octopus stretch. Richards chased Daniels to the floor and followed up with a suicide dive. Once back in the ring Daniels went for a moonsault. Richards was able to reverse into another ankle lock. Richards finally got the submission victory with a figure four ankle lock. After the match Daniels got on the microphone and thanked Richards for giving it his all during the match.
Match Rating: 4 stars out of 4. This match was awesome. These guys went about an half an hour straight without to much rest holds. Every time one of them got the advantage it wouldn’t be for long. This is by far and away a match of the year contender.
3 stars out of 4. The three big matches of Cabana vs Corino, Richards vs Daniels and Briscoes vs Kings of Wrestling just delivered. They will be back in town in February. In the history of the company there’s been one wrestler that has been associated with them. In the next year Davey Richards will be that company guy.

Photo © 2010 Ring of Honor
Article © 2010 Alternate Reality, Inc.


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