Comicbookman offers up a teachable moment for this
"NEW COMIC WEDNESDAY'S" shipping at the store.

Some of the video links below will require you to click on the:
 "Open this content in a new window"
link that will appear, doing so will take you to the video!


040611 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Herc #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Betty #191, Anita Blake is the Basket Case and more!

033011 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Dollhouse Epitaph, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Sonic #223, Zombie Christmas Carol is the Basket Case and more!

032311 UPDATE

Book of the Week is FF #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Futurama #54, Sigil is the Basket Case and more!

031611 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Fear Itself Book of the Skull #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Archie & Friends #153, Kickass is the Basket Case and more!

030911 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Sigil #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Veronica #205, Basket Case is Flash and New Comic Wednesday & Sunday hours change!

030211 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Wulf #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Darkwing Duck Annual Basket Case is Batman Europa and Infestation month is wrapping up!

022311 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Iron Man 2.0 #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Bart Simpson #58, Basket Case is Silver Surfer and the Sun Times Boarder's write up!

021611 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Silver Surfer #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Young Justice #1, Basket Case is Thunderstrike and the SouthtownStar write up!

020911 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Powerman & Iron Fist #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Spongebob  #1, Basket Case is DC's Ame-Comi statues and more!

020211 UPDATE

Book of the Week is DCU Online Legends #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Super Hero Squad Spectacular #1, Basket Case is Iron Man 2.0 #1, #2 & #3 and more!

012611 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Infestation #1, Marvels in 1st place, Kids Corner features Spiderman #10, Basket Case is Green Lantern #62 & #63 and more!

011911 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Jubilee & Wolverine #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Young Justice #0, Basket Case is Loki #3 and more!

011211 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Daredevil Born Again #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Thor Mighty Avenger #8, Basket Case is Daken and more!

010511 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Captain America Hail Hydra #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Megamind #1 and more!

122910 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Batman Dark Knight #1, Marvels in 1st place, Kids Corner features All New Brave & Bold #2 and more!

122210 UPDATE

Book of the Week is GL Larfleeze, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Archie #616, BASKET CASE is Batman Europa and more!

121510 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Daredevil #513, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Mouse Guard, BASKET CASE is Kick Ass and more!

120810 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Shadowland After the Fall #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Gumby, BASKET CASE is Casanova and more!

120210 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Daredevil #512, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Chip and Dale, BASKET CASE is Batman Inc and more!

112410 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Batwoman #0, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Wall-E HC, BASKET CASE is Amazing Spidey and more!

111710 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Batman Inc #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Simpsons #172, BASKET CASE is Blackest Night Action Figures and more!

111010 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Thunder Agents #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes #1, BASKET CASE is Superman #705 and more!

110310 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Superboy #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Ozma of Oz #1, BASKET CASE is Return of Bruce Wayne again and more!

102710 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Superman Earth One, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Avengers vs Pet Avengers #1, BASKET CASE is Return of Bruce Wayne and more!

102010 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Kick Ass 2 #1, DC's in 1st place again, Kids Corner features Megamind prequel, BASKET CASE is Uncanny X-Force #2 and more!

101310 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Superior #1, DC's in 1st place again, Kids Corner features Tiny Titans Meet Little Archie's #1, BASKET CASE is Shadowlands and more!

100610 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Chaos War #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Penguins of Madagascar #1, BASKET CASE is Amazing Spidey and more!

092910 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Valkyrie #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Futurama #51, BASKET CASE is Batman & Robin and more!

092210 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Fantastic Four #583, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Mickey Mouse #300, BASKET CASE is Incredible Hulks!

091510 UPDATE

New Comic Wednesday this week and the Book of the Week is X-23, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Muppet Sherlock Holmes #1, BASKET CASE is Flash, once  again!

090910 UPDATE

New Comic THURSDAY this week and the Book of the Week is Daken #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Ratchet & Clank #1, BASKET CASE is Flash, again!

090110 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Wolverine #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Veronica #202, BASKET CASE is Flash!

081810 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Last Phantom #1, Marvels in 1st place, Kids Corner features kids Infinity Gauntlet, BASKET CASE is American Vampire!

081110 UPDATE

Book of the Week is GL Emerald Warriors #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features vampires in Riverdale, BASKET CASE is Powers!

080410 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Superman Last Family of Krypton #1, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Tow Mater #1, BASKET CASE is Avenger's Academy!

072810 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Artifacts #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Life With Archie #1, BASKET CASE is Marvel's Astonishing line!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 7.21.10.mp4  

072110 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Charmed #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Finding Nemo  #1, BASKET CASE is Dark Wolverine!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 7.14.10.mp4  

071410 UPDATE

Book of the Week is X-Force Sex & Violence #1 DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Comicbook Guy #1, BASKET CASE is X-Men Curse o/the Mutants #1!

070810 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Batman Odyssey #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Smurfs #1, BASKET CASE is American Vampire #1!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 6.30.10.mp4  

063010 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Batman Beyond #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Spider-Ham #1, BASKET CASE is Return of Bruce Wayne #1!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 6.23.10.mp4  

062310 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Green Arrow #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Archie #610, BASKET CASE is the Flash!

061610 UPDATE

Book of the Week is New Avengers #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Comicbookgirl and  Darkwing Duck #1, BASKET CASE is Nemesis #3!

060910 UPDATE

Book o/the Week is Avengers Academy, Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features 1st COMIC-BOOKGIRL! BASKET CASE is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

060310 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Avengers Prime #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Cartoon Network Action Pack #50, BASKET CASE is Authority Lost Years!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 5.26.10.mp4  

052610 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Secret Avengers #1 Marvel's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Batman Imaginary Stories tpb, BASKET CASE is Avengers #2!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 5.19.10.mp4  

051910 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Avengers #1 Marvel commands 1st place, Kids Corner features Muppet Snow White #1, BASKET CASE is Iron Man!
shipshape update 5.12.10.mp4  

051210 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Return of Bruce Wayne #1 Marvel commands 1st place, Kids Corner features Wall-E Recharge TP, BASKET CASE is Deadpool and more!

050510 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Brightest Day #1 DC squeaks into 1st place, Kids Corner features Veronica #100 BASKET CASE is Avengers and more!

042810 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #1, Marvel's in first place, Kids Corner features Fraggle Rock #1, BASKET CASE is Powers and more!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 4.21.10.mp4  

042110 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Kato Origins #1, Marvel's in first place, Kids Corner features Her-oes #1, BASKET CASE is Astonishing X-Men and more!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 4.14.10.mp4  

041410 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Iron Man Legacy #1, Marvels in first place, Kids Corner features Superheroes #1, BASKET CASE is Amazing Spidey and more!

040710 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Marvel Zombies 5 #1, Marvel's in first place, Kids Corner features Thor and Warriors Four #1, BASKET CASE is Girls Comics #1 and more!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 3.31.10.mp4  

033110 UPDATE

Book of the Week is X-Men 2ND Coming #1, DC's in first place, Kids Corner features Magic of Shazam #14, BASKET CASE is Nemesis and more!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 3.24.10.mp4  

032410 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Nemesis #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Marvel Adventures Spidey #61, BASKET CASE is Iron Man Public Identity
SHIPSHAPE 3.17.10.mp4  

031710 UPDATE

Book of the week is American Vampire #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Jughead #200, BASKET CASE is Siege and Siege related!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 3.10.10.mp4  

031010 UPDATE

Book of the Week is Justice League Rise & Fall, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Pet Avengers Unleashed #1, BASKET CASE is the Torch!

030310 UPDATE

Book of the week is Green Hornet #1, DC is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Looney Tunes #184, BASKET CASE is Fortune and Glory tpb!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 2.22.10.mp4  

022410 UPDATE

Book of the week is Captain Swing #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Archie #606, BASKET CASE is Amazing Spiderman!.
SHIPSHAPE 2.17.10.mp4  

021710 UPDATE

Book of the week is Doomwar #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Cars #1, and there is no BASKET CASE this week due to the bad weather out east!
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 2.10.10.mp4  

021010 UPDATE

Book of the week is Human Target #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Tails of the Pet Avengers #1, and the BASKET CASE this week is Brian Bendis' Powers.

020310 UPDATE

Book of the week is Ultimate X #1, DC is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Disney Hero Squad #1, the  BASKET CASE IS Marvel's Project
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 1.27.10.mp4  

012710 UPDATE

Book of the week is Ultimate Enemy #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features X-Babies #4, and the BASKET CASE this week is Marvels upcoming Hardcovers.
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 1.20.10.mp4  

012010 UPDATE

Book of the week is Hulk #19, DC is in first place this week, Kids Corner features G-Man Cape Crisis #5, and the BASKET CASE this week is Marvels Eye of the Camera #1
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 1.13.10.mp4  

011310 UPDATE

Book of the week is AVP World War 3 #1, Marvel is in first place this week, Kids Corner features Superhero Squad #1, and this week's BASKET CASE JUSTICE LEAGUE #41!
shipshape update 1.6.10.mp4  

010610 UPDATE

Book of the week is Siege #1, DC is in first place this week, Kids Corner features CARTOON NETWORK ACTION PACK #45, and no BASKET CASE this week.
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 12.30.09.mp4  

123009 UPDATE

It's the dreaded December 30th skip week. So what do we yammer about for five minutes? You'll have to watch and find out, but there is a Horserace and more in this update!
Sequence 01.mp4  

122309 UPDATE

Book of the week is WILLOW One Shot Wonder, Marvel in first place again this week, Kids Corner features Wall-E #1, BASKET CASE is Scalped from Vertigo.
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 12.16.09.mp4  

121609 UPDATE

Book of the Week is BATMAN 80 PG GIANT, Marvel's in first place again, KIDS CORNER features Batman Brave & Bold #12, BASKET CASE is Batman Widening Gyre #4
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 12.9.09.mp4  

120909 UPDATE

Book of the week is NATION X #1, Marvel in first place again this week, Kids Corner features Spiderman and the Secret Wars #1, BASKET CASE is Anita Blake
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 12.3.09.mp4  

120309 UPDATE

Book of the week is JSA All Stars #1, Marvel in first place this week, Kids Corner features Sonic #207, BASKET CASE is Cap Reborn #5/Cap Who Will Wield the Shield
SHIPSHAPE UPDATE 11.25.09.mp4  

112509 UPDATE

Book of the week is IMAGE UNITED #1, Marvel in first place this week, Kids Corner features TICK THE NEW SERIES #1, Basket Case is AMAZING SPIDERMAN #617-619
shipshape update 11 18  

111809 UPDATE

Book of the week is Realm of the Kings, Marvel in first place this week, Kids Corner features WDCS #700, BASKET CASE is Ender's Game/Shadow #4

111109 UPDATE

Book of the week is Supergod #1, DC's in 1st place, Kids Corner features Casper and the Spectrals #1, BASKET CASE is 9 titles from Marvel's "Trinity" and more!

110409 UPDATE

Book of the week is Psylock #1, Marvel in first place this week, Kids Corner features Marvelous Land of Oz #1, BASKET CASE is Flash Rebirth #6
Shipshape Update for 10.28.09  

102809 UPDATE

Halloween in-store for INSTANT PRESS, book of the week: NECROSHA, Marvels in 1st place, Kids Corner: Bart Simpson #50, BASKET CASE: Dark Reign Hawkeye #5
Shipshape Weekly Comicbook Update 10.21.09  

102109 UPDATE

Halloween in-store for INSTANT PRESS, book of the week is JLA #38, DC in first place this week, Kids Corner features ARCHIE #602, BASKET CASE is Iron Man vs.Whiplash
SHIPSHAPE 10 14 09  

101409 UPDATE

-Web of SSpiderman #1
-Archie Digest 3258
-Captain America Reborn #4
shipshape 10 7 09  

100709 UPDATE

-Haunt #1
-Incredibles #1
-Ultimate Comics Avengers
SHIPSHAPE 9 30 09  

093009 UPDATE
-Spiderman Clone Saga #1
-Mickey Mouse &
 Friends #296

SHIPSHAPE 9,23 09  

092309 UPDATE
-Wolverine Old Man
 Logan Giant Size #1

Shipshape Update for 09.16.09  

091609 UPDATE
-Ultimate Comics
Armor Wars #1
-Archie #601
-Wolverine Weapon X

shipshape 9 10 09  

091009 UPDATE
-Dark Reign the List
-Marvel Superhero Squad
-Anita Blake

SHIPSHAPE 090209  

090209 UPDATE
-Torch #1
-Wizard of Oz HC
-Vengeance of Moon
  Knight #1


082609 UPDATE
-Incredible Hulk #601
-Domo GN

shipshape update 8 19 09  

081909 UPDATE
-Daredevil #500
-Archie #600
-Amazing Spiderman

shipshape update 8 12 09  

081209 UPDATE
-Marvel Projects #1
-Archie Double Digest #201
-Free Realms

-CRAP FACTOR introduced
 to Shipping

shipshape 8 5 2009  

080509 UPDATE
-Hangman #1
-Iron Man Armor Wars #1
-Mighty Thor

shipshape update 7 25 09  

072909 UPDATE
-Mice Templar #2.1
-Muppet Show Treasure of
 Peg Leg Wilson #1
-Star Craft

Shipshape Update 07.18.09  

072209 UPDATE
 Spidey #600
-Wizard of Oz #8
-Legion of 3 Worlds

Shipshape Update 7.11 09  

071509 UPDATE
-Darkest Night #1
-Iron Man Armor
Adventures #1
-Kick Ass

Alternate Reality Shipshape Update 6.27.09  

070109 UPDATE
-Captain America Reborn #1
-Finding Nemo Reef
Rescue #1
-Legion of 3 Worlds

Alternate Reality Shipshape News 6.20.09 Pt 1  

062409 UPDATE
-Dark Wolverine #75
-Giant Size F4 #1
-Marvels Eye of
 the Camera