#100-013012 |
AVX, Bendis last Avengers Arc, Captain America Team Ups, Marvel prose
novels, Avengers Alliance arc yes the audio'c out of sync so pretend its a
podcast! |
#99-012312 |
Omega Effect's gonna
mess you up, FuryMax, Nemesis II, Ariel Olivetti leaves Marvel, Divided We
Fall and more! |
#98-011612 |
Gary Friedrich Ghost Rider update, Jason Aaron exits Wolverine, Warren
Ellis at Marvel, Venom, kids books and more! |
#97-011012 |
Zodiac returns, Hickman/Hitch exit, Lizard returns, Scarlet Spider update
and more! |
#96-122711 |
Scarlet Spiderman, Sinister
Six in Amazing,
Moon Knight ends again, Season One II Joe Simon requiem and more! |
#95-121911 |
AVX Update, Bendis leaving Avengers, Aaron's leaves Wolverine, Astonishing X new
talent, Age of Apocalypse and more! |
#94-121211 |
Hulk Smashes Avengers, Avengers Assemble, Secret Avengers, Avenger Academy's gay
member, return of Phoenix! |
#93-120511 |
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade, return of Sabertooth & Black Cat, Crossgen titles
pushed back and more! |
#92-102411 |
Scarlet Spider, the Destroyers, Nick Fury, Brian Wood's, Marko Djurdjevic's
exit, Avengers Solo and more! |
#91-101711 |
Marvel event for 2012, Marvel Architects, Hercules update, Crossgen's not dead,
the Hitler card is played and more! |
#90-092611 |
Hammer Time with Norman Osborn, Cable hates the Avengers, Avengers Origins,
Dr.Doom mini, Omega Effect and more! |
#89-091211 |
Fearless, Alpha Flight, Battle Scars, Avengers Academy, Alan Davis ' Clandestine
and more! |
The Fear Itself/Schism connection, Cable fights the Avengers, Evil Deadpool,
Wolverine & X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and more! |
Kirby lawsuit conclusion,
Incredible Hulk update, FF #600, Point One update, Villains For Hire, Season One GN's, the Twelve returns and more! |
#86-072611 |
Uncanny X-Men restart, X-Factor update, Storm and Gambit to take center stage,
Deadpool's hair-brained scheme and more! |
Rucka's Punisher, Fear Itself wrap up, Fantastic Four brings back Wyatt Wingfoot,
Avengers 1959, Daredevils many guest stars and more! |
get shaken, Ultron causes Avengers trouble, Avengers 1959, Schism and the X-Men,
Six Guns reunites the west today and more! |
Cap & Bucky, Carnage tours the USA, Astonishing Cap delayed, fallout on Ultimate
Fallout, Moon Knight update, Dorthy & Wizard of Oz, Journey into Mystery and
more! |
Quentin Quire returns in Schism and all the Schism news you need, martian
tripods, "Logan's", Neal Adams on the X, X-23 update and more! |
Avenging Spiderman is coming, Jackal creates a Spider Island, the many jobs of
Peter Parker, Annihilators return, DD joins the Avengers, John Carter and more! |
#80-063111 |
Gazillion's MMO Marvel
Universe game, X-Men Schism update, Final fate of Polaris & Havoc. New Mutant's
can't procreate, Joe Mad's workload and more! |
#79-060711 |
Marvelman update, new Captain
America arc and Cap & Bucky update, Incredible Hulks losing it's "s", Ghost
Rider update, Mystic's return and more! |
Loeb & Sale's Captain America White Update, Claws 2, Iron Age mini-series,
Vengeance by Joe Casey, Red Skull Incarnate, Supreme Power and more! |
#77-050911 |
Ultimate Spiderman/Fallout
update, Warren Ellis on Secret Avengers, Cloak & Dagger return, Captain America
& Bucky update, Neal Adams returns to the Avengers and more! |
#76-041211 |
Iron Age mini-event, Runaways
returns, Spencer's Secret Avengers, Artists of Marvel Architects, Avengers
Update and Bo slaughters the English language! |
#75-041611 |
Mystery Men mini-series,
Daredevils new creative team, Ghost Rider's re-launch, Hulk creative changes,
Brilliant and more! |
#74-032811 |
Dark Tower's next mini-series,
Archangel's big changes in X-Force, Age of X aftermath, Woverine Best There Is
creative and more Wolverine from the floor of C2E2! |
#73-031711 |
David LaFuente's upcoming projects, Nick Spencer's exclusive, Mark Millar
upcoming projects, Garth Ennis returns and more! |
#72-031511 |
UPDATE…X-Men First to Last mini, X-Men Schism event, New Mutants creative
changes, the yut’s are revolting, Crossgen’s proliferating and more! |
#71-030311 |
Stark Industries rebuilding
Asgard, a new vampire in the MU, Alpha Flight returns to be hunted down, the
Fear Itself Homefront companion book and more! |
#70-030211 |
Steve Rogers Super Soldier,
Herc in Brooklyn, Marvel's kids books getting a revamp, Dark Wolverine creative
changes, Astonishing X-Men gets 2 teams and more! |
#69-020711 |
Death of the Human Torch
fallout, Uncanny X-Force, Mighty Thor, Journey Into Mystery returns, Captain
America Kids Book, Venom's return and more! |
#68-011811 |
Fear Itself event featuring
the Homefront companion book, more 5 Ronin news, Skarr goes to the Savage Land,
Daredevil’s new creators after Reborn and more! |
#67-011111 |
Marvel personnel changes, New
Avengers loses a creator, Nick Fury Nazi Hunter, Fear itself, Widowmaker gets a
sequel with Hawkeye, Ka-Zar Marvel Knights and more! |
#66-122710 |
Diggle leaves Daredevil after
Reborn, Venom returns via Remender & Moore, Bagley returns to Ultimate Spidey
just in time for his death, Age of X and more! |
#65-121610 |
Kirby lawsuit update, Thor
Mighty Avengers ends with #8, Deadpool Family getting culled, Amazing Spidey
update, Cap 70th Anniversary, Incognito changes and more! |
#64-111010 |
Iron Man 2.0 brings back War
Machine, Thor Wolves of the North, Marvel Supernatural gets a push, Ruse gets
reborn, vampire Jubilee and Wolverine, Age of X and more! |
#63-103010 |
Ultimate X shipping woes, Ultimate Spidey breaks the glass ceiling, Ultimate Cap
mini, New Mutants, Deadpool shrinkage, Onslaught and more! |
#62-102910 |
Devastation Wave is coming,
Reckoning War in 2011, Enigma Force aka Micronauts, Moon Knight returns yet
again, Secret Warriors ends with #27 and more! |
#61-120610 |
Wolverine Goes to Hell, X-Men
To Serve and Protect, X-Force owes JJJ, Hercules and Wolverine Team Up, Escape
From the Negative Zone cross over, and more! |
#60-120610 |
Amazing Spiderman One Moment
in Time conclusion, Thor Heaven & Earth, Dr.Strange in New Avengers, Arcade
Murderworld in Marvel's annuals and more. |
#59-120310 |
Death of Ultimate Spidey, Age
of X, Widowmaker's new Ronin, Silver Surfer mini, Hood in Avengers Academy, Hunt
for the Infinity Gems, Ultron fight! |
Some of the video links below will require you to click on the:
"Open this content in a
new window"
link that will appear, doing so will take you to the video!
#61-120610 |
Wolverine Goes to Hell, X-Men
To Serve and Protect, X-Force owes JJJ, Hercules and Wolverine Team Up, Escape
From the Negative Zone cross over, and more! |
#60-120610 |
Amazing Spiderman One Moment
in Time conclusion, Thor Heaven & Earth, Dr.Strange in New Avengers, Arcade
Murderworld in Marvel's annuals and more. |
#59-120310 |
Death of Ultimate Spidey, Age
of X, Widowmaker's new Ronin, Silver Surfer mini, Hood in Avengers Academy, Hunt
for the Infinity Gems, Ultron fight! |
#58-092810 |
Avengers master plan for the
next few years in issue #5, Iron Man Rapture, What If returns at the end of the
year and more! |
#57-092110 |
Franken-Castle aftermath In
the Blood, Punisher vs Marvel Universe Series 2, Black Panther Man Without Fear,
Daredevil Reborn mini, Superior, Mark Millar and more! |
#56-092110 |
Avengers Academy update,
Illuminati returns with the Infinity Gem, Ultimates continues, new Marvelman
is coming eventually, Astonishing X-Men, a huge audio glitch and more! |
#55-090910 |
Warriors Three mini by
Willingham, Ant Man and Wasp mini, Uncanny X-Force upcoming story arc's,
Astonishing Thor is coming and more! |
#54-091710 |
Chaos War mini-event,
Fantastic Four's THREE, Daredevil cancelled after Shadowland, Iron Man Viva Las
Vegas news, brilliant ideas and more! |
#53-090310 |
She Hulk's comic, Rocket
Raccoon, Taskmaster mini, the future of the Black Panther, the new Powerman,
Marvel's next Mega Event and more! |
#52-081710 |
Carnage returns, Ultimate
Spidey #16 a King Size 10th Anniversary, New Invaders update the classic team,
Cap Man out of Time, Cap White and more! |
#51-090810 |
Amazing Spidey changes, Norman
Osborn's mini, Spidergirl's (Arana) new series, X-Men Generation Hope, Red Hulk
joins the Avengers and more! |
| |